
发布于 2024-09-15 03:22:18 字数 130 浏览 1 评论 0原文

我刚刚读到一篇文章说7个字符的密码不再安全。但是,如果服务器增加每次登录尝试后重试登录的时间,那么暴力攻击就没用了。如何在 ASP.NET 中创建这样的逻辑?不知怎的,我猜服务器端代码需要记住尝试登录的IP地址,并且应该增加每次新尝试的响应时间?

I just read an article saying that passwords with 7 characters are no longer safe. However, if the server increases the time to retry a login attempt after each login attempt, then brute force attacks are useless. How do you create such logic in asp.net? Somehow I guess the server side code needs to remember the ip-address that tried to login and should increase the response time with each new try?

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心碎的声音 2024-09-22 03:22:18

IP 地址并不是真正识别用户的安全方法。您可以尝试将上次提交的登录尝试存储在 cookie 中,但如果浏览器不接受它们,那么它的用途将受到限制。会话变量也需要cookie,所以它们已经被淘汰了。


另一种选择是在 X 次尝试失败后禁用帐户(可以在您的数据库中进行跟踪),但我个人不喜欢这样做,因为每当我忘记密码时,它往往会迫使我打电话给某人来重置我的密码。

IP address isn't really a secure method of identifying the user. You could try storing the last time a login attempt was submitted in a cookie, but if the browser doesn't accept them, it'll be of limited use. Session variables also require cookies, so they're out.

Some sites (yahoo comes to mind) start showing a Captcha form after the third or so attempt. You have to correctly answer the captcha in addition to your login details.

Another option would be to disable an account after X failed attempts (which can be tracked in your database), but I personally dislike this as it tends to force me to call someone to get my password reset whenever I forget one.

等你爱我 2024-09-22 03:22:18


Many brute force attacks occur offline. That's why failed-attempt lock-outs are no substitute for requiring complex passwords, using proper "salt", and key-strengthening.

婴鹅 2024-09-22 03:22:18

ASP.NET 有一个内置机制来防止针对登录密码的暴力攻击。
请参阅 maxInvalidPasswordAttempts 成员身份属性

恕我直言,7 个字符的密码完全适合大多数 Web 应用程序(我的银行允许 7 个字符的密码),前提是遵循安全最佳实践,例如安全地散列密码和阻止暴力攻击。

一旦您获得超过 7 或 8 个字符的密码,您实际上是在说“我的应用程序需要超级安全”,在这种情况下,您应该考虑单独的客户端 SSL 证书。要求密码中包含更多字符会带来收益递减。您有多少用户能够记住复杂的 8 或 9 个字符的密码?他们最终把它们写下来。就我个人而言,任何要求我创建超级复杂密码的网站都会拒绝我。

只要正确设置,ASP.NET 会员资格就会为您完成大部分有关安全性的艰苦工作。

但是,ASP.NET 成员资格无法为您做一些事情,例如:

  • 确保使用 HTTPS
  • 防止 CSRF 和类似攻击
  • 确保所有 Web 请求都路由到 ASP.NET,以防止 IIS 提供静态内容并绕过 ASP。 NET 身份验证
  • 检查用户是否为人类 (CAPTCHA)

有关安全最佳实践的更多信息,我将查看 OWASP

ASP.NET has a built-in mechanism to prevent brute force attacks against login passwords.
Refer to the maxInvalidPasswordAttempts Membership property.

IMHO 7 character passwords are perfectly adequate for most web applications (my bank allows 7 char passwords) provided security best practices are followed, such as securely hashing passwords and blocking brute force attacks.

Once you get beyond 7 or 8 character passwords, you are really saying "my app needs to be super secure", in which case you ought to consider individual client SSL certificates. Requiring more characters in a password has diminishing returns. How many of your users can remember complex 8 or 9 character passwords? They end up writing them down. Personally, I get turned away by any site that requires me to create some super-complex password.

ASP.NET Membership does most of the hard work around security for you, as long as it is setup properly.

However, there are some things ASP.NET Membership cannot do for you, such as:

  • Ensuring HTTPS is used
  • Preventing CSRF and similar attacks
  • Ensuring all web requests are routed to ASP.NET to prevent static content being served up by IIS and bypassing ASP.NET authentication
  • Checking that the user is a human (CAPTCHA)

For more on security best practices I'd look at OWASP

爱的十字路口 2024-09-22 03:22:18


  • 针对特定用户的针对性攻击。您希望让攻击者的登录更加困难,但又不会困难太多。验证码就足够了(但如果登录页面上没有显示密码,则不要让用户再次输入密码)。
  • 对众多用户进行大规模攻击。锁定单个用户有点毫无意义,因为攻击者可以尝试(比如说)3 个密码,然后转移到另一个帐户。每个 IP 的验证码可能就足够了,但您可能还想对每个 IP 进行速率限制(或用于白名单代理列表的 X-Forwarded-For)。这取决于攻击者僵尸网络的规模;足够大的僵尸网络可以将攻击分散到多个机器人/站点上,以便每个站点从每个 IP 获得较低的速率。
  • 对密码数据库的离线攻击。在这种情况下,即使有一个好的散列,您也至少需要大约 50 位的熵(NTLM 使用 MD4 的单个调用,这不是一个好的散列),这是您无法在相对的情况下获得的。普通 8 个字符的密码(8 log2(94) 仅是 52.4)。

您可以将每个 IP 的尝试次数存储到树中,然后将树的密集部分分组在一起。然后将其分桶(每 10 分钟构建一棵新树,将旧树再保留 10 分钟)。这可能有一个错误的假设,即相邻 IP 可能会表现出类似的行为,但会优雅地降级为仅将 IPv4 聚集到(例如)/24 中。

如果您感觉特别慷慨,您可以在登录时存储一个单独的 cookie,在注销时不会清除该 cookie,并在数据库中保存一个副本(128 位随机值应该足够了)。在尝试登录时,如果浏览器提供了正确的 cookie,请对浏览器“更好”(例如,允许对该 cookie 进行 3 次尝试,而不计算每个 IP 或每个用户的失败率)。这意味着即使用户的帐户被暴力破解,用于访问该帐户的最后一台计算机也不会显示验证码。

一般来说,谈论密码熵比谈论密码长度和“字符类型”更有用——我很确定几乎每个人都只是将第一个字母大写并在末尾添加一个 1。我还没有看到任何“人类友好”的密码生成器也声明密码熵。

There appear to be at least three attacks you might want to worry about:

  • Targeted attack at a particular user. You want to make logging in more difficult for the attackee, but not too much more difficult. A CAPTCHA is sufficient (but don't make the user type in the password again if it wasn't displayed on the login page).
  • Large-scale attack on many users. Locking out individual users is a bit pointless, since the attacker can just try (say) 3 passwords and then move on to a different account. A CAPTCHA per IP might be sufficient, but you may also want to rate-limit per-IP (or X-Forwarded-For for a list of whitelisted proxies). This depends on the size of your attacker's botnet; a large enough botnet can distribute attacks over multiple bots/sites such that each site gets a low rate from each IP.
  • Offline attack on the password database. In this case, you need at least about 50 bits of entropy even with a good hash (NTLM uses a single call of MD4 which is not a good hash), which you can't get in a relatively normal 8-character password (8 log2(94) is only 52.4).

You could store tries-per-IP into a tree, where you group dense parts of the tree together. Then just bucketize it (construct a new tree every 10 minutes, keep the old tree around for 10 more minutes). This has the possibly mistaken assumption that neighbouring IPs are likely to exhibit similar behaviour, but downgrades gracefully into just clustering the IPv4 into (say) /24's.

If you're feeling particularly generous, you can store a separate cookie on login that's not cleared on logout, and save a copy in the database (a 128-bit random value should be good enough). On a login attempt, be "nicer" to the browser if it presents the correct cookie (e.g. allow 3 attempts on that cookie without counting per-IP or per-user failure rate). This means that the last machine used to access the account isn't presented with a CAPTCHA even when the user's account is being bruteforced.

In general, it's more useful to talk about password entropy than password length and "types of characters" — I'm pretty sure nearly everyone just makes the first letter capital and sticks a 1 on the end. I've also yet to see any "human-friendly" password generators that also state password entropy.

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