C# 设计:为什么抽象方法需要 new/override 而虚拟方法不需要?
为什么抽象方法需要 new/override 而虚拟方法不需要?
abstract class ShapesClass
abstract public int Area(); // abstract!
class Square : ShapesClass
int x, y;
public int Area() // Error: missing 'override' or 'new'
return x * y;
编译器将显示此错误: 要使当前成员覆盖该实现,请添加 override 关键字。否则添加 new 关键字
示例 2:
class ShapesClass
virtual public int Area() { return 0; } // it is virtual now!
class Square : ShapesClass
int x, y;
public int Area() // no explicit 'override' or 'new' required
return x * y;
我完全理解技术差异。但我想知道为什么这种语言是这样设计的。在“示例 2”中也有相同的限制不是更好吗?我的意思是,在大多数情况下,如果您创建一个与父类中同名的方法,您通常会打算覆盖它。因此,我认为明确声明 Override/New 对虚拟方法也有意义。
更新: 第二个示例实际上会引起警告。第一个示例显示错误,因为子类需要实现抽象方法。我没有看到 VS 中的警告..现在对我来说完全有意义。谢谢。
Why is new/override required on abstract methods but not on virtual methods?
Sample 1:
abstract class ShapesClass
abstract public int Area(); // abstract!
class Square : ShapesClass
int x, y;
public int Area() // Error: missing 'override' or 'new'
return x * y;
The compiler will show this error:
To make the current member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword
Sample 2:
class ShapesClass
virtual public int Area() { return 0; } // it is virtual now!
class Square : ShapesClass
int x, y;
public int Area() // no explicit 'override' or 'new' required
return x * y;
This will compile fine, by hiding the method by default.
I fully understand the technical differences. However I wonder why the language was designed that way. Wouldn't it be better to have the same restriction in "Sample 2" as well? I mean in most cases if you create a method with the same name as in the parent class, you usually intent to override it. So I think explicitly stating Override/New would make sense on virtual methods as well.
Is there a design-wise reason for this behavior?
The 2nd sample actually causes a warning. The first sample shows an error because the subclass is required to implement the abstract method. I didn't see the warning in VS.. makes perfectly sense to me now. Thanks.
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使用 .NET 3.5 SP1 中附带的 C# 3.0 编译器或 .NET 4.0 中附带的 C# 4.0 编译器,我在第一个示例中收到以下错误:
Using either the C# 3.0 compiler as shipped in .NET 3.5 SP1, or the C# 4.0 compiler as shipped in .NET 4.0, I get the following error for your first example:
And the following warning for the second one:
In the first case it's an error because you aren't actually overriding the base method, which means there is no implementation for the abstract method in a concrete class. In the second case it's a warning because the code is technically correct, but the compiler suspects that it isn't what you meant. This is one of the reasons it's generally a good idea to enable the "treat warnings as errors" compilation setting.
So I can't repro your behaviour, and the behaviour of the compiler looks right to me. Which version of the compiler are you using?
这是直接来自 C# 规范的答案。
Here's the answer straight from the C# spec.
时才会收到警告code> 为虚方法。The difference is that the abstract method has to be overridden, but the virtual doesn't.
It's an error to inherit the abstract class (in a non-abstract class) without implementing all abstract members, but you only get a warning when inheriting from the class without specifying
for the virtual method.版本控制
我们还假设您想在派生类中定义一个 Accelerate() 方法。例如:
接下来,假设另一个程序员后来修改了 MotorVehicle 类并决定
virtual Accelerate()
当您尝试编译 Car 类时,编译器会报告以下警告:
At first glance, you may think that method hiding doesn’t appear particularly useful. There is a situation
where you might need to use it, however. Let’s say you want to use a class named
thatwas written by another programmer, and you want to use this class to derive your own class. Further,
let’s also assume you want to define an
method in your derived class. For example:Next, let’s suppose that the other programmer later modifies the MotorVehicle class and decides
to add her own
virtual Accelerate()
method:The addition of this
method by the other programmer causes a problem: TheAccelerate()
method in yourCar
class hides the inheritedAccelerate()
method now defined intheir
class. Later, when you come to compile yourCar
class, it isn’t clear to the compilerwhether you actually intended your method to hide the inherited method. Because of this, the
compiler reports the following warning when you try to compile your Car class:
I think in the first way you get the compiler error, because the abstract method is hidden and not implemented (so effectively your class is wrong, and it would be difficult to figure out why). In the second case you get only a warning, because the class is usable.