在 Windows Mobile 5 上查找位置
我正在尝试使用 Windows Mobile 5 PDA 来获取其位置。
它没有 GPS,但我找到了这篇 MSDN 文章这解释了如何使用手机信号塔信息来做到这一点。该示例确实 ap/invoke RIL.DLL,但我不确定它是否在 WM5 上可用,如果是,我不确定在哪里可以找到它?
I'm trying to get a Windows Mobile 5 PDA to give me its location.
It doesn't have GPS but I found this MSDN article that explains how to do it using cell tower information. The example does a p/invoke to RIL.DLL, but I'm not sure if that is available on WM5, if it is I'm not sure where to find it?
Any good hints or links would be greatly appreciated.
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RIL.dll 仅在电话设备上可用。如果您的 WinMo PDA 是手机版本,那么它应该在那里(在 \Windows 文件夹中,可能是隐藏的)。远程文件查看器应该能够显示它,但如果您只是尝试 P/Invoke 它,您很快就会发现它是否存在。
RIL.dll is available only on phone devices. If your WinMo PDA is a phone edition then it should be there (in the \Windows folder, probably hidden). The remote file viewer should be able to show it, but if you simply try to P/Invoke it, you'll find out quickly if it's there or not.