竞争条件和同步使用 Google Analytics 异步 (_gaq)
我有一个网站正在使用 Google Analytics 较新的异步跟踪方法 (_gaq)。我遇到的问题是我想建立一些特定的链接跟踪,并且担心我会创建竞争条件。
基本上,它是一个新闻网站,因此它的标题链接到各地的故事。一个故事的标题可能会出现在一个页面上的 3 个不同位置,并出现在数百个其他页面上。因此,为了了解我们的受众如何与网站互动,我们必须跟踪每个特定标题块的使用方式,而不仅仅是目的地。由于跟踪单个页面的这两个规定,仅跟踪引用的页面是不够的,我们必须跟踪单个链接。
<a href="http://www.blah.com" onclick="_gaq.push('_trackEvent','stuff')">Here</a>
由于 _gaq.push() 是异步调用,那么页面更改是否有可能在 Google 完成点击跟踪之前发生?如果是这样,有没有办法防止这种情况,或者我对 Google Analytics 异步功能的方式有误解(http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/asyncUsageGuide.html)。
I have a website which is using Google Analytics newer asynchronous tracking method (_gaq). The problem I've run into is that I want to institute some specific link tracking and am worried that I will be creating a race condition.
Basically, it's a news website so it has headlines which link to stories all over the place. A headline for a story might appear in 3 different places on a page, and appear on hundreds of other pages. Thus, in order to understand how our audience is interacting with the site we have to track how each specific headline block is used, and not just the destination. Because of those two stipulations tracking individual pages, nor tracking referred pages won't be enough, we have to track individual links.
So if I have a link.
<a href="http://www.blah.com" onclick="_gaq.push('_trackEvent','stuff')">Here</a>
Because _gaq.push() is an asynchronous call, isn't it possible that the page change will occur prior to Google's completion of the click tracking? If so is there a way to prevent that, or do I have a misunderstanding about the way that Google Analytics Async functions (http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/tracking/asyncUsageGuide.html).
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你说得对。如果浏览器在发送事件的 GA 跟踪信标(gif hit)之前离开页面,则不会记录该事件。然而,这对于异步代码来说并不新鲜,因为发送跟踪信标的过程是异步的;旧代码在这方面的工作方式相同。如果跟踪确实那么重要,您可以执行以下操作:
如果 GA 已加载,则单击链接时将阻止浏览器转到下一页(最好不要让用户等待那么长时间)。然后,它发送事件并等待 200 毫秒,将用户发送到他们单击的链接的 href。这增加了事件被记录的可能性。您可以通过延长超时时间来进一步增加可能性,但这也可能会损害此过程中的用户体验。这是一个你必须尝试的平衡。
You're right. If the browser leaves the page before it sends the GA tracking beacon (gif hit) for the event, the event will not be recorded. This is not new to the async code however, because the process of sending the tracking beacon is asynchronous; the old code worked the same way in that respect. If tracking is really that important, you could do something like this:
This will stop the browser from going to the next page when the link is clicked if GA has been loaded already (it's probably best to not make the user wait that long). Then it sends the event and waits 200 milliseconds to send the user to the href of the link they clicked on. This increases the likelihood that the event will be recorded. You can increase the likelihood even more by making the timeout longer, but that also may be hurting user-experience in the process. It's a balance you'll have to experiment with.
I've got this problem too, and am determined to find a real solution.
What about pushing the function into the queue?
来自 Google 通用分析文档(新版本因为这个问题的大多数其他答案)。您现在可以轻松指定回调。
[这里有一个 所有可能的
导航不会中断跟踪。不幸的是,微软对信标的支持不存在,因此您仍然应该将重定向放在回调中。From Google's documentation for universal analytics (new version since most other answers for this question). You can now easily specify a callback.
For clarity I'd recommend using this syntax, which makes it clearer which properties you're sending and easier to add more :
[Here's a complete list of parameters for all possible
calls.]In addition I've added the
parameter set tobeacon
(not actually needed because it's automatically set if appropriate):So when using
the navigation won't interrupt the tracking . Unfortunately Microsoft's support for beacon is non existent so you should still put the redirect in a callback.在事件处理程序中,您应该设置点击回调:
In event handler you should setup hit callback:
send you data
and stop event event processing
我正在尝试一种新方法,我们自己构建 utm.gif 的 URL,并请求它,然后只有在收到响应(gif)后,我们才会向用户发送:
代码(来自 CrumbleCookie :http://www.dannytalk.com/read-google-analytics-cookie -脚本/)
I'm trying out a new approach where we build the URL for utm.gif ourselves, and request it, then only once we've received the response (the gif) we send the user on their way:
Code (CrumbleCookie from: http://www.dannytalk.com/read-google-analytics-cookie-script/)
使用 onmousedown 而不是 onclick 也可能有帮助。它并没有消除竞争条件,但它让 GA 领先一步。还有人担心有人点击链接并在松开鼠标按钮之前将其拖走,但这可能是一个可以忽略不计的情况。
Using onmousedown instead of onclick may also help. It doesn't eliminate the race condition, but it gives GA a head start. There's also the concern of someone clicking on a link and dragging away before letting go of the mouse button, but that's probably a negligible case.