是否可以从任何网站读取 PHP 中的 SSL 信息?
我想知道是否可以使用 PHP 从其他方读取有关其 SSL 证书信息的信息,我多年来一直试图找到它,但没有找到真正的答案。
- 授权:VeriSign, Inc
- 过期:2011 年 2 月 18 日 (18/02/11)
- 类型:扩展验证
- 主机:www.paypal.com
- MD5:a8e7o7a8e9e9
- SHA1:c2a4a1e4e3a2
并且,无论其他什么都可能获得。我想要 PHP 脚本。
I want to know is it possible to read information from other parties using PHP about their SSL certificate information, I've tried to find about it for ages but there's no real answer that has been found for me.
For example, I input "www.paypal.com" into the script and it will return the following:
- Authority: VeriSign, Inc
- Expires: 18th February 2011 (18/02/11)
- Type: Extended Validation
- Host: www.paypal.com
- MD5: a8e7o7a8e9e9
- SHA1: c2a4a1e4e3a2
And, whatever else is possible to obtain. I would like the script in PHP please.
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我编写了一个用于获取 SSL 信息的 PHP 类:
[确保您了解 SSL 类中的“实例化”方法]。谢谢...
I have written a PHP class for getting SSL information:
[Make sure you understand the "instantiate" method inside SSL class]. Thank you...
PHP 的 OpenSSL 函数如 openssl_x509_parse 应该可以帮助你。
PHP's OpenSSL functions like openssl_x509_parse should help you out.