如何使用 DwmGetColorizationColor
- 32 -bit
- 一个布尔参数,“如果颜色是不透明混合”,则为 true(无论这意味着什么)
我尝试从 Windows 获取颜色:
DwmGetColorizationColor(dwCcolorization, bIsOpaqueBlend);
dwColorization: 0x0D0A0F04
bIsOpaqueBlend: false
AA: 0x0D (13)
RR: 0x0A (10)
GG: 0x0F (15)
BB: 0x04 (4)
这意味着颜色为 (10, 15, 4),不透明度约为 5.1%。
但如果你真正看一下这个 RGB 值,它与我想要的鼻涕绿色相差甚远。这是
- 不透明度为零(原始颜色)的 (10, 15, 4),以及
- 白色/棋盘背景下不透明度为 5% 的 (10,15,4):
那么问题是:在Windows Vista/7中如何获取玻璃颜色?
DwmGetColorizationColor 完全
对于最后两个屏幕截图,Alpha 混合芯片是真正的部分透明 PNG,与浏览器的背景混合。凉爽的! (我真是个极客)
编辑2:必须将它们排列成彩虹色。 (我真是个极客)
编辑 3:现在我当然必须添加黄色。
有一个来自 DwmApi.dll 的无文档导出
在入口点 137,我们将其称为 DwmGetColorizationParameters
HRESULT GetColorizationParameters_Undocumented(out DWMCOLORIZATIONPARAMS params);
public UInt32 ColorizationColor;
public UInt32 ColorizationAfterglow;
public UInt32 ColorizationColorBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationAfterglowBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationBlurBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensity;
public UInt32 ColorizationOpaqueBlend;
ColorizationColor: REG_DWORD = 0x6614A600
How do you use DwmGetColorizationColor
The documentation says it returns two values:
- a 32-bit
containing the color used for glass composition
- a boolean parameter that is true "if the color is an opaque blend" (whatever that means)
Here's a color that i like, a nice puke green:
You can notice the color is greeny, and the translucent title bar (against a white background) shows the snot color very clearly:
i try to get the color from Windows:
DwmGetColorizationColor(dwCcolorization, bIsOpaqueBlend);
And i get
dwColorization: 0x0D0A0F04
bIsOpaqueBlend: false
According to the documentation this value is of the format AARRGGBB
, and so contains:
AA: 0x0D (13)
RR: 0x0A (10)
GG: 0x0F (15)
BB: 0x04 (4)
This supposedly means that the color is (10, 15, 4), with an opacity of ~5.1%.
But if you actually look at this RGB value, it's nowhere near my desired snot green. Here is
- (10, 15, 4) with zero opacity (the original color), and
- (10,15,4) with 5% opacity against a white/checkerboard background:
Rather than being Lime
green, DwmGetColorizationColor
returns an almost fully transparent black.
So the question is: How to get glass color in Windows Vista/7?
i tried using DwmGetColorizationColor
, but that doesn't work very well.
A person with same problem, but a nicer shiny picture to attract you squirrels:
So, it boils down to –
DwmGetColorizationColor is completely
unusable for applications attempting
to apply the current color onto an
opaque surface.
i love this guy's screenshots much better than mine. Using his screenshots as a template, i made up a few more sparklies:
For the last two screenshots, the alpha blended chip is a true partially transparent PNG, blending to your browser's background. Cool! (i'm such a geek)
Edit 2: Had to arrange them in rainbow color. (i'm such a geek)
Edit 3: Well now i of course have to add Yellow.
Undocumented/Unsupported/Fragile Workarounds
There is an undocumented export from DwmApi.dll
at entry point 137, which we'll call DwmGetColorizationParameters
HRESULT GetColorizationParameters_Undocumented(out DWMCOLORIZATIONPARAMS params);
public UInt32 ColorizationColor;
public UInt32 ColorizationAfterglow;
public UInt32 ColorizationColorBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationAfterglowBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationBlurBalance;
public UInt32 ColorizationGlassReflectionIntensity;
public UInt32 ColorizationOpaqueBlend;
We're interested in the first parameter: ColorizationColor
We can also read the value out of the registry:
ColorizationColor: REG_DWORD = 0x6614A600
So you pick your poison of creating appcompat issues. You can
See also
i've been wanting to ask this question for over a year now. i always knew that it's impossible to answer, and that the only way to get anyone to actually pay attention is to have colorful screenshots; developers are attracted to shiny things. But on the downside it means i had to put all kinds of work into making the lures.
但我很困惑。您借用的图片来自我题为“检索 Aero Glass 基色以进行不透明表面渲染”。这不是你想做的吗?我还在帖子中指出了存储所有颜色信息的注册表位置 (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM) 以供检索之用。
已编辑 8/26
DwmGetColorizationColor (dwmapi.dll) 返回“着色颜色”,它是各种颜色(包括您选择的基色)和着色器逻辑的混合,以实现整体玻璃效果。
(上面的键存在于 Windows Vista 及更高版本中。)
Colorization color != the base color chosen. It's misleading, I know.
But I'm confused. The image you borrowed was from my post entitled "Retrieving Aero Glass base color for opaque surface rendering". Is this not what you want to do? I also indicated in the post the registry location in which all the color information is stored (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM) for retrieval purposes.
Edited 8/26
DwmGetColorizationColor (dwmapi.dll) returns the "colorization color", which is a blend of various colors (incl. your selected base color) and shader logic to achieve the overall glass effect.
All the color information you need/want can be found in the registry key noted above. The base color, the colors used in blending, and the resulting colorization color are all there.
(The key above is present on Windows Vista and above.)
我相信我已经解决了 Aero Color。 ColorizationColor 给出的颜色实际上是 AARRGGBB,但它根本没有按照您想象的方式使用。为了解决最终的颜色,您还需要获取颜色强度,如下所示: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/610909/Changing-Windows-Aero-Color
第一步是解析 AARRGGBB。然后将生成的 RGB 转换为 HSV。纯色相加上全亮度饱和度是基色。现在将值作为 Alpha 的灰度叠加在纯色相和饱和度之上,以获得 Aero 颜色。然后将该颜色叠加在帧颜色上:强度为 rgb(235, 235, 235),以获得最终的 Composite Aero 颜色结果。
最后,我还提供了一个示例,说明如何提取与 Aero 框架颜色相匹配的可用工具栏颜色,但始终适用于黑色文本和其他基本 Aero 功能。这是通过将强度限制为 35% 来实现的。
I believe I have solved the Aero Color. The color given by ColorizationColor is in fact AARRGGBB but it is not being used in the way that you think at all. And in order to solve the final color, you also need to get the Color Intensity as shown here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/610909/Changing-Windows-Aero-Color
First step is to parse AARRGGBB. Then take the resulting RGB and convert to HSV. The pure Hue plus Saturation at full brightness is the base color. Now overlay Value as a grayscale at Alpha over top of pure Hue and Saturation to get the Aero color. Then overlay that color over the frame color: rgb(235, 235, 235) at Intensity to get the final Composite Aero color result.
Lastly, I've also provided an example of how to extract a useable toolbar color that matches the Aero frame color, but will always work with black text and other basic Aero features. This is accomplished by limiting Intensity to 35%.
Here is the math:
您觉得 A0F040 怎么样?
How does A0F040 look to you?
OP Edit: This is how 0xA0F040 looks to me: