Handling the transaction yourself will probably get you all sorts of attention from the tax authorities - usually not a good idea, as it tends to generate tons of paperwork and liabilities (like warranty claims) for little gain.
The usual way is to charge either buyer, seller, or both a fee. Which way is best totally depends on the market you're serving, and your position in that market.
Credit card merchant accounts are a (often cheaper) alternative to PayPal, but most are very expensive.
信用卡商家帐户是 PayPal 的替代方案(通常更便宜),但大多数都非常昂贵。
使用 Paypal 或其他支付处理进行小额支付处理服务?
我应该在我的电子商务网站上首先实施 PayPal 还是 Google Checkout
如何向您的用户付款? (PayPal 的替代方案)
Handling the transaction yourself will probably get you all sorts of attention from the tax authorities - usually not a good idea, as it tends to generate tons of paperwork and liabilities (like warranty claims) for little gain.
The usual way is to charge either buyer, seller, or both a fee. Which way is best totally depends on the market you're serving, and your position in that market.
Credit card merchant accounts are a (often cheaper) alternative to PayPal, but most are very expensive.
Other alternatives:
Micropayment processing using Paypal or other payment processing service?
Which should I implement first, PayPal or Google Checkout, on my eCommerce website
How to pay your users? (alternatives to PayPal)