为什么以及何时需要 Azure?

发布于 2024-09-16 20:41:58 字数 723 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我阅读了大量有关 Azure 和 .NET 服务总线的文章。我想我理解技术部分,但目前我错过了要点 - 一些“案例研究”,它们应该解释我什么样的项目应该转移到云上。假设我正在开始新项目。如何确定我的项目是否适合 Azure 平台?

Azure 的常见场景有哪些?是用于全球 B2C 应用程序、本地 B2C 应用程序还是“内部”B2B 应用程序?我如何确定全球 Azure 是否优于本地基础设施或本地服务器托管提供商?与其他方案相比,迁移到 Azure 的优点和缺点是什么?

我也对真实的经历感兴趣。您是否将任何实际项目部署到Azure?你的经验是什么? Azure 已经成熟了吗?许多技术需要多次(至少 3 次)发​​布才能使用。和Azure一样吗?

我最后关心的是安全和信任。您信任 Azure 平台吗?我读过一篇文章,该文章演示了使用 SQL Azure 服务通过 Azure 进行一些假设的银行交易。这真的可以在 Azure 上安全地完成吗?



我今天读了这篇文章 。它还解释了我的一些问题。

I read plenty of articles about Azure and .NET Service Bus. I think I understand technical part but at the moment I'm missing the main point - some "cases studies" which should explain me what kind of projects should be moved to cloud. Suppose that I'm starting new project. How can I decide if my project fits to Azure platform?

What are common scenarios for Azure? Is it for world wide B2C applications, local B2C applications or also for "internal" B2B applications? How can I decide if global Azure is better than local infrastructure or local server hosting provider? What are pros and cons of moving to Azure when compared to other scenarios?

Also I'm interested in real experience. Did you deploy any real project to Azure? What is your experience? Is Azure already mature? Many technologies needs several (at least 3) realeases before they become usable. Is it the same with Azure?

My last concern is about security and trust. Do you trust Azure platform? I read article which demonstrated some hypothetical banking transactions over Azure with usage of SQL Azure service. Is it really something that can be securely done on Azure?

There is similar post but I didn't find answers there.


I read this article today. It also explains some of my questions.

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何必那么矫情 2024-09-23 20:41:58

Azure 的最佳场景之一是您希望其出现病毒式增长的应用程序。是的,抱有这样的期望几乎是愚蠢的,但有一类应用程序——尤其是“社交”应用程序——只有经历病毒式增长才能生存。


Azure 巧妙地解决了这些问题。您可以根据需要添加资源。您可以在几分钟内响应使用高峰,通过 Azure 管理控制台添加新资源。

我认为 Azure 非常适合许多其他场景,但我认为我所描述的场景是一个相当引人注目的案例。

One of the best scenarios for Azure is an application for which you are hoping for viral growth. Yes, it is almost foolish to have such expectations, but there are a certain class of applications -- notably "social" applications -- that are only going to live if they experience viral growth.

It is extremely difficult to plan your own infrastructure in such a way that it can adapt to that kind of growth without having extended outage periods or at least loyalty-threatening slowdowns. You're always going to be behind, reacting to resource shortages unless you are constantly over-supplying for expected need in which case you are potentially using your capital poorly and shortening your runway.

Azure addresses those problems neatly. You can add resources as you need them. You can respond to usage spikes on a few minutes notice, adding new resources through the Azure management console.

I think that there are many other scenarios for which Azure is an excellent match, but the one that I have described is a fairly compelling case, I think.

我不咬妳我踢妳 2024-09-23 20:41:58


刚刚发现我的这篇 10 个月前的帖子。好吧,事情发生了变化。我们从 Microsoft 转向 Ruby、Coffeescript、Node.js 和一些 Scala,并且从未后悔过。事实证明,Heroku 和 MongoHQ 更适合我们正在做的事情。


我有两个面向消费者的测试版网站在 Azure 上运行,并且从最早的测试版开始就一直在使用它。


  • Azure 非常稳定。尽管我们确实处理了大量数据,但我们没有发生任何事件。
  • 该 SDK 非常全面、文档齐全并集成到 IDE 中。
  • 正常运行时间超过 SLA
  • 快速 - Azure 在各个方面都非常非常快
  • 非常适合开发工作流程
  • Microsoft 非常忠诚的员工和 MVP。当你需要的时候你会得到帮助。
  • 我们节省了大量的管理成本。例如,我们不需要一个;-)
  • 易于扩展。这是最大的卖点。不需要初始资本支出,一旦我们接受 CNN 采访,我们将在一两天内再增加几个角色。
  • 使用 SQL Azure 的企业级负载平衡数据库系统。移植代码最多只需要几个小时。


  • 没有分布式缓存 - 有 memcached 解决方案,但感觉像是黑客攻击
  • 从 Web 应用程序场景来看,初始成本很高(例如,成本对您的应用程序架构有不适当的影响)
  • NoSQL 和队列解决方案。涉及交易费用,这使得某些场景实现起来非常复杂。
  • 没有通过 API 提供实时(或半实时)计费信息。
  • 管理界面是微软的耻辱。
  • 微软进展缓慢/他们需要很长时间才能创建新功能。
  • 由于 Azure 是 PaaS 与 Amazon (IaaS) 提供商,因此您非常锁定。一旦虚拟机角色可用,这种情况就会改变。
  • 启动新实例需要很长时间(约 10 - 30 分钟)
  • 缺乏 Map/Reduce 框架

现在,一些缺点很严重,但它们不应该阻止您选择 Azure 平台,因为大多数缺点可能是在 PDC 解决。

我认为 Azure 适用于您提到的所有场景,也许例外的是,由于缺乏分布式缓存,您目前在非常高端的 Web 应用程序中会遇到麻烦。

我对 Azure 的信任绝对胜过对我的银行的信任,过去几年的很多事件都证明我是对的。归根结底,微软比非 IT 公司更容易雇用和集中顶尖的安全人员。他们还有更多的损失。


Just discovered this 10 month old post of mine. Well, things change. We went from Microsoft to Ruby, Coffeescript, Node.js and a bit of Scala and never regretted it. Heroku and MongoHQ proved to be much better fit for what we are doing.


I have two consumer facing sites in beta running on Azure and been playing with it since earliest beta.

The Pros:

  • Azure is unbelievably stable. We did not have a single incident although we do process a lot of data.
  • The SDK is comprehensive, well documented and integrated into the IDE.
  • Uptime exceeding the SLA
  • Fast - Azure is really really fast on all aspects
  • Fits very well into the development workflow
  • Very committed employees and MVPs at Microsoft. You get help whenever you need it.
  • We save tremendously on Admin costs. E.g. we don't need one ;-)
  • Easy to scale. This was the biggest selling point. No need for initial capex, and once we get that CNN interview we will just spin up a couple more roles for a day or two.
  • Enterprise class, load balanced database system with SQL Azure. Porting code over is a matter of hours at most.

The Cons:

  • No distributed cache - there are memcached solutions out there but it feels like a hack
  • High initial costs when looking at it from a web app scenario (e.g. cost has an undue influence on your application architecture)
  • Very high cost of the NoSQL and queue solution. There is a transaction fee involved that makes some scenarios very complicated to achieve.
  • No realtime (or semi realtime) billing information through an API.
  • The management interface is a disgrace to Microsoft.
  • Microsoft is moving slowly / it takes them a long time to create new features.
  • You are very much locked in as Azure is a PaaS vs Amazon (IaaS) provider. This will change once the VM Roles are available.
  • It takes very long (~ 10 - 30 min) to spin up a new instance
  • Lack of Map/Reduce framework

Now some of the cons are serious right now but they should not prevent you from choosing the Azure platform as most of them will probably be resolved at PDC.

I think that Azure works for all the scenarios you mentioned, maybe with the exception that due to the lack of distributed caching you will run into troubles at the very high end of web apps for now.

I definitely trust Azure more than I trust my bank and a lot of incidents have proven me right over the last couple of years. In the end it comes down to that it is much easier for Microsoft to hire and concentrate top notch security people then non IT companies. And they have much more to lose.

左耳近心 2024-09-23 20:41:58

在经历了过去几天的 Azure 酷援助消防软管之后,我可以回答您的几个观点。




这个问题的答案是非常开放的。扭转这个问题 - 你最好问:你需要 Azure 的任何好处吗? 这个问题的答案可能比其对应问题清楚得多。有一些 Azure 的优势(主要基于可扩展性、可维护性、CDN 风格行为以及消除内部 IT 基础设施的成本),但它仍然有其局限性,并不适合所有用途,在某些情况下会给您带来好处一点好处都没有。

After having sucked from the Azure kool aid firehose for the last couple of days, i can answer a couple of your points.

Is it secure?

Yes. It is physically secure, and data secure. The data you store on it is not placed on one drive, it is sprinkled across many. Your biggest risk is from a Disgruntled Ex-employee, which is toally within your control.

Is it right for you?

The answer to this is very open ended. Turn that question around - you are better off asking: Do you require any of the benefits of Azure? The answer to that question could be a lot clearer than its counterpart. There are some benefits to Azure (mainly based around scalability, maintainability, CDN style behaviour and removal of the cost of inhouse IT infrastructure), but it still has its limitations and is not suitable for all purposes and in some cases will give you no benefit at all.

沉溺在你眼里的海 2024-09-23 20:41:58

Azure 的主要好处是,它使您能够根据需要扩展或缩减应用程序或服务,而无需投资长期成本,例如硬件或维护硬件的人员。


是的,Azure 可用于 B2C 场景,例如运行面向消费者的网站或服务。 B2C 需要能够快速(几分钟或几小时)扩大规模,以应对口碑传播的病毒式传播。您能否将新的服务器硬件引入本地并在半小时内启动并运行?可能不会。

是的,Azure 可用于 B2B 场景,例如运行用于库存或供应链管理的服务 API。您可以将 Azure 应用程序设置为自给自足的孤岛,或者使用服务总线将其连接到企业网络以提供后端服务。

Azure 对于处理“激增”处理特别有用,例如对大数据执行数据分析。后台运行多个 Azure 实例来处理数据,然后在一天结束时回家时将它们全部关闭。您可以享受拥有数百或数千个可用计算节点的好处,但您只需在使用它们时付费。

尽管我总是敦促他们做更多事情,但我必须赞扬 Azure 平台团队没有一次承担太多责任。 Azure 目前提供的服务菜单相当小(blob 存储、表存储、队列服务),但这些服务运行良好且可扩展。

Azure 成熟了吗?从提供的服务完全成熟且可靠的意义上来说,是的,我想说 Azure 已经成熟了。如果您所说的成熟是指您可能想要的所有可能的服务都是内置的,那么 Azure 仍在不断扩大其服务产品的广度。

Azure 目前可能不太适合某些应用程序和服务场景。例如,我不知道Azure数据中心是否适合实时金融市场处理。 Azure 适合近实时数据分析,当然也适合日终风险分析。 Azure 不会实现自动部署和扩展来处理动态负载或调峰 - 您可以手动管理此操作或使用服务 API 编写自己的实例管理器。 Azure 的定价结构是针对商业应用程序的 - 对于托管个人网站或博客来说,它太过分了,而且不具有成本效益,除非此类网站具有相当高的流量并且可以产生收入。

披露:我是一名 Microsoft 员工,致力于开发 Windows Azure 工具。

Azure's main benefit is that it enables you to scale an application or service up or down as your needs dictate without having to invest in long-term costs such as hardware or staff to maintain the hardware.

If you implement the same application using your own infrastructure, you have a lot of up front fixed costs regardless of how much value or utility you get out of the application. For example, you have to purchase, install, setup and maintain enough hardware to handle your anticipated peak load, even if your peak load occurs only once a day or once a month. What happens if you underestimate your peak load? Your service goes down until you can build out more hardware. What happens if you overestimate your peak load? You have unused hardware sitting around, which means you have spent money that isn't working for you.

Yes, Azure can be used for B2C scenarios such as running a consumer-facing web site or service. B2C needs to be able to scale up quickly (in minutes or hours) to handle word of mouth viral uptake. Can you bring new server hardware on premises and have it up and running in half an hour? Probably not.

Yes, Azure can be used for B2B scenarios, such as running a service API for inventory or supply chain management. You can set up your Azure app as a self-sufficient island, or using the Service Bus you can tie it into your corporate network for back-end services.

Azure is particularly useful for handling "surge" processing, such as performing data analysis on large data. Spool up several Azure instances to chew through the data, then shut them all down when you go home at the end of the day. You have the benefit of having hundreds or thousands of compute nodes available to you, but you only pay for them when you use them.

Though I am always pushing for them to do more, I must credit the Azure platform team for not taking on too much at one time. Azure offers a fairly small menu of services right now (blob storage, table storage, queue service), but those services work well and scale well.

Is Azure mature? In the sense that the services offered are fully baked and reliable, yes, I would say Azure is mature. If you mean mature in the sense that every possible service you could want is built-in, no, Azure is still growing the breadth of its service offerings.

There are application and service scenarios that Azure probably isn't the best fit for right now. I don't know if the Azure data centers are suitable for real time financial market processing, for example. Azure is suitable for near real time data analysis and certainly end-of-day risk analysis. Azure doesn't implement automatic deployment and scale-up to handle dynamic loads or peak shaving - you can manage this manually or write your own instance manager using the service API. Azure's pricing structure is geared for business applications - it's overkill and not cost effective for hosting a personal web site or blog unless such a site has fairly high traffic and is a revenue generator.

Disclosure: I am a Microsoft employee and I work on tools for Windows Azure.

尽揽少女心 2024-09-23 20:41:58

对我来说,这主要是成本效益分析。确定内部支持所有基础设施与 Azure 的成本是多少。





For me, it's largely a cost-benefit analysis. Determine how much it will cost you to support all the infrastructure internally vs. Azure.

Security, obviously, is the biggest sticking point.

I can't speak to the security personally, as I have not had to be overly concerned with it, but here's a couple resources about azure security I found.



一直在等你来 2024-09-23 20:41:58



例如,虽然微软以十亿美元收购了 Skype,但程序员将有可能创建一个流行的云托管 Skype 客户端,并实现 Skype 所做的事情,而无需资本支出或需要风险投资/金融家的增长(理论上)。


The question rests on false premises. Projects do not need to move to the cloud at all. What the cloud offers, as mentioned by previous answerers, is a platform for new ideas that is not limited by scalability. The key benefit of cloud is that all main growth related costs are opex, whereas traditional 'projects' need capex to grow, and are thus based on a pre-crisis financial VC-style growth model.

The point is that when new ideas do appear, and if they become popular, and if they are hosted on the cloud, they can grow without restriction (as long as their cost model always guarantees that cost per transaction is less than or equal to revenue per transaction), and the result will be that these 'projects' become irrelevant.

For example, while MS bought Skype for x billion, it will be possible for programmers to create a populare cloud hosted Skype client and achieve what Skype did with no capex or need for VC/financier growth (theoretically).

The question should be, therefore, not 'what is the benefit of the cloud' but really 'what business model makes sense, once it is accepted that a cloud hosted one will likely eventually appear'

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