如何使用 Open XML SDK 2.0 将注释添加到 Excel 2007 中的单元格?

发布于 2024-09-15 01:50:38 字数 76 浏览 7 评论 0原文

有没有人曾经有幸弄清楚如何使用 Open XML SDK 2.0 向 Excel 添加注释?我找不到任何关于从哪里开始解决这个问题的文档。

Has anyone ever had any luck figuring out how to add a comment to Excel using the Open XML SDK 2.0? I couldn't find any documentation on where to get started on this issue.

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夜雨飘雪 2024-09-22 01:50:38

下面的代码将获取您要添加注释的工作表,然后迭代 commentsToAdd 字典。字典键是单元格引用(即A1),值是要添加的注释文本。

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds all the comments defined in the commentsToAddDict dictionary to the worksheet
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param>
    /// <param name="commentsToAddDict">Dictionary of cell references as the key (ie. A1) and the comment text as the value</param>
    public static void InsertComments(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, Dictionary<string, string> commentsToAddDict)
        if (commentsToAddDict.Any())
            string commentsVmlXml = string.Empty;

            // Create all the comment VML Shape XML
            foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
                commentsVmlXml += GetCommentVMLShapeXML(GetColumnName(commentToAdd.Key), GetRowIndex(commentToAdd.Key).ToString());

            // The VMLDrawingPart should contain all the definitions for how to draw every comment shape for the worksheet
            VmlDrawingPart vmlDrawingPart = worksheetPart.AddNewPart<VmlDrawingPart>();
            using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(vmlDrawingPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create), Encoding.UTF8))

                writer.WriteRaw("<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\"\r\n xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"\r\n xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">\r\n <o:shapelayout v:ext=\"edit\">\r\n  <o:idmap v:ext=\"edit\" data=\"1\"/>\r\n" +
                "</o:shapelayout><v:shapetype id=\"_x0000_t202\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"202\"\r\n  path=\"m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe\">\r\n  <v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>\r\n  <v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"/>\r\n </v:shapetype>"
                + commentsVmlXml + "</xml>");

            // Create the comment elements
            foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
                WorksheetCommentsPart worksheetCommentsPart = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart ?? worksheetPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetCommentsPart>();                 

                // We only want one legacy drawing element per worksheet for comments
                if (worksheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<LegacyDrawing>().SingleOrDefault() == null)
                    string vmlPartId = worksheetPart.GetIdOfPart(vmlDrawingPart);
                    LegacyDrawing legacyDrawing = new LegacyDrawing() { Id = vmlPartId };

                Comments comments;
                bool appendComments = false;
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null)
                    comments = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments;
                    comments = new Comments();
                    appendComments = true;

                // We only want one Author element per Comments element
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments == null)
                    Authors authors = new Authors();
                    Author author = new Author();
                    author.Text = "Author Name";

                CommentList commentList;
                bool appendCommentList = false;
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null &&
                    worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().SingleOrDefault() != null)
                    commentList = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().Single();
                    commentList = new CommentList();
                    appendCommentList = true;

                Comment comment = new Comment() { Reference = commentToAdd.Key, AuthorId = (UInt32Value)0U };

                CommentText commentTextElement = new CommentText();

                Run run = new Run();

                RunProperties runProperties = new RunProperties();
                Bold bold = new Bold();
                FontSize fontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 8D };
                Color color = new Color() { Indexed = (UInt32Value)81U };
                RunFont runFont = new RunFont() { Val = "Tahoma" };
                RunPropertyCharSet runPropertyCharSet = new RunPropertyCharSet() { Val = 1 };

                Text text = new Text();
                text.Text = commentToAdd.Value;



                // Only append the Comment List if this is the first time adding a comment
                if (appendCommentList)

                // Only append the Comments if this is the first time adding Comments
                if (appendComments)
                    worksheetCommentsPart.Comments = comments;

将为形状创建 VML XML 的帮助程序方法:

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the VML Shape XML for a comment. It determines the positioning of the
    /// comment in the excel document based on the column name and row index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name containing the comment</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">Row index containing the comment</param>
    /// <returns>VML Shape XML for a comment</returns>
    private static string GetCommentVMLShapeXML(string columnName, string rowIndex)
        string commentVmlXml = string.Empty;

        // Parse the row index into an int so we can subtract one
        int commentRowIndex;
        if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out commentRowIndex))
            commentRowIndex -= 1;

            commentVmlXml = "<v:shape id=\"" +  Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "\" type=\"#_x0000_t202\" style=\'position:absolute;\r\n  margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:96pt;height:55.5pt;z-index:1;\r\n  visibility:hidden\' fillcolor=\"#ffffe1\" o:insetmode=\"auto\">\r\n  <v:fill color2=\"#ffffe1\"/>\r\n" +
            "<v:shadow on=\"t\" color=\"black\" obscured=\"t\"/>\r\n  <v:path o:connecttype=\"none\"/>\r\n  <v:textbox style=\'mso-fit-shape-to-text:true'>\r\n   <div style=\'text-align:left\'></div>\r\n  </v:textbox>\r\n  <x:ClientData ObjectType=\"Note\">\r\n   <x:MoveWithCells/>\r\n" +
            "<x:SizeWithCells/>\r\n   <x:Anchor>\r\n" + GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(columnName, rowIndex) + "</x:Anchor>\r\n   <x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>\r\n   <x:Row>" + commentRowIndex + "</x:Row>\r\n   <x:Column>" + GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName) + "</x:Column>\r\n  </x:ClientData>\r\n </v:shape>";

        return commentVmlXml;

帮助程序找出注释的列索引和坐标 形状:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the coordinates for where on the excel spreadsheet to display the VML comment shape
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name of where the comment is located (ie. B)</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">Row index of where the comment is located (ie. 2)</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="<x:Anchor>"/> coordinates in the form of a comma separated list</returns>
    private static string GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(string columnName, string rowIndex)
        string coordinates = string.Empty;
        int startingRow = 0;
        int startingColumn = GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName).Value;

        // From (upper right coordinate of a rectangle)
        // [0] Left column
        // [1] Left column offset
        // [2] Left row
        // [3] Left row offset
        // To (bottom right coordinate of a rectangle)
        // [4] Right column
        // [5] Right column offset
        // [6] Right row
        // [7] Right row offset
        List<int> coordList = new List<int>(8) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

        if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out startingRow))
            // Make the row be a zero based index
            startingRow -= 1;

            coordList[0] = startingColumn + 1; // If starting column is A, display shape in column B
            coordList[1] = 15;
            coordList[2] = startingRow;
            coordList[4] = startingColumn + 3; // If starting column is A, display shape till column D
            coordList[5] = 15;
            coordList[6] = startingRow + 3; // If starting row is 0, display 3 rows down to row 3

            // The row offsets change if the shape is defined in the first row
            if (startingRow == 0)
                coordList[3] = 2;
                coordList[7] = 16;
                coordList[3] = 10;
                coordList[7] = 4;

            coordinates = string.Join(",", coordList.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());

        return coordinates;

    /// <summary>
    /// Given just the column name (no row index), it will return the zero based column index.
    /// Note: This method will only handle columns with a length of up to two (ie. A to Z and AA to ZZ). 
    /// A length of three can be implemented when needed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column Name (ie. A or AB)</param>
    /// <returns>Zero based index if the conversion was successful; otherwise null</returns>
    public static int? GetColumnIndexFromName(string columnName)
        int? columnIndex = null;

        string[] colLetters = Regex.Split(columnName, "([A-Z]+)");
        colLetters = colLetters.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray();

        if (colLetters.Count() <= 2)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (string col in colLetters)
                List<char> col1 = colLetters.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().ToList();
                int? indexValue = Letters.IndexOf(col1.ElementAt(index));

                if (indexValue != -1)
                    // The first letter of a two digit column needs some extra calculations
                    if (index == 0 && colLetters.Count() == 2)
                        columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? (indexValue + 1) * 26 : columnIndex + ((indexValue + 1) * 26);
                        columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? indexValue : columnIndex + indexValue;


        return columnIndex;


The below code will take the worksheet that you want to add comments to and then iterate over the commentsToAdd dictionary. The dictionary key is the cell reference (ie. A1) and the value is the comment text to be added.

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds all the comments defined in the commentsToAddDict dictionary to the worksheet
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param>
    /// <param name="commentsToAddDict">Dictionary of cell references as the key (ie. A1) and the comment text as the value</param>
    public static void InsertComments(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, Dictionary<string, string> commentsToAddDict)
        if (commentsToAddDict.Any())
            string commentsVmlXml = string.Empty;

            // Create all the comment VML Shape XML
            foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
                commentsVmlXml += GetCommentVMLShapeXML(GetColumnName(commentToAdd.Key), GetRowIndex(commentToAdd.Key).ToString());

            // The VMLDrawingPart should contain all the definitions for how to draw every comment shape for the worksheet
            VmlDrawingPart vmlDrawingPart = worksheetPart.AddNewPart<VmlDrawingPart>();
            using (XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(vmlDrawingPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create), Encoding.UTF8))

                writer.WriteRaw("<xml xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\"\r\n xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"\r\n xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\">\r\n <o:shapelayout v:ext=\"edit\">\r\n  <o:idmap v:ext=\"edit\" data=\"1\"/>\r\n" +
                "</o:shapelayout><v:shapetype id=\"_x0000_t202\" coordsize=\"21600,21600\" o:spt=\"202\"\r\n  path=\"m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe\">\r\n  <v:stroke joinstyle=\"miter\"/>\r\n  <v:path gradientshapeok=\"t\" o:connecttype=\"rect\"/>\r\n </v:shapetype>"
                + commentsVmlXml + "</xml>");

            // Create the comment elements
            foreach (var commentToAdd in commentsToAddDict)
                WorksheetCommentsPart worksheetCommentsPart = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart ?? worksheetPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetCommentsPart>();                 

                // We only want one legacy drawing element per worksheet for comments
                if (worksheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<LegacyDrawing>().SingleOrDefault() == null)
                    string vmlPartId = worksheetPart.GetIdOfPart(vmlDrawingPart);
                    LegacyDrawing legacyDrawing = new LegacyDrawing() { Id = vmlPartId };

                Comments comments;
                bool appendComments = false;
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null)
                    comments = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments;
                    comments = new Comments();
                    appendComments = true;

                // We only want one Author element per Comments element
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments == null)
                    Authors authors = new Authors();
                    Author author = new Author();
                    author.Text = "Author Name";

                CommentList commentList;
                bool appendCommentList = false;
                if (worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments != null &&
                    worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().SingleOrDefault() != null)
                    commentList = worksheetPart.WorksheetCommentsPart.Comments.Descendants<CommentList>().Single();
                    commentList = new CommentList();
                    appendCommentList = true;

                Comment comment = new Comment() { Reference = commentToAdd.Key, AuthorId = (UInt32Value)0U };

                CommentText commentTextElement = new CommentText();

                Run run = new Run();

                RunProperties runProperties = new RunProperties();
                Bold bold = new Bold();
                FontSize fontSize = new FontSize() { Val = 8D };
                Color color = new Color() { Indexed = (UInt32Value)81U };
                RunFont runFont = new RunFont() { Val = "Tahoma" };
                RunPropertyCharSet runPropertyCharSet = new RunPropertyCharSet() { Val = 1 };

                Text text = new Text();
                text.Text = commentToAdd.Value;



                // Only append the Comment List if this is the first time adding a comment
                if (appendCommentList)

                // Only append the Comments if this is the first time adding Comments
                if (appendComments)
                    worksheetCommentsPart.Comments = comments;

Helper method that will create the VML XML for the Shape:

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the VML Shape XML for a comment. It determines the positioning of the
    /// comment in the excel document based on the column name and row index.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name containing the comment</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">Row index containing the comment</param>
    /// <returns>VML Shape XML for a comment</returns>
    private static string GetCommentVMLShapeXML(string columnName, string rowIndex)
        string commentVmlXml = string.Empty;

        // Parse the row index into an int so we can subtract one
        int commentRowIndex;
        if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out commentRowIndex))
            commentRowIndex -= 1;

            commentVmlXml = "<v:shape id=\"" +  Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "\" type=\"#_x0000_t202\" style=\'position:absolute;\r\n  margin-left:59.25pt;margin-top:1.5pt;width:96pt;height:55.5pt;z-index:1;\r\n  visibility:hidden\' fillcolor=\"#ffffe1\" o:insetmode=\"auto\">\r\n  <v:fill color2=\"#ffffe1\"/>\r\n" +
            "<v:shadow on=\"t\" color=\"black\" obscured=\"t\"/>\r\n  <v:path o:connecttype=\"none\"/>\r\n  <v:textbox style=\'mso-fit-shape-to-text:true'>\r\n   <div style=\'text-align:left\'></div>\r\n  </v:textbox>\r\n  <x:ClientData ObjectType=\"Note\">\r\n   <x:MoveWithCells/>\r\n" +
            "<x:SizeWithCells/>\r\n   <x:Anchor>\r\n" + GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(columnName, rowIndex) + "</x:Anchor>\r\n   <x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>\r\n   <x:Row>" + commentRowIndex + "</x:Row>\r\n   <x:Column>" + GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName) + "</x:Column>\r\n  </x:ClientData>\r\n </v:shape>";

        return commentVmlXml;

Helpers to figure out the Column Index and coordinates for the comment Shape:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the coordinates for where on the excel spreadsheet to display the VML comment shape
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column name of where the comment is located (ie. B)</param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex">Row index of where the comment is located (ie. 2)</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="<x:Anchor>"/> coordinates in the form of a comma separated list</returns>
    private static string GetAnchorCoordinatesForVMLCommentShape(string columnName, string rowIndex)
        string coordinates = string.Empty;
        int startingRow = 0;
        int startingColumn = GetColumnIndexFromName(columnName).Value;

        // From (upper right coordinate of a rectangle)
        // [0] Left column
        // [1] Left column offset
        // [2] Left row
        // [3] Left row offset
        // To (bottom right coordinate of a rectangle)
        // [4] Right column
        // [5] Right column offset
        // [6] Right row
        // [7] Right row offset
        List<int> coordList = new List<int>(8) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

        if (int.TryParse(rowIndex, out startingRow))
            // Make the row be a zero based index
            startingRow -= 1;

            coordList[0] = startingColumn + 1; // If starting column is A, display shape in column B
            coordList[1] = 15;
            coordList[2] = startingRow;
            coordList[4] = startingColumn + 3; // If starting column is A, display shape till column D
            coordList[5] = 15;
            coordList[6] = startingRow + 3; // If starting row is 0, display 3 rows down to row 3

            // The row offsets change if the shape is defined in the first row
            if (startingRow == 0)
                coordList[3] = 2;
                coordList[7] = 16;
                coordList[3] = 10;
                coordList[7] = 4;

            coordinates = string.Join(",", coordList.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());

        return coordinates;

    /// <summary>
    /// Given just the column name (no row index), it will return the zero based column index.
    /// Note: This method will only handle columns with a length of up to two (ie. A to Z and AA to ZZ). 
    /// A length of three can be implemented when needed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columnName">Column Name (ie. A or AB)</param>
    /// <returns>Zero based index if the conversion was successful; otherwise null</returns>
    public static int? GetColumnIndexFromName(string columnName)
        int? columnIndex = null;

        string[] colLetters = Regex.Split(columnName, "([A-Z]+)");
        colLetters = colLetters.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)).ToArray();

        if (colLetters.Count() <= 2)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (string col in colLetters)
                List<char> col1 = colLetters.ElementAt(index).ToCharArray().ToList();
                int? indexValue = Letters.IndexOf(col1.ElementAt(index));

                if (indexValue != -1)
                    // The first letter of a two digit column needs some extra calculations
                    if (index == 0 && colLetters.Count() == 2)
                        columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? (indexValue + 1) * 26 : columnIndex + ((indexValue + 1) * 26);
                        columnIndex = columnIndex == null ? indexValue : columnIndex + indexValue;


        return columnIndex;

Don't forget to save your worksheet and workbook once you are done in order to see the changes.

猛虎独行 2024-09-22 01:50:38

许多人会问使用 OpenXML“如何做这个”/“如何做那个”。

最常见的答案是 OpenXML 使用起来很痛苦(我同意),请参阅第 3 方库(特别是 ClosedXML< /a>)。

如果您不使用第 3 方库,那么我想回答基于此线程的一般提示:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en- US/81f767d0-15ac-42fe-b122-6c5c02b6c373/cell-color-and-add-comment?forum=oxmlsdk

您可以创建一个名为“Unchanged.xlsx”的空工作簿,然后进行要反映到 Open XML 中的 C# 代码的自定义,另存为名为“Changed.xlsx”的已更改工作簿。现在打开 Open XML SDK 工具,使用比较文件功能,然后您可以看到对工作簿所做的更改以及如何通过 C# 使用 Open XML SDK 完成这些更改。




Many people ask "how to do this" / "how to do that" using OpenXML.

The most frequent answer say that OpenXML is painful to work with (I agree) refer to 3-rd party library (specifically ClosedXML).

If you are not using a 3-rd party library then I would like to answer with a general tip based on this thread: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/81f767d0-15ac-42fe-b122-6c5c02b6c373/cell-color-and-add-comment?forum=oxmlsdk

You can create a empty workbook named "Unchanged.xlsx", then do the customization which you want to reflect to C# code in Open XML SaveAs the changed workbook named as "Changed.xlsx". Now open the Open XML SDK tool, use compare files feature, you then can see the changes made to the workbook and how can they been done with Open XML SDK via C#.

There is an option reflect code that gives you a lot of hints about what is going on, see (incomplete) example below:

enter image description here

As it is autogenerated code it can be simplified / inlined / reduced. After a week or two you'll get into speed.

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