
发布于 2024-09-16 03:30:13 字数 771 浏览 12 评论 0原文



另外,在可变字符串类型中,要么已经内置了线程安全性(话又说回来,优化更难做到),要么必须自己做。在任何情况下,您都可以选择使用具有内置线程安全性的可变字符串类型,因此这并不是不可变字符串类型的真正优势。 (同样,进行处理和优化以确保不可变类型的线程安全性会更容易,但这不是这里的重点。)


在 C++ 中,如果我想让某个字符串不可变,我会将其作为 const 引用传递给函数 (const std::string&)。如果我想要原始字符串的可更改副本,我会将其作为 std::string 传递。仅当我想让它可变时,我才会将其作为引用传递(std::string&)。所以我只能选择我想做的事情。我可以用所有可能的类型来做到这一点。

在 Python 或 Java 中,某些类型是不可变的(主要是所有原始类型和字符串),其他类型则不是。

在像 Haskell 这样的纯函数式语言中,一切都是不可变的。


I am wondering about the benefits of having the string-type immutable from the programmers point-of-view.

Technical benefits (on the compiler/language side) can be summarized mostly that it is easier to do optimisations if the type is immutable. Read here for a related question.

Also, in a mutable string type, either you have thread-safety already built-in (then again, optimisations are harder to do) or you have to do it yourself. You will have in any case the choice to use a mutable string type with built-in thread safety, so that is not really an advantage of immutable string-types. (Again, it will be easier to do the handling and optimisations to ensure thread-safety on the immutable type but that is not the point here.)

But what are the benefits of immutable string-types in the usage? What is the point of having some types immutable and others not? That seems very inconsistent to me.

In C++, if I want to have some string to be immutable, I am passing it as const reference to a function (const std::string&). If I want to have a changeable copy of the original string, I am passing it as std::string. Only if I want to have it mutable, I am passing it as reference (std::string&). So I just have the choice about what I want to do. I can just do this with every possible type.

In Python or in Java, some types are immutable (mostly all primitive types and strings), others are not.

In pure functional languages like Haskell, everything is immutable.

Is there a good reason why it make sense to have this inconsistency? Or is it just purely for technical lower level reasons?

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月亮邮递员 2024-09-23 03:30:13


如果没有一些可变类型,您就必须全力以赴地进行纯函数式编程——这是一种与目前最流行的面向对象编程和过程式方法完全不同的范式,虽然非常强大,但显然对很多程序员来说非常具有挑战性(当你确实需要一种没有任何东西可变的语言的副作用时,会发生什么,在现实世界的编程中,当然你不可避免地会这样做,这是挑战的一部分 -例如,Haskell 的 Monad 是一种非常优雅的方法,但是您知道有多少程序员完全、自信地理解它们并可以使用它们以及典型的 OOP 结构?-)。

如果您不了解拥有多种可用范式的巨大价值(FP 范式都严重依赖于可变数据),我建议您学习 Haridi 和 Van Roy 的杰作,计算机编程的概念、技术和模型 -- "a 21 世纪的 SICP",正如我曾经描述的那样;-)。

大多数程序员,无论是否熟悉 Haridi 和 Van Roy,都会欣然承认至少拥有一些可变数据类型对他们来说很重要。尽管我在上面引用了你的问题中的一句话,它采取了完全不同的观点,但我相信这也可能是你困惑的根源:不是“为什么每个”,而是“为什么”一些不可变根本”。

“完全可变”的方法曾经(偶然)在 Fortran 实现中获得。比如说,如果你有

  I = 0


  PRINT 23
  PRINT 23

会打印 23,然后打印 0——数字 23 已经被改变,所以程序其余部分中对 23 的所有引用实际上都会参考 0。从技术上来说,这不是编译器中的错误:Fortran 对于程序在将常量与变量传递给分配给其参数的过程时不允许执行的操作有微妙的规则,并且此代码片段违反了那些鲜为人知的规则,不可编译器强制执行的规则,因此它是程序中的“但是”,而不是编译器中的“但是”。当然,在实践中,这种方式导致的错误数量高得令人无法接受,因此典型的编译器很快就会在这种情况下转向破坏性较小的行为(如果操作系统支持,则将常量放入只读段中以获得运行时错误;或者,传递常量的新副本而不是常量本身,尽管有开销等等),尽管从技术上讲它们是程序错误,允许编译器相当“正确”地显示未定义的行为;-) 。

在其他一些语言中强制执行的替代方案是增加多种参数传递方式的复杂性——最明显的是在 C++ 中,通过值、通过引用、通过常量引用、通过指针、通过常量指针,...当然,你会看到程序员对诸如 const foo* const bar 之类的声明感到困惑(如果 bar 是一个,那么最右边的 const 基本上是不相关的)某个函数的参数...但如果 bar 是一个局部变量,则至关重要...!-)。

实际上,Algol-68 可能沿着这个方向走得更远(如果你可以有一个值和一个引用,为什么不是引用到引用?或者引用到引用到引用?&c——Algol 68 对此没有任何限制,并且定义正在发生的事情的规则可能是在“真正使用的”编程语言中发现的最微妙、最困难的组合)。早期的 C(只有按值和按显式指针——没有 const,没有引用,没有复杂性)无疑在一定程度上是对它的反应,原始的 Pascal 也是如此。但 const 很快就出现了,复杂性又开始增加。

Java 和 Python(以及其他语言)以强大的简单大砍刀冲破了这个丛林:所有参数传递,所有赋值,都是“通过对象引用”(从不引用变量或其他引用,决不进行语义隐含的复制,&c)。将(至少)数字定义为语义上不可变可以避免“哎呀”(例如上面的 Fortran 代码所展示的情况),从而保持程序员的理智(以及语言简单性的这一宝贵方面)。


Python 更进一步,添加了一个简单的不可变容器(tuple)并将散列与“有效的不变性”联系起来(这避免了程序员发现的某些意外,例如,在 Perl 中,其散列允许可变字符串作为键)——为什么不呢?一旦你拥有了不变性(一个宝贵的概念,它可以让程序员不必学习 N 种不同的赋值和参数传递语义,其中 N 会随着时间的推移而增加;-),你可能会从中获得全部收益;-) 。

What is the point of having some
types immutable and others not?

Without some mutable types, you'd have to go the whole hog to pure functional programming -- a completely different paradigm than the OOP and procedural approaches which are currently most popular, and, while extremely powerful, apparently very challenging to a lot of programmers (what happens when you do need side effects in a language where nothing is mutable, and in real-world programming of course you inevitably do, is part of the challenge -- Haskell's Monads are a very elegant approach, for example, but how many programmers do you know that fully and confidently understand them and can use them as well as typical OOP constructs?-).

If you don't understand the enormous value of having multiple paradigms available (both FP one and ones crucially relying on mutable data), I recommend studying Haridi's and Van Roy's masterpiece, Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming -- "a SICP for the 21st Century", as I once described it;-).

Most programmers, whether familiar with Haridi and Van Roy or not, will readily admit that having at least some mutable data types is important to them. Despite the sentence I've quoted above from your Q, which takes a completely different viewpoint, I believe that may also be the root of your perplexity: not "why some of each", but rather "why some immutables at all".

The "thoroughly mutable" approach was once (accidentally) obtained in a Fortran implementation. If you had, say,

  I = 0

then a program snippet doing, e.g.,

  PRINT 23
  PRINT 23

would print 23, then 0 -- the number 23 had been mutated, so all references to 23 in the rest of the program would in fact refer to 0. Not a bug in the compiler, technically: Fortran had subtle rules about what your program is and is not allowed to do in passing constants vs variables to procedures that assign to their arguments, and this snippet violates those little-known, non-compiler-enforceable rules, so it's a but in the program, not in the compiler. In practice, of course, the number of bugs caused this way was unacceptably high, so typical compilers soon switched to less destructive behavior in such situations (putting constants in read-only segments to get a runtime error, if the OS supported that; or, passing a fresh copy of the constant rather than the constant itself, despite the overhead; and so forth) even though technically they were program bugs allowing the compiler to display undefined behavior quite "correctly";-).

The alternative enforced in some other languages is to add the complication of multiple ways of parameter passing -- most notably perhaps in C++, what with by-value, by-reference, by constant reference, by pointer, by constant pointer, ... and then of course you see programmers baffled by declarations such as const foo* const bar (where the rightmost const is basically irrelevant if bar is an argument to some function... but crucial instead if bar is a local variable...!-).

Actually Algol-68 probably went farther along this direction (if you can have a value and a reference, why not a reference to a reference? or reference to reference to reference? &c -- Algol 68 put no limitations on this, and the rules to define what was going on are perhaps the subtlest, hardest mix ever found in an "intended for real use" programming language). Early C (which only had by-value and by-explicit-pointer -- no const, no references, no complications) was no doubt in part a reaction to it, as was the original Pascal. But const soon crept in, and complications started mounting again.

Java and Python (among other languages) cut through this thicket with a powerful machete of simplicity: all argument passing, and all assignment, is "by object reference" (never reference to a variable or other reference, never semantically implicit copies, &c). Defining (at least) numbers as semantically immutable preserves programmers' sanity (as well as this precious aspect of language simplicity) by avoiding "oopses" such as that exhibited by the Fortran code above.

Treating strings as primitives just like numbers is quite consistent with the languages' intended high semantic level, because in real life we do need strings that are just as simple to use as numbers; alternatives such as defining strings as lists of characters (Haskell) or as arrays of characters (C) poses challenges to both the compiler (keeping efficient performance under such semantics) and the programmer (effectively ignoring this arbitrary structuring to enable use of strings as simple primitives, as real life programming often requires).

Python went a bit further by adding a simple immutable container (tuple) and tying hashing to "effective immutability" (which avoids certain surprises to the programmer that are found, e.g., in Perl, with its hashes allowing mutable strings as keys) -- and why not? Once you have immutability (a precious concept that saves the programmer from having to learn about N different semantics for assignment and argument passing, with N tending to increase with time;-), you might as well get full mileage out of it;-).

遗弃M 2024-09-23 03:30:13



(*) 在每次查找时对所有键进行线性扫描的哑集合不必这样做,因为它自然会适应键的更改。

I am not sure if this qualifies as non-technical, nevertheless: if strings are mutable, then most(*) collections need to make private copies of their string keys.

Otherwise a "foo" key changed externally to "bar" would result in "bar" sitting in the internal structures of the collection where "foo" is expected. This way "foo" lookup would find "bar", which is less of a problem (return nothing, reindex the offending key) but "bar" lookup would find nothing, which is a bigger problem.

(*) A dumb collection that does a linear scan of all keys on each lookup would not have to do that, since it would naturally accomodate key changes.

聽兲甴掵 2024-09-23 03:30:13


从语义上讲,它们应该是不可变的,不是吗?字符串 "hello" 应始终表示 "hello"。你无法改变它,就像你无法改变数字三一样!

There is no overarching, fundamental reason not to have strings mutable. The best explanation I have found for their immutability is that it promotes a more functional, less side-effectsy way of programming. This ends up being cleaner, more elegant, and more Pythonic.

Semantically, they should be immutable, no? The string "hello" should always represent "hello". You can't change it any more than you can change the number three!

末骤雨初歇 2024-09-23 03:30:13



线程 A - 检查登录名 FOO 的用户是否有权执行某些操作,返回 true

线程 B - 将用户字符串修改为登录名 BAR

线程 A - 由于先前的权限检查通过而使用登录名 BAR 执行某些操作FOO。


Not sure if you would count this as a 'technical low level' benefit, but the fact that immutable string is implicitly threadsafe saves you a lot of effort of coding for thread safety.

Slightly toy example...

Thread A - Check user with login name FOO has permission to do something, return true

Thread B - Modify user string to login name BAR

Thread A - Perform some operation with login name BAR due to previous permission check passing against FOO.

The fact that the String can't change saves you the effort of guarding against this.

夜访吸血鬼 2024-09-23 03:30:13


Python 的哲学是“简单胜于复杂”。在 C 语言中,您需要意识到字符串可能会发生变化,并考虑这会对您产生怎样的影响。 Python 假定字符串的默认用例是“将文本放在一起”——您完全不需要了解任何关于字符串的知识就可以做到这一点。但是,如果您想要更改字符串,则只需使用更合适的类型(即列表、StringIO、模板等)。

If you want full consistency you can only make everything immutable, because mutable Bools or Ints would simply make no sense at all. Some functional languages do that in fact.

Python's philosophy is "Simple is better than complex." In C you need to be aware that strings can change and think about how that can affect you. Python assumes that the default use case for strings is "put text together" - there is absolutely nothing you need to know about strings to do that. But if you want your strings to change, you just have to use a more appropriate type (ie lists, StringIO, templates, etc).

酒浓于脸红 2024-09-23 03:30:13

在具有用户定义类型的引用语义的语言中,拥有可变字符串将是一场灾难,因为每次分配字符串变量时,都会为可变字符串对象添加别名,并且必须在各处进行防御性副本。这就是为什么字符串在 Java 和 C# 中是不可变的——如果字符串对象是不可变的,那么有多少变量指向它并不重要。

请注意,在 C++ 中,两个字符串变量从不共享状态(至少在概念上——从技术上讲,可能会发生写时复制,但由于多线程中的效率低下,这种情况已经过时了)线程场景)。

In a language with reference semantics for user-defined types, having mutable strings would be a desaster, because every time you assign a string variable, you would alias a mutable string object, and you would have to do defensive copies all over the place. That's why strings are immutable in Java and C# -- if the string object is immutable, it does not matter how many variables point to it.

Note that in C++, two string variables never share state (at least conceptionally -- technically, there might be copy-on-write going on, but that is getting out of fashion due to inefficiencies in multi-threading scenarios).

纵山崖 2024-09-23 03:30:13


StringBuilder 类非常好,但我认为如果它有一个“Value”属性会更好(读取相当于 ToString,但它会显示在对象检查器中;写入将允许直接设置整个内容)并且到字符串的默认加宽转换。从理论上讲,如果 MutableString 类型是从 String 的共同祖先继承下来的,那就太好了,因此可以将可变字符串传递给一个不关心字符串是否可变的函数,尽管我怀疑依赖于这一事实的优化字符串有一定的固定实现,效果会较差。

If strings are mutable, then many consumers of a string will have to to make copies of it. If strings are immutable, this is far less important (unless immutability is enforced by hardware interlocks, it might not be a bad idea for some security-conscious consumers of a string to make their own copies in case the strings they're given aren't as immutable as they should be).

The StringBuilder class is pretty good, though I think it would be nicer if it had a "Value" property (read would be equivalent to ToString, but it would show up in object inspectors; write would allow direct setting of the whole content) and a default widening conversion to a string. It would have been nice in theory to have MutableString type descended from a common ancestor with String, so a mutable string could be passed to a function which didn't care whether a string was mutable, though I suspect that optimizations which rely on the fact that Strings have a certain fixed implementation would have been less effective.

风轻花落早 2024-09-23 03:30:13


The main advantage for the programmer is that with mutable strings, you never need to worry about who might alter your string. Therefore, you never have to consciously decide "Should I copy this string here?".

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