C++ STL集:无法find()最后插入的元素

发布于 2024-09-14 06:28:54 字数 3827 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我正在编写一个应用程序,其中使用 C++ STL 中的 Set 类。我发现当我查询插入的最后一个元素时,对 set->find() 的调用似乎总是失败。但是,如果我迭代该集合,我就能够看到我最初查询的元素。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

#define MySet set<FileInfo *,bool(*)(const FileInfo *, const FileInfo*)>

class FileInfo
            m_fileName = 0;
        FileInfo( const FileInfo & file )
            setFile( file.getFile() );
            if( m_fileName )
                delete m_fileName;
                m_fileName = 0;
        void setFile( const char * file )
            if( m_fileName )
                delete m_fileName;
            m_fileName = new char[ strlen( file ) + 1 ];
            strcpy( m_fileName, file );
        const char * getFile() const
            return m_fileName;
        char * m_fileName;

bool fileinfo_comparator( const FileInfo * f1, const FileInfo* f2 )
    if( f1 && ! f2 ) return -1;
    if( !f1 && f2 ) return 1;
    if( !f1 && !f2 ) return 0;

    return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() );

void find( MySet *s, FileInfo * value )
    MySet::iterator iter = s->find( value );
    if( iter != s->end() )
        printf( "Found File[%s] at Item[%p]\n", (*iter)->getFile(), *iter );
        printf( "No Item found for File[%s]\n", value->getFile() );

int main()
    MySet *theSet = new MySet(fileinfo_comparator);

    FileInfo * profile = new FileInfo();
    FileInfo * shell = new FileInfo();
    FileInfo * mail = new FileInfo();

    profile->setFile( "/export/home/lm/profile" );
    shell->setFile( "/export/home/lm/shell" );
    mail->setFile( "/export/home/lm/mail" );

    theSet->insert( profile );
    theSet->insert( shell );
    theSet->insert( mail );

    find( theSet, profile );

    FileInfo * newProfile = new FileInfo( *profile );

    find( theSet, newProfile );

    FileInfo * newMail = new FileInfo( *mail );

    find( theSet, newMail );

    printf( "\nDisplaying Contents of Set:\n" );
    for( MySet::iterator iter = theSet->begin();
            iter != theSet->end(); ++iter )
        printf( "Item [%p] - File [%s]\n", *iter, (*iter)->getFile() );


Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
No Item found for File[/export/home/lm/mail]

Displaying Contents of Set:
Item [2d478] - File [/export/home/lm/mail]
Item [2d468] - File [/export/home/lm/shell]
Item [2d458] - File [/export/home/lm/profile]

**编辑 我不得不添加这个,这有点悲伤。但正如我之前提到的,这是一个示例应用程序,它是从较大应用程序的不同部分中提取的,以展示我收到的故障。

它是一个单元测试,用于在填充有堆分配指针的集合上调用 set::find 。如果您对所有 new() 有疑问,我愿意接受有关如何用堆分配的指针神奇地填充集合而不使用它们的建议。否则评论“太多 new() 调用”只会让你看起来很傻。



也许我应该把这些放在我原来的问题中。但我希望大家能更多地关注 find() 的问题(或者事实证明 fileinfo_comparator 函数的作用更像是 strcmp),然后对复制粘贴 PoC 单元测试进行代码审查。


  • FileInfo 包含大量数据和文件名。它保存 SHA1 总和、文件大小、修改时间、上次编辑时的系统状态等。我已经为这篇文章删除了部分代码。它违反了这种形式的 3 规则(感谢@Martin York。请参阅维基链接的评论)。
  • 最初选择使用 char* 而不是 std::string 是因为使用了接受 char* 的 3rd_party API。该应用程序从此开始发展。改变这一点不是一个选择。
  • FileInfo 中的数据是从系统上的命名管道轮询的,并存储在 Singleton 中以便跨多个线程访问。 (如果我不在堆上分配,我会遇到范围问题)
  • 我选择在 Set 中存储指针,因为 FileInfo 对象很大并且不断从 Set 中添加/删除。我认为指针比总是将大型结构复制到集合中更好。
  • 我的析构函数中的 if 语句是不必要的,并且是调试我正在跟踪的问题时遗留下来的工件。应该将其拔出,因为不需要。

I am in the process of writing an application in which I use the Set class in the C++ STL. I've discovered that the call to set->find() always seems to fail when I query for the last element I inserted. However, if I iterate over the set, I am able to see the element I was originally querying for.

To try to get a grasp on what is going wrong, I've created a sample application that exhibits the same behavior that I am seeing. My test code is posted below.

For the actual application itself, I need to store pointers to objects in the set. Is this what is causing the weird behavior. Or is there an operator I need to overload in the class I am storing the pointer of?

Any help would be appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

#define MySet set<FileInfo *,bool(*)(const FileInfo *, const FileInfo*)>

class FileInfo
            m_fileName = 0;
        FileInfo( const FileInfo & file )
            setFile( file.getFile() );
            if( m_fileName )
                delete m_fileName;
                m_fileName = 0;
        void setFile( const char * file )
            if( m_fileName )
                delete m_fileName;
            m_fileName = new char[ strlen( file ) + 1 ];
            strcpy( m_fileName, file );
        const char * getFile() const
            return m_fileName;
        char * m_fileName;

bool fileinfo_comparator( const FileInfo * f1, const FileInfo* f2 )
    if( f1 && ! f2 ) return -1;
    if( !f1 && f2 ) return 1;
    if( !f1 && !f2 ) return 0;

    return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() );

void find( MySet *s, FileInfo * value )
    MySet::iterator iter = s->find( value );
    if( iter != s->end() )
        printf( "Found File[%s] at Item[%p]\n", (*iter)->getFile(), *iter );
        printf( "No Item found for File[%s]\n", value->getFile() );

int main()
    MySet *theSet = new MySet(fileinfo_comparator);

    FileInfo * profile = new FileInfo();
    FileInfo * shell = new FileInfo();
    FileInfo * mail = new FileInfo();

    profile->setFile( "/export/home/lm/profile" );
    shell->setFile( "/export/home/lm/shell" );
    mail->setFile( "/export/home/lm/mail" );

    theSet->insert( profile );
    theSet->insert( shell );
    theSet->insert( mail );

    find( theSet, profile );

    FileInfo * newProfile = new FileInfo( *profile );

    find( theSet, newProfile );

    FileInfo * newMail = new FileInfo( *mail );

    find( theSet, newMail );

    printf( "\nDisplaying Contents of Set:\n" );
    for( MySet::iterator iter = theSet->begin();
            iter != theSet->end(); ++iter )
        printf( "Item [%p] - File [%s]\n", *iter, (*iter)->getFile() );

The Output I get from this is:

Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
Found File[/export/home/lm/profile] at Item[2d458]
No Item found for File[/export/home/lm/mail]

Displaying Contents of Set:
Item [2d478] - File [/export/home/lm/mail]
Item [2d468] - File [/export/home/lm/shell]
Item [2d458] - File [/export/home/lm/profile]

It's kind of sad that I have to add this. But as I mentioned before, this is a sample application that was pulled from different parts of a larger application to exhibit the failure I was receiving.

It is meant as a unit test for calling set::find on a set populated with heap allocated pointers. If you have a problem with all the new()s, I'm open to suggestions on how to magically populate a set with heap allocated pointers without using them. Otherwise commenting on "too many new() calls" will just make you look silly.

Please focus on the actual problem that was occurring (which is now solved). Thanks.


Perhaps I should have put these in my original question. But I was hoping there would be more focus on the problem with the find() (or as it turns out fileinfo_comparator function that acts more like strcmp than less), then a code review of a copy-paste PoC unit test.

Here are some points about the code in the full application itself.

  • FileInfo holds a lot of data along with the filename. It holds SHA1 sums, file size, mod time, system state at last edit, among other things. I have cut out must of it's code for this post. It violates the Rule of 3 in this form (Thanks @Martin York. See comments for wiki link).
  • The use of char* over std::string was originally chosen because of the use of 3rd_party APIs that accept char*. The app has since evolved from then. Changing this is not an option.
  • The data inside FileInfo is polled from a named pipe on the system and is stored in a Singleton for access across many threads. (I would have scope issues if I didn't allocate on heap)
  • I chose to store pointers in the Set because the FileInfo objects are large and constantly being added/removed from the Set. I decided pointers would be better than always copying large structures into the Set.
  • The if statement in my destructor is needless and a left over artifact from debugging of an issue I was tracking down. It should be pulled out because it is unneeded.

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南冥有猫 2024-09-21 06:28:54

您的比较函数是错误的 - 它返回 bool,而不是 strcmp(3) 那样的整数。 return 语句应该类似于:

return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() ) < 0;


另外,出于好奇,为什么不直接使用 std::set 来代替呢? STL 实际上有不错的默认设置,可以让您免于大量手动内存管理。

Your comparison function is wrong - it returns bool, not integer as strcmp(3). The return statement should be something like:

return strcmp( f1->getFile(), f2->getFile() ) < 0;

Take a look here.

Also, out of curiosity, why not just use std::set<std::string> instead? STL actually has decent defaults and frees you from a lot of manual memory management.

瑾兮 2024-09-21 06:28:54

在我看来,您的 FileInfo 无法正常工作(至少在 std::set 中使用)。要存储在 std::set 中,比较函数应返回一个 bool 指示两个参数按顺序 (true) 或乱序(false)。

考虑到您的 FileInfo 的作用(对 std::string 的设计不当的模仿),完全没有它可能会更好。据我所知,您可以使用 std::string 代替它,而不会丢失任何功能。您还无缘无故地使用了大量动态分配(并且泄漏了您分配的大量内容)。

#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

int main() { 
    char *inputs[] = { "/export/home/lm/profile", "/export/home/lm/shell", "/export/home/lm/mail" };
    char *outputs[] = {"Found: ", "Could **not** find: "};

    std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
            << outputs[MySet.find(inputs[i]) == MySet.end()] 
            << inputs[i] << "\n";

    std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(), 
        std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));

    return 0;

编辑:即使(或者实际上,尤其是FileInfo 更复杂,它也不应该尝试自行重新实现字符串功能。它仍应使用 std::string 作为文件名,并实现与之配合使用的 operator<

class FileInfo { 
    std::string filename;
    // ...
    bool operator<(FileInfo const &other) const { 
       return filename < other.filename;
    FileInfo(char const *name) : filename(name) {}

std::ostream &operator(std::ostream &os, FileInfo const &fi) { 
    return os << fi.filename;

int main() { 
    // std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);
    std:set<FileInfo> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);

    // ...

    std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(), 
        std::ostream_iterator<FileInfo>(std::cout, "\n"));

It looks to me like your FileInfo doesn't work correctly (at least for use in a std::set). To be stored in a std::set, the comparison function should return a bool indicating that the two parameters are in order (true) or out of order (false).

Given what your FileInfo does (badly designed imitation of std::string), you'd probably be better off without it completely. As far as I can see, you can use std::string in its place without any loss of functionality. You're also using a lot of dynamic allocation for no good reason (and leaking a lot of what you allocate).

#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

int main() { 
    char *inputs[] = { "/export/home/lm/profile", "/export/home/lm/shell", "/export/home/lm/mail" };
    char *outputs[] = {"Found: ", "Could **not** find: "};

    std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
            << outputs[MySet.find(inputs[i]) == MySet.end()] 
            << inputs[i] << "\n";

    std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(), 
        std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n"));

    return 0;

Edit: even when (or really, especially when) FileInfo is more complex, it shouldn't attempt to re-implement string functionality on its own. It should still use an std::string for the file name, and implement an operator< that works with that:

class FileInfo { 
    std::string filename;
    // ...
    bool operator<(FileInfo const &other) const { 
       return filename < other.filename;
    FileInfo(char const *name) : filename(name) {}

std::ostream &operator(std::ostream &os, FileInfo const &fi) { 
    return os << fi.filename;

int main() { 
    // std::set<std::string> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);
    std:set<FileInfo> MySet(inputs, inputs+3);

    // ...

    std::copy(MySet.begin(), MySet.end(), 
        std::ostream_iterator<FileInfo>(std::cout, "\n"));
她说她爱他 2024-09-21 06:28:54


FileInfo( const FileInfo & file ) 
            setFile( file.getFile() ); 

m_fileName 似乎未初始化。

In your constructor:

FileInfo( const FileInfo & file ) 
            setFile( file.getFile() ); 

m_fileName seems to be not initialized.

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