运行时错误“429”: ActiveX 组件无法创建对象
I have developed an inventory management software using VB6. and i have copied it on Client's machine and it was working. but 3 days before they formatted the system and now i copied the software again an i tried to run the application. but i got the following error message
Run-time error '429':
ActiveX component can't create object
Please help me.
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最可能的原因是 ActiveX 控件丢失或未注册/损坏,请参阅此链接。您的应用程序是否有您应该运行的安装程序?否则,如果错误上下文没有提供任何线索,您将必须查看项目依赖项并尝试猜测缺少什么。
The most likely cause is a missing or unregistered/corrupt ActiveX control, see this link. Does your application have an installation program you should have run? Otherwise you'll have to look through the project dependencies and try and guess to see what is missing if the error context doesn't give any clue.
您的应用程序是否使用任何 Office 对象?我对在 2001 年左右编写一些使用 Word 和 Excel COM 对象的 VB6 代码有一个非常模糊和遥远的记忆,如果该应用程序安装在未安装 Office 的用户 PC 上,则会出现 429 错误。 ..
Does your app use any Office objects? I have a very dim and distant memory of writing some VB6 code back in 2001 or so that used Word and Excel COM objects, and that would spit a 429 if the app was installed on a users' PC who didn't have Office installed...