.NET 企业库的 Java 等价物是什么?
我是一名 .NET 人员,但最近被安排参与一个 Java 项目。是否有与 .NET 企业库相当的 java 版本?更具体地说,我只需要一个配置管理器、数据访问助手(参数化和清理),也许还需要一个记录器。
I am a .NET guy but recently have been placed on a Java project. Is there a java equivalent of .NET's Enterprise Library? More specifically, I only need a configuration manager, data access helper (parametrization and sanitize), and maybe a logger.
What are the hot tools for java development?
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听起来像是 Apache Commons 提供的那种水平工具。这些已经存在多年,在某些情况下至今仍然有用(例如 Commons Lang、公共配置),在其他情况下现在已经过时并被更好的东西取代(Commons Collections 作者:Google Guava,Commons 日志记录,作者:SLF4J)。
为了简化数据访问,可以使用 iBatis 或 Spring JDBC 是很好的起点。
Sounds like the sort of horizontal tools that the likes of Apache Commons provides. These have been around for years, in some cases remaining useful today (e.g. Commons Lang, Commons Configuration), in other case now outdated and superseded by better things (Commons Collections by Google Guava, Commons Logging by SLF4J).
For simplified data access, the likes of iBatis or Spring JDBC are good starting points.
日志记录: log4j (或 Java 内置日志记录)
配置和数据访问帮助程序:Spring 或许还有 Hibernate 。
Logging: log4j (or the logging built into Java)
Configuration and data access helpers: Spring and perhaps Hibernate.
.NET Enterprise Library 似乎只是库的集合。针对您的特殊需求,有多种选择。我建议其中之一:
It seems the .NET Enterprise Library is just a collection of libraries. For your particular needs there are many options. I'll suggest one of each:
对于DAO,我使用Easier Java Persistence,它非常轻,需要0配置。真的很值得
For DAO, I use Easier Java Persistence, which is extremely light and requires 0 configuration. Its really worth it