Common Lisp 中的串口通信

发布于 2024-09-15 19:31:43 字数 42 浏览 7 评论 0原文

Windows 上的 Common Lisp 中有用于串口通信的库吗?

Is there a library for serial port communication in Common Lisp on Windows?

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后来的我们 2024-09-22 19:31:43

下面是一些使用 SBCL 外部函数 POSIX 调用来实现串行通信的函数。它不像完整的库那么好,但我解决了根据此协议与设备通信的问题

https://valelab.ucsf。 edu/svn/micromanager2/branches/micromanager1.3/DeviceAdapters/ZeissCAN/ZeissCAN.cpp


(defpackage :serial
  (:shadowing-import-from :cl close open ftruncate truncate time
              read write)
  (:use :cl :sb-posix)
  (:export #:open-serial

(defpackage :focus
  (:use :cl :serial)
  (:export #:get-position


(in-package :serial)

(defconstant FIONREAD #x541B)
(defconstant IXANY #o4000)
(defconstant CRTSCTS #o20000000000)

(deftype fd-type ()
  `(unsigned-byte 31))

(defun open-serial (tty)
  (declare (string tty)
       (values stream fd-type &optional))
  (let* ((fd (sb-posix:open
          tty (logior O-RDWR
              O-NOCTTY #+nil (this terminal can't control this program)
              O-NDELAY #+nil (we don't wait until dcd is space)
     (term (tcgetattr fd))
     (baud-rate B9600))

    (fcntl fd F-SETFL (logior O-RDWR O-NOCTTY)) #+nil (reset file status flags, clearing e.g. O-NDELAY)

    (cfsetispeed baud-rate term)
    (cfsetospeed baud-rate term)

    (macrolet ((set-flag (flag &key (on ()) (off ()))
         `(setf ,flag (logior ,@on (logand ,flag ,@off)))))

     (aref (termios-cc term) VMIN) 1 #+nil (wake up after 32 chars are read)
     (aref (termios-cc term) VTIME) 5 #+nil (wake up when no char arrived for .1 s))

     ;; check and strip parity, handshake off
     (set-flag (termios-iflag term)
           :on ()
           :off (IXON IXOFF IXANY
             INLCR IGNCR ICRNL

     ;; process output
     (set-flag (termios-oflag term)
           :off (OPOST))

     ;; canonical input but no echo
     (set-flag (termios-lflag term)
           :on ()

     ;; enable receiver, local mode, 8N1 (no parity)
     (set-flag (termios-cflag term)
           :on (CLOCAL CREAD 
               CS8 CRTSCTS)
           :off (CSTOPB CSIZE PARENB)))

    (tcflush fd TCIFLUSH) #+nil (throw away any input data)

    (tcsetattr fd TCSANOW term) #+nil (set terminal port attributes)
     (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t
                :buffering :full)

(defun close-serial (fd)
  (declare (fd-type fd)
       (values null &optional))
  (fcntl fd F-SETFL 0) #+nil (reset file status flags, clearing e.g. O-NONBLOCK)
  (sb-posix:close fd) #+nil (this will set DTR low)

(defun serial-recv-length (fd)
  (declare (fd-type fd)
       (values (signed-byte 32) &optional))
  (sb-alien:with-alien ((bytes sb-alien:int))
    (ioctl fd FIONREAD (sb-alien:addr bytes))

(defun read-response (tty-fd tty-stream)
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (values string &optional))
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (values string &optional))
  (let ((n (serial-recv-length tty-fd)))
    (if (eq 0 n)
    (let ((ret (make-string n)))
      (dotimes (i n)
        (setf (char ret i) (read-char tty-stream)))

(defun write-zeiss (tty-stream command)
  (declare (stream tty-stream)
       (string command))
  (format tty-stream "~a~a" command #\Return)
  (finish-output tty-stream))

(defun talk-zeiss (tty-fd tty-stream command)
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (string command)
       (values string &optional))
  (write-zeiss tty-stream command)
  ;; I measured that the position is fully transmitted after 30 ms.
  (let ((n (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
        (n 0 (serial-recv-length tty-fd)))
           ((or (< 0 n) (<= 30 i)) n)
         (sleep .03d0))))
    (if (eq 0 n)
    (read-response tty-fd tty-stream))))


(in-package :focus)

(defvar *stream* nil)
(defvar *fd* nil)

(defun run-shell (command)
  (with-output-to-string (stream)
    (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/bash" (list "-c" command)
            :input nil
            :output stream)))

(defun find-zeiss-usb-adapter ()
  (let ((port (run-shell "dmesg|grep pl2303|grep ttyUSB|tail -n1|sed s+.*ttyUSB+/dev/ttyUSB+g|tr -d '\\n'")))
    (if (string-equal "" port)
    (error "dmesg output doesn't contain ttyUSB assignment. This can happen when the system ran a long time. You could reattach the USB adapter that is connected to the microscope.")


(defun connect (&optional (devicename (find-zeiss-usb-adapter)))
  (multiple-value-bind (s fd)
      (open-serial devicename)
    (defparameter *stream* s)
        (defparameter *fd* fd)))

(defun disconnect ()
  (close-serial *fd*)
  (setf *stream* nil))


(serial-recv-length *fd*)

#+nil ;; do cat /dev/ttyUSB1 in some terminal, or use read-response below
  (format *stream* "HPTv0~a" #\Return)
  (finish-output *stream*))

  (format *stream* "FPZp~a" #\Return)
  (finish-output *stream*))

(read-response *fd* *stream*)

(response->pos-um (read-response *fd* *stream*))

(close-serial *fd2*)

 (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss *fd2* *s2* "FPZp")))

#+nil ;; measure the time it takes until the full response has arrived
 (format *s2* "FPZp~a" #\Return)
 (finish-output *s2*)
 (dotimes (i 10)
   (sleep .01d0)
   (format t "~a~%" (list i (serial-recv-length *fd2*))))
 (read-response *fd2* *s2*))

(defconstant +step-size+ .025s0 "Distance of one z step in micrometer.")

(defun response->pos-um (answer)
  (declare (string answer)
       (values single-float &optional))
  (if (equal "PF" (subseq answer 0 2))
    (let* ((uval (the fixnum (read-from-string
                  (format nil "#x~a" (subseq answer 2)))))
       (val (if (eq 0 (logand uval #x800000))
            uval ;; positive
            (- uval #xffffff 1))))
      (* +step-size+ val))
    (error "unexpected answer on serial port.")))

;; some tricks with two's complement here!  be sure to generate a
;; 24bit signed number consecutive application of pos-um->request and
;; response->pos-um should be the identity (if you don't consider the
;; prefix "PF" that response->pos-um expects)

(defun pos-um->request (pos-um)
  (declare (single-float pos-um)
       (values string &optional))
  (format nil "~6,'0X"
      (let ((val (round pos-um +step-size+)))
        (if (< val 0)
        (+ #xffffff val 1)

(defun get-position ()
  (declare (values single-float &optional))
  (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss *fd* *stream* "FPZp")))

(defun set-position (position-um)
  "Decreasing the position moves away from sample."
  (declare (single-float position-um))
  (write-zeiss *stream*
           (format nil "FPZT~a" (pos-um->request position-um))))

(format nil "FPZT~a" (pos-um->request -8.0d0))

(defparameter current-pos (get-position *fd* *stream*))
(format t "pos: ~a~%" (get-position *fd2* *s2*))
#    +nil
(time (format t "response ~a~%"
          (set-position *s2* (+ current-pos 0.7d0))))

  (set-position *s2* (+ current-pos 135d0))
  (dotimes (i 20)
    (format t "pos ~a~%" (list i (get-position *fd2* *s2*)))))

(loop for i below 100 do
     (sleep .1)
     (format t "~a~%" (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss "FPZp"))))

Here are a few functions that implement serial communication using SBCL foreign function POSIX calls. Its not as nice as a full library but I solved my problem of talking to the device according to this protocol


(defpackage :serial
  (:shadowing-import-from :cl close open ftruncate truncate time
              read write)
  (:use :cl :sb-posix)
  (:export #:open-serial

(defpackage :focus
  (:use :cl :serial)
  (:export #:get-position


(in-package :serial)

(defconstant FIONREAD #x541B)
(defconstant IXANY #o4000)
(defconstant CRTSCTS #o20000000000)

(deftype fd-type ()
  `(unsigned-byte 31))

(defun open-serial (tty)
  (declare (string tty)
       (values stream fd-type &optional))
  (let* ((fd (sb-posix:open
          tty (logior O-RDWR
              O-NOCTTY #+nil (this terminal can't control this program)
              O-NDELAY #+nil (we don't wait until dcd is space)
     (term (tcgetattr fd))
     (baud-rate B9600))

    (fcntl fd F-SETFL (logior O-RDWR O-NOCTTY)) #+nil (reset file status flags, clearing e.g. O-NDELAY)

    (cfsetispeed baud-rate term)
    (cfsetospeed baud-rate term)

    (macrolet ((set-flag (flag &key (on ()) (off ()))
         `(setf ,flag (logior ,@on (logand ,flag ,@off)))))

     (aref (termios-cc term) VMIN) 1 #+nil (wake up after 32 chars are read)
     (aref (termios-cc term) VTIME) 5 #+nil (wake up when no char arrived for .1 s))

     ;; check and strip parity, handshake off
     (set-flag (termios-iflag term)
           :on ()
           :off (IXON IXOFF IXANY
             INLCR IGNCR ICRNL

     ;; process output
     (set-flag (termios-oflag term)
           :off (OPOST))

     ;; canonical input but no echo
     (set-flag (termios-lflag term)
           :on ()

     ;; enable receiver, local mode, 8N1 (no parity)
     (set-flag (termios-cflag term)
           :on (CLOCAL CREAD 
               CS8 CRTSCTS)
           :off (CSTOPB CSIZE PARENB)))

    (tcflush fd TCIFLUSH) #+nil (throw away any input data)

    (tcsetattr fd TCSANOW term) #+nil (set terminal port attributes)
     (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t
                :buffering :full)

(defun close-serial (fd)
  (declare (fd-type fd)
       (values null &optional))
  (fcntl fd F-SETFL 0) #+nil (reset file status flags, clearing e.g. O-NONBLOCK)
  (sb-posix:close fd) #+nil (this will set DTR low)

(defun serial-recv-length (fd)
  (declare (fd-type fd)
       (values (signed-byte 32) &optional))
  (sb-alien:with-alien ((bytes sb-alien:int))
    (ioctl fd FIONREAD (sb-alien:addr bytes))

(defun read-response (tty-fd tty-stream)
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (values string &optional))
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (values string &optional))
  (let ((n (serial-recv-length tty-fd)))
    (if (eq 0 n)
    (let ((ret (make-string n)))
      (dotimes (i n)
        (setf (char ret i) (read-char tty-stream)))

(defun write-zeiss (tty-stream command)
  (declare (stream tty-stream)
       (string command))
  (format tty-stream "~a~a" command #\Return)
  (finish-output tty-stream))

(defun talk-zeiss (tty-fd tty-stream command)
  (declare (fd-type tty-fd)
       (stream tty-stream)
       (string command)
       (values string &optional))
  (write-zeiss tty-stream command)
  ;; I measured that the position is fully transmitted after 30 ms.
  (let ((n (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
        (n 0 (serial-recv-length tty-fd)))
           ((or (< 0 n) (<= 30 i)) n)
         (sleep .03d0))))
    (if (eq 0 n)
    (read-response tty-fd tty-stream))))


(in-package :focus)

(defvar *stream* nil)
(defvar *fd* nil)

(defun run-shell (command)
  (with-output-to-string (stream)
    (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/bash" (list "-c" command)
            :input nil
            :output stream)))

(defun find-zeiss-usb-adapter ()
  (let ((port (run-shell "dmesg|grep pl2303|grep ttyUSB|tail -n1|sed s+.*ttyUSB+/dev/ttyUSB+g|tr -d '\\n'")))
    (if (string-equal "" port)
    (error "dmesg output doesn't contain ttyUSB assignment. This can happen when the system ran a long time. You could reattach the USB adapter that is connected to the microscope.")


(defun connect (&optional (devicename (find-zeiss-usb-adapter)))
  (multiple-value-bind (s fd)
      (open-serial devicename)
    (defparameter *stream* s)
        (defparameter *fd* fd)))

(defun disconnect ()
  (close-serial *fd*)
  (setf *stream* nil))


(serial-recv-length *fd*)

#+nil ;; do cat /dev/ttyUSB1 in some terminal, or use read-response below
  (format *stream* "HPTv0~a" #\Return)
  (finish-output *stream*))

  (format *stream* "FPZp~a" #\Return)
  (finish-output *stream*))

(read-response *fd* *stream*)

(response->pos-um (read-response *fd* *stream*))

(close-serial *fd2*)

 (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss *fd2* *s2* "FPZp")))

#+nil ;; measure the time it takes until the full response has arrived
 (format *s2* "FPZp~a" #\Return)
 (finish-output *s2*)
 (dotimes (i 10)
   (sleep .01d0)
   (format t "~a~%" (list i (serial-recv-length *fd2*))))
 (read-response *fd2* *s2*))

(defconstant +step-size+ .025s0 "Distance of one z step in micrometer.")

(defun response->pos-um (answer)
  (declare (string answer)
       (values single-float &optional))
  (if (equal "PF" (subseq answer 0 2))
    (let* ((uval (the fixnum (read-from-string
                  (format nil "#x~a" (subseq answer 2)))))
       (val (if (eq 0 (logand uval #x800000))
            uval ;; positive
            (- uval #xffffff 1))))
      (* +step-size+ val))
    (error "unexpected answer on serial port.")))

;; some tricks with two's complement here!  be sure to generate a
;; 24bit signed number consecutive application of pos-um->request and
;; response->pos-um should be the identity (if you don't consider the
;; prefix "PF" that response->pos-um expects)

(defun pos-um->request (pos-um)
  (declare (single-float pos-um)
       (values string &optional))
  (format nil "~6,'0X"
      (let ((val (round pos-um +step-size+)))
        (if (< val 0)
        (+ #xffffff val 1)

(defun get-position ()
  (declare (values single-float &optional))
  (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss *fd* *stream* "FPZp")))

(defun set-position (position-um)
  "Decreasing the position moves away from sample."
  (declare (single-float position-um))
  (write-zeiss *stream*
           (format nil "FPZT~a" (pos-um->request position-um))))

(format nil "FPZT~a" (pos-um->request -8.0d0))

(defparameter current-pos (get-position *fd* *stream*))
(format t "pos: ~a~%" (get-position *fd2* *s2*))
#    +nil
(time (format t "response ~a~%"
          (set-position *s2* (+ current-pos 0.7d0))))

  (set-position *s2* (+ current-pos 135d0))
  (dotimes (i 20)
    (format t "pos ~a~%" (list i (get-position *fd2* *s2*)))))

(loop for i below 100 do
     (sleep .1)
     (format t "~a~%" (response->pos-um (talk-zeiss "FPZp"))))
落日海湾 2024-09-22 19:31:43

我不知道是否有免费的,但 LispWorks 有一个 - 串行端口

如果做不到这一点,您可能必须自己编写。您可以尝试简单地为 Windows 调用编写 FFI 包装器 (GetCommState、WaitCommEvent 等)作为开始。这肯定是可行的。

I don't know if there's a free one available, but LispWorks has one - SERIAL-PORT.

Failing that, you might have to write your own. You could try simply writing the FFI wrappers for the Windows calls (GetCommState, WaitCommEvent, etc.) as a start. It's most certainly doable.

兮子 2024-09-22 19:31:43

这并不是一个真正的口齿不清的问题,但无论如何我都会尝试回答它。简短的回答:不。长答案:可能。这取决于 FFI 的工作方式以及您使用的环境(原始窗口、cygwin、mingw)如果您使用原始窗口,那么机会非常渺茫。事实上,无论哪种方式,我敢打赌机会都很渺茫。 Lisp 是一种相当高级的语言,并不是为此类事情而设计的。

This isn't really a lisp question, but I'll attempt to answer it anyway. Short answer: no. Long answer: possibly. It depends on how the FFI works and what environment you're using(raw windows, cygwin, mingw) If you are using raw windows, the chances is very slim. Actually, either way I'd bet the chances are slim. Lisp is a fairly high-level language, and isn't designed for stuff such as this.

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