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Closed 9 years ago.
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http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ 非常确定它在多个内核上运行。 ..
http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/ pretty sure it runs on multiple cores though...
我自己不知道有什么项目,但你的帖子让我想起了像 Seti@Home 这样进行长时间计算的程序,以及另一个我不记得其名称的人类基因组解码程序。
I don't know of any projects myself, but your post made me think of the programs that do long computations like Seti@Home and that other one I cannot remember the name of which does the human genome decoding.
Perhaps something along those lines.
如果您正在寻找 Java 项目,我会建议 Map-Reduce 和 Hadoop 作为首选框架。我从事图像处理工作,正如布莱恩指出的那样,那里的问题基本上是并行的。另一个领域是基于阵列的模拟,例如 n 体模型。快速检查一下,我得到了 这个 GPL 的 Java 源代码 - 它看起来相当小。祝你的项目好运。
If you are looking for a Java project I will suggest Map-Reduce and Hadoop as frameworks of choice. I work in image processing and the problems there are trivially parallel as noted by Brian. The other area is in array based simulations, e.g. n-body models. A quick check gives me this GPL'ed Java Source - it looks fairly small. Good luck with your project.
You could try to locate an image processing library or application. Several of the filters/conversions can be parallelized without too much fuss.