谁是 JVM 的所有者?
许多移动设备都带有 JVM 及其操作系统(例如诺基亚、索尼爱立信)。所有设备都具有相同的 JVM 吗? 所有 JVM 都属于 Sun Micro Systems 吗?设备制造商是否已向 Sun Micro System 支付费用?假设如果我想创建自己的JVM,我必须向sun micro systems付费并获得SUN(ORACLE)的许可?如果不是真的,sun是如何盈利的呢?
Lot of Mobile devices are coming with JVM with its OS(for example Nokia,sony ericcson).will all devices have same JVM?
are all JVMs owned by sun micro systems? has device manufacturer paid for it to sun micro sytems? suppose If i want to creat my OWN JVM, I have to pay to sun micro sytems and get permission from SUN(ORACLE)? If it is not true, how sun gets profit?
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Sun 当然拥有 Sun JVM Hotspot 的版权,但该实现现在作为 OpenJDK 的一部分根据 GPLv2 向公众授权。此外,Upul 是正确的,任何公司都可以实现 JVM 规范,而且许多公司都已经实现了。著名的实现包括 Harmony、Jikes 和 Kaffe。所有这些都不同程度地符合规范。大多数设备制造商仍然直接从 Sun 获得 Hotspot 专有版本的许可。
Sun 限制了 Java 兼容性工具包,这是一组用于证明合规性的测试。然而,即使如此,也稍微放松了。现在基于OpenJDK的其他实现可以更轻松地获得JCK许可证。
然而,这不适用于像 Harmony 这样的独立自由软件实现。这就是为什么 Android 选择不尝试完全实现 Java,而是做出独立的技术决策,从而导致他们采用 Dalvik 和单独的 API 的部分原因。
Sun of course owns the copyright for the Sun JVM, Hotspot, but this implementation is now licensed to the public under GPLv2, as part of OpenJDK. Further, Upul is correct that any company can implement the JVM Specification, and many have. Well-known implementations include Harmony, Jikes, and Kaffe. All of these have different levels of compliance with the specifications. Most device manufacturers still license the proprietary version of Hotspot from Sun directly.
Sun has restricted the Java Compatibility Kit, a set of tests used to prove compliance. However, even this has been loosened slightly. Now other implementations based on OpenJDK can more easily get JCK licenses.
However, this does not apply to independent free software implementations like Harmony. That is part of why Android chose not to try to implement Java fully, and instead made independent technical decisions that led them to Dalvik and a separate API.
Sun also holds patents, but they have not asserted them publicly.
这样其他公司就可以编写自己的 JVM
Sun has published the specification of JVM.
So other companies can write their own JVMs
不,绝对不是。在移动 Java 世界中,碎片化是可怕的。部分碎片来自所有不同的(遗憾的是,有不同的错误)虚拟机。
有多家公司为手机编写 Java VM。 Esmertec 曾经是(并且可能仍然是)其中之一。
这是 Sun 在其前 Oracle 时代面临的最棘手的问题之一:他们发明了这么多伟大的技术(包括硬件和软件),但从未真正从中获得足够的利润。 Java 是 Sun 的重大成功和重大失败的典型例子。
例如,Sun 的机器的硬件和操作系统都支持 CPU 热插拔,这比类似的东西在“x86”世界中起作用(现在仍然不起作用)早了几十年。这只是我想到的一个例子。
Sun 是由天才和天才一起创造的,但在营销和销售他们发明的令人惊叹的产品方面,他们显然接近于绝对零。
No, definitely not. The fragmentation is terrible in the mobile Java world. Part of that fragmentation comes from all the different (and differently bugged, sadly) VMs.
No, certainly not.
There are several companies writing Java VMs for cell phones. Esmertec used to be (and probably still is) one of them.
That's one of the most problematic issue Sun faced during its pre-Oracle life: they've invented just so many great technologies (both hardware and software) but never really got enough profit from them. Java is a prime example of both a major Sun success and a major Sun failure.
Sun had, for example, machines where both the hardware and the OS was supporting CPU hot plugging literally decades before a similar thing will work (it still doesn't) in the "x86" world. That's just one example I'm thinking of.
Sun was made by geniuses, with geniuses, but they clearly where close to absolute-zero when it came to both marketing and selling the amazing stuff they came up with.
(I can think of at least one software company who's the total opposite: amazing marketing but crappy, insecure, bloated, underperforming software and the funny thing is that everyone knows which company I'm talking about ;)