Eclipse 在启动时冻结 - 在加载工作区之前

发布于 2024-09-17 11:48:38 字数 379 浏览 3 评论 0原文

早上的第一件事是,在我打开 PC (Windows XP) 并启动 Eclipse 后,它只是显示启动屏幕,然后就冻结了。大约 20 分钟后,它会询问我要加载哪个工作区。

Eclipse 3.5 和 3.6 中出现该问题。在 3.6 Eclipse 安装中,我只有标准 PDE 安装 + Google 插件(用于 GWT 开发)+ Subclipse。



它只会执行一次 - 在我早上打开机器后立即执行。此后,它会正常启动 - 通常在几秒钟内。


First thing on a morning, just after I switch on my PC (Windows XP) and start my Eclipse it simply shows the splash screen and then freezes. After about 20 minutes it will then ask me which workspace to load.

The problem was happening with 3.5 and 3.6 Eclipse. With the 3.6 Eclipse installation I only have the standard PDE install + Google plugin (for GWT development) + Subclipse.

Because I have it configured to ask me for the workspace I can see its not workspace or project related.

I suspect the Google plugin as I have not had any problems before installing this but I have searched and have not come across anybody reporting similar problems.

It only does this once - straight after I switch my machine on in the morning. After this it starts fine - typically in a few seconds.

What is it likely to be doing? How can I find out what it is doing?

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渔村楼浪 2024-09-24 11:48:39

发现我的问题了。 Google GWT 插件不会自行清理,并会在 Temp 文件夹中留下大量文件(在 XP 上为 C:\Documents and Settings{用户名}\Local Settings\Temp)。我这里有超过 100000 个文件和数千个文件夹 - 其中超过 99% 是由于 Google GWT 插件造成的。我删除了这些,现在 Eclipse 在几秒钟内启动,而不是 20 分钟。而且我的整台机器总体运行得更流畅。

Found my problem. The Google GWT plugin does not clean up after itself and leaves lots of files in the Temp folder (C:\Documents and Settings{username}\Local Settings\Temp on XP). I had over 100000 files and several thousand folders in here - with over 99% of them due to the Google GWT plugin. I removed these and now Eclipse starts in a few seconds instead of 20 minutes. Plus my whole machine is generally running more smoothly.

生活了然无味 2024-09-24 11:48:39

尝试使用 -console 和 -consoleLog 标志重新启动 eclipse。当您可以与 OSGi 交互并查看平台输出时,这将打开一个控制台窗口。您可以将这些标志放入 eclipse 文件夹(eclipse.exe 所在位置)的 eclipse.ini 中。在控制台窗口中,输入“ss”,这将显示加载和启动的插件。这可能会向您指出缓慢的原因。您可以键入 start 和 stop 来启动和停止 OSGi 包。另外,请确保 eclipse.ini 中没有“-clean”,因为它会导致所有插件重新加载,这可能会导致速度变慢。

Try restarting eclipse with the -console and -consoleLog flags. This will open a console window when you can interact with OSGi and see platform output. You can put those flags in the eclipse.ini in your eclipse folder (where eclipse.exe is located). In the console window, type "ss" which will display what plug-ins are loaded and started. That could point you to the reason for the slowness. You can type start and stop to start and stop OSGi bundles. Also, make sure that there is no "-clean" in your eclipse.ini as it will cause all plugins to be reloaded and that may cause some slowness.

新人笑 2024-09-24 11:48:39

我已经通过直接下载和软件中心安装了 Eclipse,但在 ubuntu 12.04 LTS 上,它们似乎都挂在启动屏幕上,除非删除 ~/workspace 目录。

我发现通过单击启动屏幕然后按 Enter 键,即使不删除 ~/workspace 目录,它也可以完美启动!

I have installed Eclipse through direct download as well as Software Centre but on ubuntu 12.04 LTS they both seem to hang on splash screen unless the ~/workspace directory is deleted.

I found that by clicking on the splash screen and then pressing Enter it launches perfectly fine even without removing the ~/workspace directory!!

怪我太投入 2024-09-24 11:48:39

虽然 @CharlesB 可能对我来说对大多数人都有效,但它并不适用,因为 Eclipse 通常会破坏单个项目(通常是最后一个项目)。因此,我发现对于链接的项目,删除我认为是最后一个项目或整个文件夹的 .snap.history 可以更好地工作:

WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/LAST_PROJ_BEFORE ECLIPSE_CRASHED

然后重新启动 eclipse,您将看到LAST_PROJ_BEFORE_ECLIPSE_CRASHED 已关闭。将其删除,因为您将无法打开现有项目并将其重新导入到工作区(链接的项目仍将具有 .project)。

While @CharlesB probably works for most people for me it doesn't as Eclipse generally corrupts an individual project (generally the last project). Thus I find for linked projects deleting the .snap and .history of what I think is the last project or the entire folder to work better:

WORKSPACE/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/LAST_PROJ_BEFORE ECLIPSE_CRASHED

Then restart eclipse and you will see LAST_PROJ_BEFORE_ECLIPSE_CRASHED as closed. Delete it because you won't be able to open and reimport existing project into the workspace (your linked project will still have the .project).

晨光如昨 2024-09-24 11:48:39


In my case it was freezing in the splash screen, while loading 'view.ui', after having selected the workspace.
The fix was running it with:
eclipse -clean -clearPersistedState

白况 2024-09-24 11:48:39

删除本地工作区中的 .metadata 文件夹(这对我有用)。它似乎包含一个 .LOCK 文件,如果未正确关闭该文件,则会阻止 Eclipse 正常启动。


Delete the .metadata folder in your local workspace (this is what worked for me). It seems that it contains a .LOCK file that if not properly closed, prevents eclipse from starting properly.

This is Perfectly working.

一直在等你来 2024-09-24 11:48:39


在 eclipse.ini 中,确保它指向具有正确 jvm.dll 虚拟机条目的 java8。

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\server\jvm.dll

For me below was fix

In eclipse.ini, make sure it is pointing to java8 with correct jvm.dll vm entry.

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\server\jvm.dll
友谊不毕业 2024-09-24 11:48:39

可以使用显式 tempdir 规范来启动 DevMode JVM。我们使用 Ant 启动 DevMode,并且我指定了以下 JVM 参数:

如果也通过 Google Eclipse 插件启动,则应该能够使用相同的“-D”参数。


One can launch the DevMode JVM with an explicit tempdir specification. We use Ant to launch DevMode, and I have the following JVM arg specified:

One should be able to use the same "-D" arg if launching via the Google Eclipse plugin as well.

The tempdir we use is cleaned regularly as part of our build process, so junk file accumulation is controlled.

音盲 2024-09-24 11:48:39

对我来说,删除 .snap 文件并重命名和恢复 org.eclipse.core.resources 没有帮助。我必须删除 org.eclipse.core.resources 文件夹中的 .history 目录。

For me deleting .snap files and renaming and restoring of org.eclipse.core.resources did not help. I had to delete .history directory inside org.eclipse.core.resources folder.
After this I was able to start my eclipse.

丘比特射中我 2024-09-24 11:48:39

我在 Luna4.4.2 上也遇到了类似的问题。但这是我第一次打开这个 Eclipse 版本,所以之前没有使用过任何项目,因此以上都不是我的解决方案。我等了大约 20 分钟,没有点击冻结的启动屏幕。幸运的是,“选择工作空间”屏幕终于弹出了,Eclipse 现在工作正常了。

I had a similar problem with Luna4.4.2. But it was my first time opening this Eclipse version, so there were no projects used before hence none of the above was a solution for me. I waited ~20 minutes without clicking on the frozen splash screen. Luckily "Choose Workspace" screen finally popped up, and Eclipse works fine now.

想念有你 2024-09-24 11:48:39

对于 Linux 用户。在我清理 Eclipse 缓存后,我的启动冻结停止了。当 Eclipse 未运行时,我执行了以下操作:

  1. 清理 .workspace/.plugins 下的所有“cache”和“.cache”目录
  2. 清理 ${HOME/}/.eclipse 下的所有“cache”和“.cache”

目录Eclipse 启动时间恢复到合理的 5-10 秒。

For Linux users. My startup freezes stopped after I did Eclipse cache cleanup. When Eclipse was not running I did the following:

  1. Clean up all "cache" and ".cache" directories under .workspace/.plugins
  2. Clean up all "cache" and ".cache" directories under ${HOME/}/.eclipse

After that Eclipse startup time went back to reasonable 5-10 sec.

囍笑 2024-09-24 11:48:39

通常会帮助使用不同的 Eclipse 版本打开工作区,然后关闭它并使用当前版本打开。

Very often helps open workspace with different eclipse version, then close it and open with current version.

夜雨飘雪 2024-09-24 11:48:38

@CharlesB 发布的链接引导我走向正确的方向,但我发现您只需要删除位于此处的 .snap 文件:

[Workspace Directory]/.metadata/.plugins/org .eclipse.core.resources/.snap

(请注意,.metadata 目录是隐藏的。)

The link @CharlesB posted led me in the right direction, but I found that you only need to delete the .snap file located here:

[Workspace Directory]/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap

(Note the .metadata directory is hidden.)

夏日浅笑〃 2024-09-24 11:48:38



  1. cd .metadata/.plugins
  2. mv org.eclipse.core.resources org.eclipse.core.resources.bak
  3. 启动日食。 (它应该显示错误消息或空工作区,因为没有找到项目。)
  4. 关闭所有打开的编辑器选项卡。
  5. 退出 Eclipse。
  6. rm -rf org.eclipse.core.resources(删除新创建的目录。)
  7. mv org.eclipse.core.resources.bak/ org.eclipse.core.resources(恢复原始目录。)
  8. 启动 eclipse 并开始工作。 :-)

Maybe this blog post could help:

In your workspace directory perform the following steps:

  1. cd .metadata/.plugins
  2. mv org.eclipse.core.resources org.eclipse.core.resources.bak
  3. Start eclipse. (It should show an error message or an empty workspace because no project is found.)
  4. Close all open editors tabs.
  5. Exit eclipse.
  6. rm -rf org.eclipse.core.resources (Delete the newly created directory.)
  7. mv org.eclipse.core.resources.bak/ org.eclipse.core.resources (Restore the original directory.)
  8. Start eclipse and start working. :-)
浴红衣 2024-09-24 11:48:38

我也有类似的问题。 Eclipse (Luna) 正常启动并出现闪屏,然后打开主窗口并立即冻结。对我来说运行 eclipse

eclipse.exe -clean -refresh


I also had similar problem. Eclipse (Luna) started normally with splash screen, then opened main window and immediately freeze. For me running eclipse with

eclipse.exe -clean -refresh

fixed the problem.

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