如何处理 11000 行 C++源文件?

发布于 2024-09-17 00:50:04 字数 602 浏览 7 评论 0 原文

所以我们的项目中有这个巨大的(11000 行巨大吗?) mainmodule.cpp 源文件,每次我必须触摸它时我都会感到畏缩。


该文件在我们产品的多个(> 10)维护版本中使用并主动更改,因此很难重构它。如果我“简单地”将其分成 3 个文件,那么从维护版本合并回更改将成为一场噩梦。而且,如果您拆分具有如此悠久而丰富的历史记录的文件,跟踪和检查 SCC 历史记录中的旧更改突然变得更加困难。

该文件基本上包含了我们程序的“主类”(主要内部工作调度和协调),因此每次添加功能时,也会影响到这个文件以及每次增长。 :-(

在这种情况下你会怎么做?关于如何将新功能移动到单独的源文件而不弄乱 SCC 工作流程的任何想法?

(工具注意事项:我们使用 C++ 和 Visual Studio; 我们使用 AccuRev 作为 SCC 但我认为 SCC 的类型在这里并不重要; Araxis Merge 进行文件的实际比较和合并)

So we have this huge (is 11000 lines huge?) mainmodule.cpp source file in our project and every time I have to touch it I cringe.

As this file is so central and large, it keeps accumulating more and more code and I can't think of a good way to make it actually start to shrink.

The file is used and actively changed in several (> 10) maintenance versions of our product and so it is really hard to refactor it. If I were to "simply" split it up, say for a start, into 3 files, then merging back changes from maintenance versions will become a nightmare. And also if you split up a file with such a long and rich history, tracking and checking old changes in the SCC history suddenly becomes a lot harder.

The file basically contains the "main class" (main internal work dispatching and coordination) of our program, so every time a feature is added, it also affects this file and every time it grows. :-(

What would you do in this situation? Any ideas on how to move new features to a separate source file without messing up the SCC workflow?

(Note on the tools: We use C++ with Visual Studio; We use AccuRev as SCC but I think the type of SCC doesn't really matter here; We use Araxis Merge to do actual comparison and merging of files)

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不一样的天空 2024-09-24 00:50:05


不管怎样,我的建议基本上是扔掉所有的实现并将其重新组合成新的模块,让我们称之为“全局服务”。 “主模块”只会转发到这些服务,您编写的任何新代码都将使用它们而不是“主模块”。这在合理的时间内应该是可行的(因为它主要是复制和粘贴),您不会破坏现有代码,并且可以一次执行一个维护版本。如果您还有时间,您可以重构所有旧的依赖模块以也使用全局服务。

Wow, sounds great. I think explaining to your boss, that you need a lot of time to refactor the beast is worth a try. If he doesn't agree, quitting is an option.

Anyway, what I suggest is basically throwing out all the implementation and regrouping it into new modules, let's call those "global services". The "main module" would only forward to those services and ANY new code you write will use them instead of the "main module". This should be feasible in a reasonable amount of time (because it's mostly copy and paste), you don't break existing code and you can do it one maintenance version at a time. And if you still have any time left, you can spend it refactoring all old depending modules to also use the global services.

仙气飘飘 2024-09-24 00:50:05
  1. 永远不要再碰这个文件和代码!
  2. 对待就像是你被困住的东西。开始为那里编码的功能编写适配器。
  3. 在不同的单元中编写新代码,并仅与封装怪物功能的适配器对话。
  4. ...如果上述其中一项不可行,请辞掉工作并换一份新工作。
  1. Do not ever touch this file and the code again!
  2. Treat is like something you are stuck with. Start writing adapters for the functionality encoded there.
  3. Write new code in different units and talk only to adapters which encapsulate the functionality of the monster.
  4. ... if only one of the above is not possible, quit the job and get you a new one.
天煞孤星 2024-09-24 00:50:05

我很同情 - 在我之前的工作中,我遇到了类似的情况,文件比您必须处理的文件大几倍。解决方案是:

  1. 编写代码来彻底测试相关程序中的函数。听起来您还没有掌握这个...
  2. 确定一些可以抽象为帮助程序/实用程序类的代码。不需要很大,只是不属于你的“主”类的真正一部分。
  3. 将 2. 中标识的代码重构为单独的类。
  4. 重新运行测试以确保没有任何问题。
  5. 当您有时间时,转到 2. 并根据需要重复以使代码易于管理。

您在第 3 步中构建的类可能会不断迭代,以吸收更多适合其新清晰功能的代码。


0:购买 Michael Feathers'关于处理遗留代码的书


My sympathies - in my previous job I encountered a similar situation with a file that was several times larger than the one you have to deal with. Solution was:

  1. Write code to exhaustively test the function in the program in question. Sounds like you won't already have this in hand...
  2. Identify some code that can be abstracted out into a helper/utilities class. Need not be big, just something that is not truly part of your 'main' class.
  3. Refactor the code identified in 2. into a separate class.
  4. Rerun your tests to ensure nothing got broken.
  5. When you have time, goto 2. and repeat as required to make the code manageable.

The classes you build in step 3. iterations will likely grow to absorb more code that is appropriate to their newly-clear function.

I could also add:

0: buy Michael Feathers' book on working with legacy code

Unfortunately this type of work is all too common, but my experience is that there is great value in being able to make working but horrid code incrementally less horrid while keeping it working.

等风来 2024-09-24 00:50:05




Consider ways to rewrite the entire application in a more sensible way. Maybe rewrite a small section of it as a prototype to see if your idea is feasible.

If you've identified a workable solution, refactor the application accordingly.

If all attempts to produce a more rational architecture fail, then at least you know the solution is probably in redefining the program's functionality.

司马昭之心 2024-09-24 00:50:05

我的 0.05 欧分:







My 0.05 eurocents:

Re-design the whole mess, split it into subsystems taking into account the technical and business requirements (=many parallel maintenance tracks with potentially different codebase for each, there is obviously a need for high modifiability, etc.).

When splitting into subsystems, analyze the places which have most changed and separate those from the unchanging parts. This should show you the trouble-spots. Separate the most changing parts to their own modules (e.g. dll) in such a way that the module API can be kept intact and you don't need to break BC all the time. This way you can deploy different versions of the module for different maintenance branches, if needed, while having the core unchanged.

The redesign will likely need to be a separate project, trying to do it to a moving target will not work.

As for the source code history, my opinion: forget it for the new code. But keep the history somewhere so you can check it, if needed. I bet you won't need it that much after the beginning.

You most likely need to get management buy-in for this project. You can argue perhaps with faster development time, less bugs, easier maintaining and less overall chaos. Something along the lines of "Proactively enable the future-proofness and maintenance viability of our critical software assets" :)

This is how I'd start to tackle the problem at least.

原来分手还会想你 2024-09-24 00:50:05


Start by adding comments to it. With reference to where functions are called and if you can move things around. This can get things moving. You really need to assess how brittle the code base it. Then move common bits of functionality together. Small changes at a time.

铜锣湾横着走 2024-09-24 00:50:05


Another book you may find interesting/helpful is Refactoring.

未央 2024-09-24 00:50:05


Something I find useful to do (and I'm doing it now although not at the scale you face), is to extract methods as classes (method object refactoring). The methods that differ across your different versions will become different classes which can be injected into a common base to provide the different behaviour you need.

独木成林 2024-09-24 00:50:05


>该文件在我们产品的多个(> 10)维护版本中使用并主动更改,因此重构它真的很难

首先,我建议您使用源代码控制系统来开发这 10 + 维护版本支持分支的版本。



现在到您工作的分支 - 按照您认为合适的方式重构它,因为您知道您不会扰乱产品的其他九个分支。

我有点担心你的 main() 函数中有这么多内容。

在我编写的任何项目中,我只会使用 main() 执行核心对象的初始化 - 例如模拟或应用程序对象 - 这些类是真正的工作应该进行的地方。

我还将在 main 中初始化一个应用程序日志记录对象,以便在整个程序中全局使用。

最后,在 main 中,我还在预处理器块中添加了泄漏检测代码,以确保它仅在 DEBUG 构建中启用。这就是我要添加到 main() 中的所有内容。 Main() 应该很短!



听起来这两个任务可以分为两个单独的对象 - 协调器和工作调度器。

当您将它们分开时,您可能会弄乱您的“SCC 工作流程”,但听起来严格遵守 SCC 工作流程会导致软件维护问题。现在就把它扔掉,不要回头,因为一旦你解决了它,你就会开始安然入睡。

如果您无法做出决定,请与您的经理竭尽全力 - 您的应用程序需要重构 - 听起来很糟糕!不要接受“不”的答案!

I found this sentence to be the most interesting part of your post:

> The file is used and actively changed in several (> 10) maintenance versions of our product and so it is really hard to refactor it

First, I would recommend that you use a source control system for developing these 10 + maintenance versions that supports branching.

Second, I would create ten branches (one for each of your maintenance versions).

I can feel you cringing already! But either your source control isn't working for your situation because of a lack of features, or it's not being used correctly.

Now to the branch you work on - refactor it as you see fit, safe in the knowledge that you'll not upset the other nine branches of your product.

I would be a bit concerned that you have so much in your main() function.

In any projects I write, I would use main() only perform initialization of core objects - like a simulation or application object - these classes is where the real work should go on.

I would also initialize an application logging object in main for use globally throughout the program.

Finally, in main I also add leak detection code in preprocessor blocks that ensure it's only enabled in DEBUG builds. This is all I would add to main(). Main() should be short!

You say that

> The file basically contains the "main class" (main internal work dispatching and coordination) of our program

It sounds like these two tasks could be split into two separate objects - a co-ordinator and a work dispatcher.

When you split these up, you may mess up your "SCC workflow", but it sounds like adhering stringently to your SCC workflow is causing software maintenance problems. Ditch it, now and don't look back, because as soon as you fix it, you'll begin to sleep easy.

If you're not able to make the decision, fight tooth and nail with your manager for it - your application needs to be refactored - and badly by the sounds of it! Don't take no for an answer!

孤云独去闲 2024-09-24 00:50:05

正如您所描述的,主要问题是区分预分割与后分割、合并错误修复等。围绕它的工具。用 Perl、Ruby 等对脚本进行硬编码并不需要那么长时间,就能消除预分割与后分割串联之间的差异带来的大部分噪音。在处理噪音方面做最简单的事情:

  • 在串联之前/期间删除某些行(例如,包括防护),
  • 如果需要,从 diff 输出中删除其他内容


As you've described it, the main issue is diffing pre-split vs post-split, merging in bug fixes etc.. Tool around it. It won't take that long to hardcode a script in Perl, Ruby, etc. to rip out most of the noise from diffing pre-split against a concatenation of post-split. Do whatever's easiest in terms of handling noise:

  • remove certain lines pre/during concatenation (e.g. include guards)
  • remove other stuff from the diff output if necessary

You could even make it so whenever there's a checkin, the concatenation runs and you've got something prepared to diff against the single-file versions.

も让我眼熟你 2024-09-24 00:50:05



    // declaration
    std::map<ID, ICommand*> dispatchTable;

    // populating using some loader
    dispatchTable[id] = concreteCommand;

    // using

"The file basically contains the "main class" (main internal work dispatching and coordination) of our program, so every time a feature is added, it also affects this file and every time it grows."

If that big SWITCH (which I think there is) becomes the main maintenance problem, you could refactor it to use dictionary and the Command pattern and remove all switch logic from the existing code to the loader, which populates that map, i.e.:

    // declaration
    std::map<ID, ICommand*> dispatchTable;

    // populating using some loader
    dispatchTable[id] = concreteCommand;

    // using
喜爱纠缠 2024-09-24 00:50:05


  1. 使用 SCM 系统提供的任何保留历史记录的复制命令来复制原始源代码。此时您可能需要提交,但还没有必要告诉您的构建系统有关新文件的信息,所以应该没问题。
  2. 从这些副本中删除代码。这不应该破坏您保留的线路的历史记录。

I think the easiest way to track the history of source when splitting a file would be something like this:

  1. Make copies of the original source code, using whatever history-preserving copy commands your SCM system provides. You'll probably need to submit at this point, but there's no need yet to tell your build system about the new files, so that should be ok.
  2. Delete code from these copies. That should not break the history for the lines you keep.
此岸叶落 2024-09-24 00:50:05


  1. 弄清楚我想如何分割文件(基于当前的开发版本)
  2. 对文件施加管理锁定(“周五下午 5 点后没有人触摸 mainmodule.cpp”) !!!”
  3. 花你的长周末将更改应用到 >10 个维护版本(从最旧到最新),直到并包括当前版本。
  4. 从所有受支持的软件版本中删除 mainmodule.cpp。这是一个新时代 -不再有 mainmodule.cpp。
  5. 说服管理层您不应该支持多个软件维护版本(至少在没有大额支持合同的情况下)。 .. yeeeeeshhhh。我会添加编译器指令,而不是尝试维护 10 个以上的分支,

只需通过您的第一个签入注释即可解决,例如“如果需要,请从 mainmodule.cpp 中拆分”。回到最近的事情,大多数人都会记得这个变化,如果是两年后,评论会告诉他们去哪里看。当然,回到两年多前看看谁更改了代码以及为什么更改,会有多大价值?

I think what I would do in this situation is bit the bullet and:

  1. Figure out how I wanted to split the file up (based on the current development version)
  2. Put an administrative lock on the file ("Nobody touch mainmodule.cpp after 5pm Friday!!!"
  3. Spend your long weekend applying that change to the >10 maintenance versions (from oldest to newest), up to and including the current version.
  4. Delete mainmodule.cpp from all supported versions of the software. It's a new Age - there is no more mainmodule.cpp.
  5. Convince Management that you shouldn't be supporting more than one maintenance version of the software (at least without a big $$$ support contract). If each of your customers have their own unique version.... yeeeeeshhhh. I'd be adding compiler directives rather than trying to maintain 10+ forks.

Tracking old changes to the file is simply solved by your first check-in comment saying something like "split from mainmodule.cpp". If you need to go back to something recent, most people will remember the change, if it's 2 year from now, the comment will tell them where to look. Of course, how valuable will it be to go back more than 2 years to look at who changed the code and why?

紫南 2024-09-24 00:50:04

合并不会像将来您获得 30000 个 LOC 文件时那样成为一场大噩梦。所以:

  1. 停止向该文件添加更多代码。
  2. 分开它。


Merging will not be such a big nightmare as it will be when you'll get 30000 LOC file in the future. So:

  1. Stop adding more code to that file.
  2. Split it.

If you can't just stop coding during refactoring process, you could leave this big file as is for a while at least without adding more code to it: since it contains one "main class" you could inherit from it and keep inherited class(es) with overloaded functions in several new small and well designed files.

夜无邪 2024-09-24 00:50:04
  1. 在文件中找到一些相对稳定的代码(变化不快,分支之间变化不大)并且可以作为一个独立的单元。在所有分支中,将其移至其自己的文件中,并移至其自己的类中。因为它是稳定的,所以当您将更改从一个分支合并到另一个分支时,这不会导致(许多)“尴尬”的合并必须应用于与最初创建的文件不同的文件。重复。

  2. 在文件中找到一些代码,基本上只适用于少数分支,并且可以独立存在。变化是否快并不重要,因为分支数量很少。将其移至其自己的类和文件中。重复。


这给你留下了管理不善的代码的核心——它在任何地方都需要,但在每个分支中都是不同的(和/或它不断变化,以便某些分支在其他分支后面运行),但它位于你正在使用的单个文件中。尝试在分支之间合并失败。别再这样做了。永久地对文件进行分支,也许可以通过在每个分支中重命名它来实现。它不再是“主要”,而是“配置 X 的主要”。好的,所以您失去了通过合并将相同更改应用于多个分支的能力,但无论如何,这都是合并效果不佳的代码核心。如果您无论如何都必须手动管理合并来处理冲突,那么在每个分支上独立手动应用它们也没有什么损失。

我认为你说 SCC 的种类并不重要是错误的,因为例如 git 的合并能力可能比你正在使用的合并工具更好。所以核心问题“合并难”对于不同的SCC来说,出现的时间是不同的。但是,您不太可能更改 SCC,因此该问题可能无关紧要。

  1. Find some code in the file which is relatively stable (not changing fast, and doesn't vary much between branches) and could stand as an independent unit. Move this into its own file, and for that matter into its own class, in all branches. Because it's stable, this won't cause (many) "awkward" merges that have to be applied to a different file from the one they were originally made on, when you merge the change from one branch to another. Repeat.

  2. Find some code in the file which basically only applies to a small number of branches, and could stand alone. Doesn't matter whether it's changing fast or not, because of the small number of branches. Move this into its own classes and files. Repeat.

So, we've got rid of the code that's the same everywhere, and the code that's specific to certain branches.

This leaves you with a nucleus of badly-managed code - it's needed everywhere, but it's different in every branch (and/or it changes constantly so that some branches are running behind others), and yet it's in a single file that you're unsuccessfully trying to merge between branches. Stop doing that. Branch the file permanently, perhaps by renaming it in each branch. It's not "main" any more, it's "main for configuration X". OK, so you lose the ability to apply the same change to multiple branches by merging, but this is in any case the core of code where merging doesn't work very well. If you're having to manually manage the merges anyway to deal with conflicts, then it's no loss to manually apply them independently on each branch.

I think you're wrong to say that the kind of SCC doesn't matter, because for example git's merging abilities are probably better than the merge tool you're using. So the core problem, "merging is difficult" occurs at different times for different SCCs. However, you're unlikely to be able to change SCCs, so the issue is probably irrelevant.

初吻给了烟 2024-09-24 00:50:04






It sounds to me like you're facing a number of code smells here. First of all the main class appears to violate the open/closed principle. It also sounds like it is handling too many responsibilities. Due to this I would assume the code to be more brittle than it needs to be.

While I can understand your concerns regarding traceability following a refactoring, I would expect that this class is rather hard to maintain and enhance and that any changes you do make are likely to cause side effects. I would assume that the cost of these outweighs the cost of refactoring the class.

In any case, since the code smells will only get worse with time, at least at some point the cost of these will outweigh the cost of refactoring. From your description I would assume that you're past the tipping point.

Refactoring this should be done in small steps. If possible add automated tests to verify current behavior before refactoring anything. Then pick out small areas of isolated functionality and extract these as types in order to delegate the responsibility.

In any case, it sounds like a major project, so good luck :)

埋葬我深情 2024-09-24 00:50:04


在原始主类上方插入一个新的 cpp 类。目前,它基本上会将所有调用重定向到当前主类,但旨在使这个新类的 API 尽可能清晰和简洁。


至于现有的功能,当它们变得足够稳定时,您必须逐步将它们转移到新的类中。您将失去这段代码的 SCC 帮助,但对此无能为力。只要选择正确的时机即可。



请注意,Git 是一种 SCC,可以跟踪代码片段从一个文件到另一个文件。我听说过有关它的好消息,因此当您逐步推进工作时它会有所帮助。

Git 是围绕 blob 的概念构建的,如果我理解正确的话,它代表代码文件的片段。在不同的文件中移动这些片段,即使您修改了它们,Git 也会找到它们。除了下面评论中提到的 Linus Torvalds 的视频之外,我找不到关于这一点很清楚。

The only solution I have ever imagined to such problems follows. The actual gain by the described method is progressiveness of the evolutions. No revolutions here, otherwise you'll be in trouble very fast.

Insert a new cpp class above the original main class. For now, it would basically redirect all calls to the current main class, but aim at making the API of this new class as clear and succinct as possible.

Once this has been done, you get the possibility to add new functionalities in new classes.

As for existing functionalities, you have to progressively move them in new classes as they become stable enough. You will lose SCC help for this piece of code, but there is not much that can be done about that. Just pick the right timing.

I know this is not perfect, though I hope it can help, and the process must be adapted to your needs!

Additional information

Note that Git is an SCC that can follow pieces of code from one file to another. I have heard good things about it, so it could help while you are progressively moving your work.

Git is constructed around the notion of blobs which, if I understand correctly, represent pieces of code files. Move these pieces around in different files and Git will find them, even if you modify them. Apart from the video from Linus Torvalds mentioned in comments below, I have not been able to find something clear about this.

酒与心事 2024-09-24 00:50:04


Confucius say: "first step to getting out of hole is to stop digging hole."

辞慾 2024-09-24 00:50:04


您认识到拥有庞大的文件很麻烦,但更麻烦的是您必须保持“最新”的十个版本。这就是多次维护。 SCC 可以使这一切变得更容易,但它不能使它正确。

在尝试将文件分解为多个部分之前,您需要使十个分支重新彼此同步,以便您可以立即查看和调整所有代码。您可以一次执行一个分支,针对同一主代码文件测试两个分支。要强制执行自定义行为,您可以使用 #ifdef 等,但最好尽可能对定义的常量使用普通的 if/else。这样,您的编译器将验证所有类型,并且很可能无论如何都会消除“死”目标代码。 (不过,您可能想关闭有关死代码的警告。)


#ifdef 主要适用于受影响的代码仅在其他每分支自定义的上下文中才有意义的部分。有人可能会说,这也为相同的分支合并计划提供了机会,但不要太过疯狂。请一次完成一个庞大的项目。


Let me guess: Ten clients with divergent feature sets and a sales manager that promotes "customization"? I've worked on products like that before. We had essentially the same problem.

You recognize that having an enormous file is trouble, but even more trouble is ten versions that you have to keep "current". That's multiple maintenance. SCC can make that easier, but it can't make it right.

Before you try to break the file into parts, you need to bring the ten branches back in sync with each other so that you can see and shape all the code at once. You can do this one branch at a time, testing both branches against the same main code file. To enforce the custom behavior, you can use #ifdef and friends, but it's better as much as possible to use ordinary if/else against defined constants. This way, your compiler will verify all types and most probably eliminate "dead" object code anyway. (You may want to turn off the warning about dead code, though.)

Once there's only one version of that file shared implicitly by all branches, then it's rather easier to begin traditional refactoring methods.

The #ifdefs are primarily better for sections where the affected code only makes sense in the context of other per-branch customizations. One may argue that these also present an opportunity for the same branch-merging scheme, but don't go hog-wild. One colossal project at a time, please.

In the short run, the file will appear to grow. This is OK. What you're doing is bringing things together that need to be together. Afterwards, you'll begin to see areas that are clearly the same regardless of version; these can be left alone or refactored at will. Other areas will clearly differ depending on the version. You have a number of options in this case. One method is to delegate the differences to per-version strategy objects. Another is to derive client versions from a common abstract class. But none of these transformations are possible as long as you have ten "tips" of development in different branches.

怎会甘心 2024-09-24 00:50:04

我还了解到,该软件有大约 10 个不同版本,您需要支持所有这些版本,而不会把事情搞砸。



  1. 不要迁移并保留现有的内容。可能辞掉你的工作,开始开发具有良好设计的严肃软件。如果您正在从事一个长期项目,并且有足够的资金来承受一两次崩溃,极限编程并不总是最好的解决方案。

  2. 制定一个布局,说明您希望文件分割后的外观。创建必要的文件并将它们集成到您的应用程序中。重命名函数或重载它们以获取附加参数(也许只是一个简单的布尔值?)。

  3. 尝试用一些美味的蛋糕来说服您的同事,工作流程被高估了,您需要重写应用程序的某些部分才能开展严肃的业务。

I don't know if this solves your problem, but what I guess you want to do is migrate the content of the file to smaller files independent of each other (summed up).
What I also get is that you have about 10 different versions of the software floating around and you need to support them all without messing things up.

First of all there is just no way that this is easy and will solve itself in a few minutes of brainstorming. The functions linked in your file are all vital to your application, and simply cutting them of and migrating them to other files won't save your problem.

I think you only have these options:

  1. Don't migrate and stay with what you have. Possibly quit your job and start working on serious software with good design in addition. Extreme programming is not always the best solution if you are working on a long time project with enough funds to survive a crash or two.

  2. Work out a layout of how you would love your file to look once it's split up. Create the necessary files and integrate them in your application. Rename the functions or overload them to take an additional parameter (maybe just a simple boolean?).
    Once you have to work on your code, migrate the functions you need to work on to the new file and map the function calls of the old functions to the new functions.
    You should still have your main-file this way, and still be able to see the changes that were made to it, once it comes to a specific function you know exactly when it was outsourced and so on.

  3. Try to convince your co-workers with some good cake that workflow is overrated and that you need to rewrite some parts of the application in order to do serious business.

阪姬 2024-09-24 00:50:04

正是这个问题在“有效处理遗留代码”一书中的一章中得到了解决( http://www.amazon.com/Working-Effectively-Legacy-Michael-Feathers/dp/0131177052)。

Exactly this problem is handled in one of the chapters of the book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" (http://www.amazon.com/Working-Effectively-Legacy-Michael-Feathers/dp/0131177052).

毅然前行 2024-09-24 00:50:04

我认为您最好创建一组映射到 mainmodule.cpp 的 API 点的命令类。

一旦它们就位,您将需要重构现有的代码库以通过命令类访问这些 API 点,完成后,您可以自由地将每个命令的实现重构为新的类结构。

当然,对于 11 个 KLOC 的单个类,其中的代码可能是高度耦合且脆弱的,但创建单独的命令类将比任何其他代理/外观策略更有帮助。




在(相对)整体的外观上维护/组织许多不同的命令类是更好的选择。将单个 Facade 映射到 11 个 KLOC 文件本身可能需要分成几个不同的组。


当然,这两种选择都比单个 11 KLOC 和不断增长的文件要好。

I think you would be best off creating a set of command classes that map to the API points of the mainmodule.cpp.

Once they are in place, you will need to refactor the existing code base to access these API points via the command classes, once that's done, you are free to refactor each command's implementation into a new class structure.

Of course, with a single class of 11 KLOC the code in there is probably highly coupled and brittle, but creating individual command classes will help much more than any other proxy/facade strategy.

I don't envy the task, but as time goes on this problem will only get worse if it's not tackled.


I'd suggest that the Command pattern is preferable to a Facade.

Maintaining/organizing a lot of different Command classes over a (relatively) monolithic Facade is preferable. Mapping a single Facade onto a 11 KLOC file will probably need to be broken up into a few different groups itself.

Why bother trying to figure out these facade groups? With the Command pattern you will be able to group and organise these small classes organically, so you have a lot more flexibility.

Of course, both options are better than the single 11 KLOC and growing, file.

将军与妓 2024-09-24 00:50:04


一种方法可能是开始将最小的函数/部分拆分到它自己的文件中,然后包含一个标头(从而将 main.cpp 变成 #includes 列表,这听起来本身就有代码味道*我不是虽然是 C++ Guru),但至少现在它被分成了文件)。

然后,您可以尝试将所有维护版本切换到“新”main.cpp 或任何您的结构。再次强调:没有其他更改或错误修复,因为跟踪这些内容非常令人困惑。


显然,这需要团队中的一些纪律来实际使用拆分文件,而不仅仅是一直向 main.cpp 添加新内容,但同样,尝试进行大规模重构可能不是最好的做法。

One important advice: Do not mix refactoring and bugfixes. What you want is a Version of your program that is identical to the previous version, except that the source code is differently.

One way could be to start splitting up the least big function/part into it's own file and then either include with a header (thus turning main.cpp into a list of #includes, which sounds a code smell in itself *I'm not a C++ Guru though), but at least it's now split into files).

You could then try to switch all maintenance releases over to the "new" main.cpp or whatever your structure is. Again: No other changes or Bugfixes because tracking those is confusing as hell.

Another thing: As much as you may desire making one big pass at refactoring the whole thing in one go, you might bite off more than you can chew. Maybe just pick one or two "parts", get them into all the releases, then add some more value for your customer (after all, Refactoring does not add direct value so it is a cost that has to be justified) and then pick another one or two parts.

Obviously that requires some discipline in the team to actually use the split files and not just add new stuff to the main.cpp all the time, but again, trying to do one massive refactor may not be the best course of action.

羁拥 2024-09-24 00:50:04

罗夫,这让我想起了我以前的工作。看起来,在我加入之前,所有内容都在一个巨大的文件(也是 C++)中。然后他们将其(使用包含在完全随机的点上)分成大约三个(仍然是巨大的文件)。正如您所料,该软件的质量非常糟糕。该项目总计约 40k LOC。 (几乎没有注释,但有很多重复的代码)




大小保持在大约 40k LOC,但新应用程序包含更多功能,并且其初始版本中的错误可能比 8 年老软件更少。重写的原因之一是我们需要新功能,而在旧代码中引入它们几乎是不可能的。


我要补充的另一点是,理论上该项目是 C++ 的。但它根本不是OO,它可能是C。新版本是面向对象的。

Rofl, this reminds me of my old job. It seems that, before I joined, everything was inside one huge file (also C++). Then they've split it up (at completely random points using includes) into about three (still huge files). The quality of this software was, as you might expect, horrible. The project totaled at about 40k LOC. (containing almost no comments but LOTS of duplicate code)

In the end I did a complete rewrite of the project. I started by redoing the worst part of the project from scratch. Of course I had in mind a possible (small) interface between this new part and the rest. Then I did insert this part into the old project. I didn't refactor the old code to create the interface necessary, but just replaced it. Then I took made small steps from there, rewriting the old code.

I have to say that this took about half a year and there was no development of the old code base beside bugfixes during that time.


The size stayed at about 40k LOC but the new application contained many more features and presumably less bugs in its initial version than the 8 year old software. One reason of the rewrite was also that we needed the new features and introducing them inside the old code was nearly impossible.

The software was for an embedded system, a label printer.

Another point that I should add is that in theory the project was C++. But it wasn't OO at all, it could have been C. The new version was object oriented.

分開簡單 2024-09-24 00:50:04

好吧,所以在大多数情况下重写生产代码的 API 作为一个开始并不是一个好主意。有两件事需要发生。


第二,您需要采用此生产版本并创建一个分支,使用预处理指令来管理构建以拆分大文件。使用 JUST 预处理器指令(#ifdefs、#includes、#endifs)分割编译比重新编码 API 更容易。这对于您的 SLA 和持续支持来说绝对更容易。

在这里,您可以简单地删除与类中特定子系统相关的函数,并将它们放入 mainloop_foostuff.cpp 文件中,并将其包含在 mainloop.cpp 中的正确位置。



基本结构是,您的 mainclass.cpp 将在如下语句块之后包含一个名为 MainClassComponents.cpp 的新文件:

#if VARIANT == 1
#  define Uses_Component_1
#  define Uses_Component_2
#elif VARIANT == 2
#  define Uses_Component_1
#  define Uses_Component_3
#  define Uses_Component_6


#include "MainClassComponents.cpp"

MainClassComponents.cpp 文件的主要结构将用于计算子组件内的依赖关系,如下所示:

#ifndef _MainClassComponents_cpp
#define _MainClassComponents_cpp

/* dependencies declarations */

#if defined(Activate_Component_1) 
#define _REQUIRES_COMPONENT_3 /* you also need component 3 for component 1 */

#if defined(Activate_Component_2)
#define _REQUIRES_COMPONENT_15 /* you also need component 15 for this component  */

/* later on in the header */

#include "component_1.cpp"

#include "component_2.cpp"

#include "component_3.cpp"

#endif /* _MainClassComponents_h  */

现在,为每个组件创建一个 component_xx.cpp 文件。


使用预处理器可以让您将事情分开,而不必担心 API 更改,这在生产中是一场噩梦。


OK so for the most part rewriting API of production code is a bad idea as a start. Two things need to happen.

One, you need to actually have your team decide to do a code freeze on current production version of this file.

Two, you need to take this production version and create a branch that manages the builds using preprocessing directives to split up the big file. Splitting the compilation using JUST preprocessor directives (#ifdefs, #includes, #endifs) is easier than recoding the API. It's definitely easier for your SLAs and ongoing support.

Here you could simply cut out functions that relate to a particular subsystem within the class and put them in a file say mainloop_foostuff.cpp and include it in mainloop.cpp at the right location.


A more time consuming but robust way would be to devise an internal dependencies structure with double-indirection in how things get included. This will allow you to split things up and still take care of co-dependencies. Note that this approach requires positional coding and therefore should be coupled with appropriate comments.

This approach would include components that get used based on which variant you are compiling.

The basic structure is that your mainclass.cpp will include a new file called MainClassComponents.cpp after a block of statements like the following:

#if VARIANT == 1
#  define Uses_Component_1
#  define Uses_Component_2
#elif VARIANT == 2
#  define Uses_Component_1
#  define Uses_Component_3
#  define Uses_Component_6


#include "MainClassComponents.cpp"

The primary structure of the MainClassComponents.cpp file would be there to work out dependencies within the sub components like this:

#ifndef _MainClassComponents_cpp
#define _MainClassComponents_cpp

/* dependencies declarations */

#if defined(Activate_Component_1) 
#define _REQUIRES_COMPONENT_3 /* you also need component 3 for component 1 */

#if defined(Activate_Component_2)
#define _REQUIRES_COMPONENT_15 /* you also need component 15 for this component  */

/* later on in the header */

#include "component_1.cpp"

#include "component_2.cpp"

#include "component_3.cpp"

#endif /* _MainClassComponents_h  */

And now for each component you create a component_xx.cpp file.

Of course i am using numbers but you should use something more logical based on your code.

Using preprocessor allows you to split things up without having to worry about API changes which is a nightmare in production.

Once you have production settled you can then actually work on redesign.

陪你到最终 2024-09-24 00:50:04




Well I understand your pain :) I've been in a few such projects as well and it's not pretty. There is no easy answer for this.

One approach that may work for you is to start adding safe guards in all functions, that is, checking arguments, pre/post-conditions in methods, then eventually adding unit tests all in order to capture the current functionality of the sources. Once you have this you are better equipped to re-factor the code because you will have asserts and errors popping up alerting you if you have forgotten something.

Sometimes though there are times when refactoring just may bring more pain than benefit. Then it may be better to just leave the original project and in a pseudo maintenance state and start from scratch and then incrementally adding the functionality from the beast.

2024-09-24 00:50:04

您不应该关心减少文件大小,而应该关心减少类大小。归根结底几乎是一样的,但让你从不同的角度看待问题(如 @Brian Rasmussen 建议,你的类似乎有很多责任)。

You should not be concerned with reducing the file-size, but rather with reducing the class-size. It comes down to almost the same, but makes you look at the problem from a different angle (as @Brian Rasmussen suggests, your class seems to have to many responsibilities).

半枫 2024-09-24 00:50:04


What you have is a classic example a known design antipattern called the blob. Take some time to read the article I point here, and maybe you may find something useful. Besides, if this project is as big as it looks, you should consider some design to prevent growing into code that you can't control.

守护在此方 2024-09-24 00:50:04


  • 找出要将大文件拆分为子文件的位置。在每个点以某种特殊格式添加注释。

  • 编写一个相当简单的脚本,在这些点将文件分解为子文件。 (也许特殊注释嵌入了文件名,脚本可以将其用作如何拆分它的说明。)它应该保留注释作为拆分的一部分。

  • 运行脚本。删除原始文件。

  • 当您需要从分支合并时,首先通过将各个部分连接在一起来重新创建大文件,进行合并,然后重新拆分它。

另外,如果您想保留 SCC 文件历史记录,我认为最好的方法是告诉您的源代码控制系统各个片段文件是原始文件的副本。然后,它将保留该文件中保存的部分的历史记录,当然它也会记录大部分内容被“删除”。

This isn't an answer to the big problem, but a theoretical solution to a specific piece of it:

  • Figure out where you want to split the big file into subfiles. Put comments in some special format at each of those points.

  • Write a fairly trivial script that will break the file apart into subfiles at those points. (Perhaps the special comments have embedded filenames that the script can use as instructions for how to split it.) It should preserve the comments as part of the splitting.

  • Run the script. Delete the original file.

  • When you need to merge from a branch, first recreate the big file by concatenating the pieces back together, do the merge, and then re-split it.

Also, if you want to preserve the SCC file history, I expect the best way to do that is to tell your source control system that the individual piece files are copies of the original. Then it will preserve the history of the sections that were kept in that file, although of course it will also record that large parts were "deleted".

翻了热茶 2024-09-24 00:50:04



One way to split it without too much danger would be to take a historic look at all the line changes. Are there certain functions that are more stable than others? Hot spots of change if you will.

If a line hasn't been changed in a few years you can probably move it to another file without too much worry. I'd take a look at the source annotated with the last revision that touched a given line and see if there are any functions you could pull out.

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