Well, it's a 128-bit number - collisions are pretty unlikely. Even if it were completely random, you'd be unlikely to get a duplicate even in the history of the universe. There are some modifications to pure randomness to help even those collisions from occuring in practice - you can read several of them on wikipedia.
好吧,它是一个 128 位数字 - 冲突的可能性很小。即使它是完全随机的,即使在宇宙的历史中,你也不太可能得到重复的东西。对纯随机性进行了一些修改,以帮助避免在实践中发生这些冲突 - 您可以在 上阅读其中的几个修改维基百科。
Well, it's a 128-bit number - collisions are pretty unlikely. Even if it were completely random, you'd be unlikely to get a duplicate even in the history of the universe. There are some modifications to pure randomness to help even those collisions from occuring in practice - you can read several of them on wikipedia.
Wikipedia is your friend: