我可以看到 Oracle 触发器内的 DML 吗?

发布于 2024-09-14 23:10:24 字数 1092 浏览 2 评论 0 原文

是否可以看到正在运行的导致执行触发器的 DML(SQL 语句)?

例如,在 INSERT 触发器内,我想得到这样的信息:

“插入 myTable (name) 值 ('Fred')”

我在诸如 这个 但无法让它工作 - 不确定这是否会导致我陷入困境正确的道路?

我们正在使用 Oracle 10。



[编辑]更多细节:我们需要复制现有数据库(DB1)存储到无法通过网络访问的分类数据库 (DB2)。我需要保持这些数据库同步。这是从 (DB1) 到 (DB2) 的单向同步,因为 (DB2) 将包含 (DB1) 系统中未包含的其他表和数据。

我必须确定一种方法来同步这些数据库而不将其关闭(例如,用于备份和恢复),因为它需要保持活动状态。所以我想,如果我可以存储正在运行的实际 DML(当数据更改时),我可以在新数据库上“回放”DML 来更新它,就像有人手动将其重新输入一样。

我可以”由于数据量巨大,我无法将所有数据都带过来,并且由于 FK 约束以及插入/更新记录的顺序,我无法复制更改的记录。我想,如果我可以使用更改主服务器的确切 SQL“回放”所发生事件的日志,我就可以保持数据库同步。

我当前的攻击计划是保留所有已更改、插入和删除的记录的日志,当我想要同步时,系统会生成 DML 来插入/更新/删除这些记录。然后我只需将 .SQL 文件传输到分类系统并运行脚本即可。我遇到的问题是 FK。 (因为当我生成 DML 时,我只知道数据的当前状态是什么,而不知道到达那里的路径 - 所以语句的顺序是一个问题)。我想我可以禁用所有 FK,进行合并,然后重新启用所有 FK...

那么 - 我存储实际 DML 的方法是否会吸水池水,或者是否有更好的解决方案???

Is it possible to see the DML (SQL Statement) that is being run that caused a trigger to be executed?

For example, inside an INSERT trigger I would like to get this:

"insert into myTable (name) values ('Fred')"

I read about ora_sql_txt(sql_text) in articles such as this but couldn't get it working - not sure if that is even leading me down the right path?

We are using Oracle 10.

Thank you in advance.


[EDITED] MORE DETAIL: We have the need to replicate an existing database (DB1) into a classified database (DB2) that is not accessible via the network. I need to keep these databases in sync. This is a one-way sync from (DB1) to (DB2), since (DB2) will contain additional tables and data that is not contained in the (DB1) system.

I have to determine a way to sync these databases without bringing them down (say, for a backup and restore) because it needs to stay live. So I thought that if I can store the actual DML being run (when data changes), I could "play-back" the DML on the new database to update it, just like someone was hand-entering it back in.

I can't bring over all the data because of the sheer size of it, and I can't just copy over the changed records because of FK constraints and the order in which I insert/update records. I figured that if I could "play-back" a log of what happened, using the exact SQL that changed the master, I could keep the databases in sync.

My current plan of attack was to keep a log of all records that were changed, inserted, and deleted and when I want to sync, the system generates DML to insert/update/delete those records. Then I just take the .SQL file to the classified system and run the script. The problem I'm running into are FKs. (Because when I generate the DML I only know what the current state of the data is, not it's path to get there - so ordering of statements is an issue). I guess I could disable all FK's, do the merge, then re-enable all FK's...

So - does my approach of storing the actual DML as-it-happens suck pondwater, or is there a better solution???

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帅哥哥的热头脑 2024-09-21 23:10:24

“我存储实际 DML 的方法是否会浪费池水?”是的..

  1. 您的 DB1 上的 DML 严格排序实际上并不存在。多个进程、多个核心,事情基本上同时发生。

  2. 而 DML,即使它是按顺序发生的,也不会像它那样工作。假设以下两个更新语句在具有单独事务的单独进程中运行,其中事务 2 中的更新在事务 1 提交之前开始:

     update table_a set col_a = 10 where col_b = 'A' -- 事务 1
     update table_a set col_c = 'Error' where col_a = 10 -- 事务 2

由于第一个事务中所做的更改对第二个事务不可见,因此第二个事务更改的行将不包括第一个事务的行。但是,如果您设法捕获 DML 并按顺序重播它,则事务 1 的更改将可见,因此事务 2 的更改将不同。 (请参阅 Tom Kyte 的 Oracle 数据库架构专家的第 40 和 41 页第二版。)

  1. 希望您使用绑定变量,因此 DML 本身没有意义:update table_a set col_a = :col_a where id = :id 现在做什么?好的,所以您需要带有变量绑定的 DML。

  2. 你使用序列吗?如果是这样,next_val 将不会在 DB1 和 DB2 之间保持同步。 (例如,实例故障可能会导致值丢失,两个系统都会同时故障吗?)如果您正在处理 RAC,其中 next_val 根据节点而变化,那就忘记它吧。

我将首先研究 Oracle 的复制

"does my approach of storing the actual DML as-it-happens suck pondwater?" Yes..

  1. Strict ordering of the DML on your DB1 does not really exist. Multiple processes, muiltiple cores, things essentially happening at the essentially the same time.

  2. And the DML, even when it happens sequentially doesn't act like it. Say the following two update statements run in seperate processes with seperate transactions, where the update in transaction 2 starts before transaction 1 commits:

     update table_a set col_a = 10 where col_b = 'A' -- transaction 1
     update table_a set col_c = 'Error' where col_a = 10 -- transaction 2

Since the changes made in the first transaction are not visibible to the second transaction, the rows changed by the second transaction will not include those of the first. But if you manage to capture the DML and replay it sequentially, transaction 1's changes will be visible, so transaction 2's changes will be different. (See pages 40 and 41 of Tom Kyte's Expert Oracle Database Architecture Second Edition.)

  1. Hopefully you are using bind variables, so the DML by itself wouldn't be meaningful: update table_a set col_a = :col_a where id = :id Now what? Ok, so you want the DML with it's variable bindings.

  2. Do you use sequences? If so, the next_val will not stay in synch between DB1 and DB2. (For example, instance failures can cause lost values, are both systems going to fail at the same time?) And if you are dealing with RAC, where the next_val varies depending on node, forget it.

I would start by investigating Oracle's replication.

梦过后 2024-09-21 23:10:24

我遇到过这样的情况:在测试后,我需要将元数据/配置更改(存储在几个表中)从开发环境移动到生产环境。像 Goldengate 这样的产品就是用于此目的的产品,但设置和管理可能成本高昂且复杂。

以下过程生成一个触发器并将其附加到需要保存 DML 的表。触发器重新创建 DML,并在以下情况下将其保存到审核表中 - 这取决于您如何处理它。您可以使用保存到审计表的语句来重播给定时间点的更改(剪切和粘贴或开发一个过程将它们应用到目标)。


    procedure gen_trigger( p_tname in varchar2 )
    l_theCursor     integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_query         varchar2(1000) default 'select * from ' || p_tname;
    l_colCnt        number := 0;
    l_descTbl       dbms_sql.desc_tab;
    trg             varchar(32767) := null;
    expr            varchar(32767) := null;
    cmd             varchar(32767) := null;


    dbms_sql.parse(  l_theCursor,  l_query, dbms_sql.native );
    dbms_sql.describe_columns( l_theCursor, l_colCnt, l_descTbl );

    trg := q'#
        create or replace trigger <%TABLE_NAME%>_audit
        after insert or update or delete on <%TABLE_NAME%> for each row
        qs  varchar2(20) := q'[q'^]';
        qe  varchar2(20) := q'[^']';
        command   clob;
        nlsd      varchar2(100);
            select value into nlsd from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';
            execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss'' ';
            if inserting then
                command := <%INSERT_COMMAND%>; 
            end if;
            if updating then
                command := <%UPDATE_COMMAND%>;
            end if;
            if deleting then
                command := <%DELETE_COMMAND%>;
            end if;
            insert into x_audit values (systimestamp, command);
            execute immediate q'+alter session set nls_date_format = '+'|| nlsd || q'+'+';

    -- Create the insert command 
    cmd := q'#'insert into <%TABLE_NAME%> (<%INSERT_COLS%>) values ('||<%INSERT_VAL%>||')'#';
    -- columns clause
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || ',';
        end if;
        expr := expr || l_descTbl(i).col_name;
    end loop;
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%INSERT_COLS%>',expr);

    -- values clause
    expr := null;
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || q'#||','||#';
        end if;
        expr := expr || 'qs||:new.' || l_descTbl(i).col_name || '||qe';
    end loop;
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%INSERT_VAL%>',expr);
    trg := replace(trg,'<%INSERT_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- create the update command
    -- set clause
    expr := null;
    cmd := q'#'update <%TABLE_NAME%> set '||<%UPDATE_COLS%>||' where '||<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>#';
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || q'#||','||#';
        end if;
        expr := expr || q'#'#' || l_descTbl(i).col_name || q'# = '||#'|| 'qs||:new.'||l_descTbl(i).col_name || '||qe';
    end loop; 
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%UPDATE_COLS%>',expr);
    trg := replace(trg,'<%UPDATE_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- create the delete command
    expr := null;
    cmd := q'#'delete <%TABLE_NAME%>  where '||<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>#';
    trg := replace(trg,'<%DELETE_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- where clause using primary key columns (used by update and delete)
    expr := null;
    for pk in (SELECT column_name FROM all_cons_columns WHERE constraint_name = (
                  SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints 
                  WHERE UPPER(table_name) = UPPER(p_tname) AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'
                )) loop

        if expr is not null then            
            expr := expr || q'#|| ' and '||#';
        end if;

        expr := expr || q'#'#' || pk.column_name || q'# = '||#'|| 'qs||:old.'|| pk.column_name || '||qe';
    end loop;
    if expr is null then -- must have a primary key
        raise_application_error(-20000,'The table must have a primary key defined');
    end if;

    trg := replace(trg,'<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>',expr);

    trg := replace(trg,'<%TABLE_NAME%>',p_tname);

    execute immediate trg;


    when others then
        execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format=''YYYY/MM/DD'' ';

/* Example 

create table t1 (
col1    varchar2(100),
col2    number,
col3    date,
constraint pk_t1 primary key (col1)


-- Trigger generated ....

create or replace trigger t1_audit after
    insert or
    update or
    delete on t1 for each row
    qs      varchar2(20) := q'[q'^]';
    qe      varchar2(20) := q'[^']';
    command clob;
    nlsd    varchar2(100);
    select value into nlsd from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss'' ';
    if inserting then
        command := 'insert into T1 (COL1,COL2,COL3) values ('||qs||:new.col1||qe||','||qs||:new.col2||qe||','||qs||:new.col3||qe||')';
    end if;
    if updating then
        command := 'update T1 set '||'COL1 = '||qs||:new.col1||qe||','||'COL2 = '||qs||:new.col2||qe||','||'COL3 = '||qs||:new.col3||qe||' where '||'COL1 = '||qs||:old.col1||qe;
    end if;
    if deleting then
        command := 'delete T1  where '||'COL1 = '||qs||:old.col1||qe;
    end if;
    insert into x_audit values
        (systimestamp, command
    execute immediate q'+alter session set nls_date_format = '+'|| nlsd || q'+'+';            


I had a situation where I needed to move metadata/configuration changes (stored in a handful of tables) from a development environment to a production environment once tested. Something like Goldengate is the product to use for this but this can be costly and complicated to set up and administer.

The following procedure generates a trigger and attaches it to a table that needs the DML saved. The trigger re-creates the DML and in the following case saves it to an audit table - its up to you what you do with it. You can use the statements saved to the audit table to replay changes from a given point in time (cut and paste or develop a procedure to apply them to the target).

Hope you find this useful.

    procedure gen_trigger( p_tname in varchar2 )
    l_theCursor     integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_query         varchar2(1000) default 'select * from ' || p_tname;
    l_colCnt        number := 0;
    l_descTbl       dbms_sql.desc_tab;
    trg             varchar(32767) := null;
    expr            varchar(32767) := null;
    cmd             varchar(32767) := null;


    dbms_sql.parse(  l_theCursor,  l_query, dbms_sql.native );
    dbms_sql.describe_columns( l_theCursor, l_colCnt, l_descTbl );

    trg := q'#
        create or replace trigger <%TABLE_NAME%>_audit
        after insert or update or delete on <%TABLE_NAME%> for each row
        qs  varchar2(20) := q'[q'^]';
        qe  varchar2(20) := q'[^']';
        command   clob;
        nlsd      varchar2(100);
            select value into nlsd from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';
            execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss'' ';
            if inserting then
                command := <%INSERT_COMMAND%>; 
            end if;
            if updating then
                command := <%UPDATE_COMMAND%>;
            end if;
            if deleting then
                command := <%DELETE_COMMAND%>;
            end if;
            insert into x_audit values (systimestamp, command);
            execute immediate q'+alter session set nls_date_format = '+'|| nlsd || q'+'+';

    -- Create the insert command 
    cmd := q'#'insert into <%TABLE_NAME%> (<%INSERT_COLS%>) values ('||<%INSERT_VAL%>||')'#';
    -- columns clause
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || ',';
        end if;
        expr := expr || l_descTbl(i).col_name;
    end loop;
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%INSERT_COLS%>',expr);

    -- values clause
    expr := null;
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || q'#||','||#';
        end if;
        expr := expr || 'qs||:new.' || l_descTbl(i).col_name || '||qe';
    end loop;
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%INSERT_VAL%>',expr);
    trg := replace(trg,'<%INSERT_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- create the update command
    -- set clause
    expr := null;
    cmd := q'#'update <%TABLE_NAME%> set '||<%UPDATE_COLS%>||' where '||<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>#';
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
        if expr is not null then
            expr := expr || q'#||','||#';
        end if;
        expr := expr || q'#'#' || l_descTbl(i).col_name || q'# = '||#'|| 'qs||:new.'||l_descTbl(i).col_name || '||qe';
    end loop; 
    cmd := replace(cmd,'<%UPDATE_COLS%>',expr);
    trg := replace(trg,'<%UPDATE_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- create the delete command
    expr := null;
    cmd := q'#'delete <%TABLE_NAME%>  where '||<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>#';
    trg := replace(trg,'<%DELETE_COMMAND%>',cmd);

    -- where clause using primary key columns (used by update and delete)
    expr := null;
    for pk in (SELECT column_name FROM all_cons_columns WHERE constraint_name = (
                  SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints 
                  WHERE UPPER(table_name) = UPPER(p_tname) AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'
                )) loop

        if expr is not null then            
            expr := expr || q'#|| ' and '||#';
        end if;

        expr := expr || q'#'#' || pk.column_name || q'# = '||#'|| 'qs||:old.'|| pk.column_name || '||qe';
    end loop;
    if expr is null then -- must have a primary key
        raise_application_error(-20000,'The table must have a primary key defined');
    end if;

    trg := replace(trg,'<%WHERE_CLAUSE%>',expr);

    trg := replace(trg,'<%TABLE_NAME%>',p_tname);

    execute immediate trg;


    when others then
        execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format=''YYYY/MM/DD'' ';

/* Example 

create table t1 (
col1    varchar2(100),
col2    number,
col3    date,
constraint pk_t1 primary key (col1)


-- Trigger generated ....

create or replace trigger t1_audit after
    insert or
    update or
    delete on t1 for each row
    qs      varchar2(20) := q'[q'^]';
    qe      varchar2(20) := q'[^']';
    command clob;
    nlsd    varchar2(100);
    select value into nlsd from nls_session_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT';
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format = ''YYYY/MM/DD hh24:mi:ss'' ';
    if inserting then
        command := 'insert into T1 (COL1,COL2,COL3) values ('||qs||:new.col1||qe||','||qs||:new.col2||qe||','||qs||:new.col3||qe||')';
    end if;
    if updating then
        command := 'update T1 set '||'COL1 = '||qs||:new.col1||qe||','||'COL2 = '||qs||:new.col2||qe||','||'COL3 = '||qs||:new.col3||qe||' where '||'COL1 = '||qs||:old.col1||qe;
    end if;
    if deleting then
        command := 'delete T1  where '||'COL1 = '||qs||:old.col1||qe;
    end if;
    insert into x_audit values
        (systimestamp, command
    execute immediate q'+alter session set nls_date_format = '+'|| nlsd || q'+'+';            

绝影如岚 2024-09-21 23:10:24

该函数仅适用于讨论的“事件”触发器 这里
您应该查看 细粒度审核 作为一种机制。详细信息此处

That function only works for 'event' triggers as discussed here.
You should look into Fine-Grained Auditing as a mechanism for this. Details here

听不够的曲调 2024-09-21 23:10:24

当触发代码运行时,您是否已经知道导致其运行的 dml?

    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Print_salary_changes

在这种情况下,它一定是 emp_tab 表上的插入或更新语句。


if inserting then
elsif updating then
end if;

确切的列值可在 :old 和 :new 伪列中找到。

When the trigger code runs don't you already know the dml that caused it to run?

    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER Print_salary_changes

In this case it must have been an insert or an update statement on the emp_tab table.

To find out if it was an update or an insert

if inserting then
elsif updating then
end if;

The exact column values are available in the :old and :new pseudo-columns.

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