我有一个壁纸应用程序,它似乎工作正常,但是...当我在 Eclipse 中打开该应用程序时...该应用程序图标显示为壁纸中的第一个图像。我不知道发生了什么事。有人可以帮忙吗?
I have a wallpaper app and it seems to work fine but... when i open the app in eclipse... the app icon appears as the first image in the wallpaper. I cannot figure out what is happening. can someone help.
also the scrolling seemed to have slowed down after i added more images (40)..any suggestions. what is the recommended file size the files papers should be. I know the dimensions but what about the resolution.
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如果您已经知道尺寸(如果我理解正确的话),则分辨率无关紧要。对于 Droid,您需要 960 x 854 像素的图像。当我听到分辨率时,我想到的是 dpi/ppi。
至于列表中出现的应用程序图标...您应该发布一些关于如何列出图像的代码。您只是从 @drawables 文件夹填充它们吗?这也是您的应用程序图标存储的位置。
The resolution isn't relevant if you already know the dimensions (if I'm understanding you correctly). For the Droid, you need 960 x 854 pixel images. When I hear resolution, I think dpi/ppi.
As far as the app icon appearing in the list...you should post some code as to how you're listing the images. Are you just populating them from the @drawables folder? That's where your app icon is stored, too.