在 Unity3D 中如何通过单击鼠标创建对象的副本?
另外,如何在运行时选择要克隆的对象? (最好选择鼠标)。
How do you create a copy of an object upon mouse click in Unity3D?
Also, how could I select the object to be cloned during run-time? (mouse selection preferable).
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您会希望在多次调用 Update 的过程中发生这种情况:
And you'll want this to happen over course of many calls to Update:
最简单的方法(在 C# 中)是这样的:(
The simplest way (in c#) would be something like this:
(The first line just makes sure there is a collider attached to the object, it's required to detect the mouse click)
That script should work as is, but I haven't tested it yet, I'll fix it if it doesn't.
你给 Instantiate() 三个参数:什么对象,什么位置,它如何旋转。
该脚本的作用是在确切的位置和位置实例化某些内容。该脚本所附加的游戏对象的旋转。通常,您需要从游戏对象中删除对撞机,以及刚体(如果有)。实例化事物的方法有多种,因此,如果这个方法不适合您,我可以提供一个不同的示例。 :)
If your script is attached to a GameObject (say, a sphere), then you can do this:
You give Instantiate( ) three parameters: what object, what position, how is it rotated.
What this script does is it instantiates something at the exact position & rotation of the GameObject this script is attached to. Oftentimes you will need to remove the collider from the GameObject, and the rigidbody if there is one. There a variations in ways you can go about instantiating things, so if this one doesn't work for you I can provide a different example. : )