
发布于 2024-09-12 08:41:24 字数 164 浏览 4 评论 0原文

我从来没有真正的编程经验,我叔叔告诉我,如果我想开始编程,可以到这个网站向完全陌生的人寻求帮助。我知道几种语言的名称,但我实际上什么都不知道。我十四岁了,如果这很重要的话,我打字速度很快。我的一位叔叔希望我学习 C#。所以我的问题是,c# 是一个好的起点吗?如果不是,那么从哪里开始是一个好的起点,我该如何学习它?

I've never really had any experience with programming at all, my uncle told me to come to this site for help from total strangers if I wanted to start programming. I know the names of a couple of languages but I don't really know anything at all. I'm fourteen and I can type fast if that counts for anything. One of my uncles wanted me to learn c#. So my question is, is c# a good place to begin, and if not, where is a good place to begin and how do I learn it?

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幻想少年梦 2024-09-19 08:41:25

您可能想要查看最新版本的 Head First C#。它特别适合新手 - 并且它专注于“有趣”的示例而不是面向业务的示例。我个人并不喜欢这种学习方式,但它显然适合很多其他人。

确保您购买的是最新版本(涵盖 .NET 4)或上一版本的最新版本:早期版本有不少错误,但随着时间的推移,这些错误已得到纠正。

You may want to look at getting the latest edition of Head First C#. It's particularly suited to newcomers - and it concentrates on "fun" examples rather than business-oriented ones. I'm not personally a fan of that style of learning, but it clearly suits a lot of other people.

Make sure you buy either the latest edition (covering .NET 4) or the most recent printing of the previous edition though: earlier versions had quite a few errors, but those have been rectified over time.

近箐 2024-09-19 08:41:25

C# 本来就是一门很好的语言。


正如乔恩在他的答案中所说 - Head First C# 也是一本很棒的第一本书(他们的所有其他书籍也是如此,例如 Head First HTML)。

您可以免费获取 Visual Studio Express 编程环境(具有语法突出显示和智能感知的编辑器、编译器、调试器等)此处 - 请务必选择 C# 版本。

C# is a fine language to begin with.

Here is a good free ebook to get you started. It not only discusses the programming language but also what it means to be a programmer and how to approach it professionally.

As Jon says in his answer - Head First C# is also a great first book (as are all their other books such as Head First HTML).

You can get the Visual Studio Express programming environment (editor with syntax highlighting and intellisense, compiler, debugger and more) for free here - just be sure to select the C# version.

流年里的时光 2024-09-19 08:41:25

C# 是一个不错的起点,但您可能会发现编写网站更有趣。这很简单,每个人都可以看到您所做的很酷的事情,并且您已经拥有开始执行此操作的工具 - 只需一个文本编辑器和一个网络浏览器。 HTML 和 Javascript 也比 C# 更简单、更直接,但功能却不那么强大。

http://www.w3schools.com/ 是一个很好的起点。

C# is an okay place to begin, but you might find it more fun to write websites instead. It's easy, everyone can see the cool things you do, and you already have the tools to start doing it -- just a text editor and a web browser. HTML and Javascript are also much simpler and more straightforward than C# without being less powerful.

http://www.w3schools.com/ is a good starting point.

揽清风入怀 2024-09-19 08:41:25





之后,我认为 C# 是学习编程的一个很好的通用语言。并且有一些非常棒的免费工具可用。


In my opinion, there is one critical tool when learning to program or when learning a new programming language. That tool is "a problem that you are sincerely interested in solving."

It may be a game you are interested in writing or a desktop or web-based tool that will actually help you with something in school or in your life.

If you have a real problem that you really want to solve, there will always be free tools, tutorials, and online geeks to help you learn how to solve it.

Learning programming without solving real problems is like learning to build a house with just a hammer and a nail and a short piece of wood. You can learn the basic mechanics of the hammer, but you'll never be a carpenter until you have to confront the problems you'll encounter while trying to build something useful.

After that, I think C# is a great general purpose language to learn programming. And there are some really great free tools available.

I agree with the poster who said experiment with several languages. Solving the same problem with different tools can be a real eye-opener into the different paradigms of those tools.

茶色山野 2024-09-19 08:41:25

如果您的一位叔叔希望您学习 C#,几年后他可能会将您视为他的员工。所以直接问他这是否是他的计划并说服他帮助你。

如果你的叔叔对编程一窍不通,并且只是因为在某处听说过这个术语而放弃了这个 C# 建议,那么他可能对你帮了很大的忙。

如果我是你,并且我可以自由选择我想要的东西,我当然不会选择 C#,因为它将你与专有操作系统联系在一起(承认 Mono 是个笑话)。

我的选择可能是 Python,因为它几乎可以在任何平台上运行。您还为初学者提供了两个非常有价值的教程,它们从不同的角度教授编程,因此您可以选择最适合您的一个:官方 Python 教程 和 Zed Shaw 的艰难学习 Python (不要害怕可怕的标题,这本书对于初学者来说非常有价值)。



有多少 C# 程序员是为了乐趣而编写代码的?大多数使用微软技术的程序员都是专业的——这是他们的工作,他们是为了钱而做的,他们中的大多数人没有勇气承认他们的工作有时很无聊(即使确实如此),因为这样的说法是违背公司政策融入了围绕其(咳嗽!)免费编程工具提供的基础设施的文化。

仅仅几年时间,认真编程的用户社区就出现了爆炸式增长。过去有 sourceforge——一个完全与程序员相关的怪物。如今有 launchpad、bitbucket、github(最近超过 1000000 个存储库,其中大部分是受免费许可证管理的小型个人宠物项目)。其中有多少项目使用 C#?

如今,编程比以往任何时候都更多地涉及重用或“窃取”(从好的意义上来说)代码。成群结队的 C# 项目、小型通用库在哪里?虽然一些编写专有软件的程序员对新手没有多大帮助(因为他们将其视为咨询,可以赚钱),而一些编写自由软件的程序员也没有太大帮助(因为他们缺乏社交技能) ,代码更重要。你不仅仅通过阅读书籍来学习编程,你还可以通过研究工作代码来学习编程。自由软件生态系统提供了更多的代码可供研究。


  • 避免专有的东西,冒着被称为“匿名互联网精英”的风险访问大量免费软件,
  • 冒着感受专有软件意味着什么的风险,忽视专有与免费的圣战。确实,以及它如何破坏良好的意图,就像 这个人< /a>

If one of your uncles wants you to learn C#, he probably sees you as his employee a couple of years from now. So ask him directly if that's his plan and persuade him to help you.

If your uncle has no idea about programming and just dropped this C# suggestion because he heard the term somewhere, he might be doing a very bad favor to you.

If I would be you and I would have free hands to choose what I want, I certainly wouldn't choose C#, because it ties you to a proprietary operating system (Mono is a joke, admit it).

My choice would probably be Python, because it runs on almost any platform. And you have two very valuable tutorials for beginners that approach teaching programming from very different points, so you can pick the one that suits you best: the official Python tutorial and Zed Shaw's Learn Python The Hard Way (don't be afraid of the scary title, the book is very valuable for a beginner).


After reading the comments, I would like to add a couple more points.

How many of those C# programmers code for fun? Most programmers that use Microsoft technologies, do it professionally - it's their job, they do it for money, most of them don't have guts to admit their job is boring sometimes (even if it is), because such a claim is against the corporate policy that slips into the culture around the infrastructure provided by their (cough!) free programming tools.

Just in a couple of years, the community of users who do programming more or less seriously has literally exploded. Back in the days there was sourceforge - the single monster that was totally programmer related. Today there is launchpad, bitbucket, github (which recently surpassed 1000000 repositories, most of which are small personal pet projects governed by free licenses). How many of those projects are using C#?

Today programming is about reusing or "stealing" (in the good sense) code more than ever. Where are the herds of C# projects, small general-purpose libraries? While some programmers who write proprietary software are not very helpful to newbies (because they see it as consulting, which they can do for money), and while some programmers who write free software are not very helpful as well (because they lack social skills), the code is more important. You don't learn programming only by reading books, you learn it by studying working code. And the free software ecosystem provides much more code to study.

Generally, people who get into programming have two choices:

  • avoid proprietary stuff, get access to a lot of free software at the risk of being called "anonymous internet elitist"
  • ignore the proprietary vs free holy war at the risk of feeling what proprietary software means indeed and how it can spoil a good intention, like this guy
习ぎ惯性依靠 2024-09-19 08:41:25


  • 理论
  • 工艺
  • 方言





There's a lot to programming but it can probably be broken down into a few key elements:

  • theory
  • craft
  • dialects

Theory just takes lots of learning. Books, classes, trial and error, research, etc.

Craft comes with experience.

And that leaves dialects...or rather the particular language(s) you want to become fluent in.

To answer that would require a long list of what kind of stuff you are aiming to do. If you don't really have any particular direction to go in, your 'uncle wanting you to learn it' is maybe as good of a reason as any.

铜锣湾横着走 2024-09-19 08:41:25

我想说的是,稍微尝试一下一些热门语言,比如 C#、Python、Ruby。我这么说的原因是,我认为喜欢一门语言有点像开发味蕾。我知道很多人厌恶编码只是因为大括号和语法糖。我只想拯救你,让你不再被语法吓倒,然后把它扔掉

I would say dibble a bit in a few hot languages like C#, Python, Ruby. The reason I say this is, I think liking a language is a bit like developing tastebuds. I know many people who disgusted coding only because of braces and syntatic sugar. All I wanted to save you was from getting intimidated by syntax and throwing it away

孤千羽 2024-09-19 08:41:25

我相信 C# 是一个非常好的起点。你在 14 岁时就对编程真正感兴趣,这真是太棒了。

我建议拿起一本 C# 书籍并阅读它。当您遇到示例时,请遵循这些示例。

我最喜欢的 C# 书籍之一是 Andrew Troelsen 写的:Pro C# with .NET 4.0 是他的最新书。 :)


I believe C# is a really good starting point. That's pretty spiffy that you're really interested about programming at 14.

I suggest picking up a C# book and reading it. Follow the examples as you come by them.

One of my favorite C# books is by Andrew Troelsen: Pro C# with .NET 4.0 is his latest book. :)


撩心不撩汉 2024-09-19 08:41:25

C# 绝对是一个很好的起点,原因如下:

C# 是一种合适的语言,它几乎会迫使您知道作为程序员在做什么。
我的编程生涯是从 PHP 开始的,这种语言非常宽松,几乎不会搞砸。你可以制作很酷的网站之类的,但永远不知道它们有多糟糕,直到你被雇用去做一些需要更强大语言的事情。到时候,某些 PHP 中从未使用过的术语和数据类型就会让你大吃一惊。
现在回想起来,既然我了解了很多编程语言,那么从 PHP 开始是一个非常糟糕的编程方式,至少在我看来是这样。我不敢相信我在这个领域找到了一份工作,并且知道我是从哪里开始的。
Java 也是一个很好的起点。任何严格的编译语言,真的。当您了解严格的编译语言的基础时,像 PHP 这样的松散语言就可以轻而易举地添加到您的知识库中。

当然,您可能需要考虑您想要编程的目的。如果您想做 Web 工作,C# 是一个很好的基础,但怀疑您是否会在 Web 工作中大量使用它,除非您正在从事一些非常深入的工作。 Objective C 用于 iphone 和 ipad 开发,所以学习它不会出错。

Java 非常适合 Web,而且现在已经成为移动平台,因此它绝对是一项不错的投资。 Java 的原理将帮助您编写更好的 Web 代码,并为您以后想转向 C 打下良好的基础。我想反之亦然。

PHP 非常容易学习,如果您想从事 Web 开发,它会非常适合您。如果你走这条路,你应该了解 html、css,并且至少熟悉 mysql 数据库。仅供参考,PHP 开发人员在编程领域比比皆是,所以不要指望这样做会致富,除非您想经营自己的网络公司并自己制作网站。



C# is definitely a good place to start and here is one reason why:

C# is a proper language that will pretty much force you to know what you're doing as a programmer.
I began my programming career with PHP and that language is so loose you almost can't screw up. You can make cool sites and such but never know how terrible they are until you are hired to do something that requires a stronger language. At that time, certain terms and data types that are never used in PHP will broadside you.
As I look back, now that I know many programming languages, starting with PHP was a pretty bad way to begin programming, at least in my opinion. I can't believe I have a job in this field knowing where I began.
Java is also a good place to begin. Any strict compiling language, really. When you know the foundations from a strict compiling language, the loose ones like PHP are a breeze to add to your knowledge base.

Of course, you may want to consider what you're looking to program for. If you want to do web work, C# is a good base, but doubtful that you will use it much for web work unless you're working on something seriously deep. Objective C is used for iphone and ipad development, so you can't go wrong learning that.

Java is good for web and is now a mobile platform, so it is definitely a good investment. The principles of Java will help you write better web code, as well as form a good foundation if you want to branch to C later. Vice versa, I guess.

PHP is very easy to learn and will serve you quite well if you want to get into web development. You should know html, css and get familiar with at least mysql for databases if you go this route. Just FYI, php developers are a dime a dozen in the programming field, so don't count on getting rich doing this unless you want to run your own web company and do the site yourself.

In any case, MVC (model view controller) will be an important thing to read up on. When your code is well structured, it is immeasurably easier to maintain for yourself and anyone else that may have to pick up where you left off.

Have fun.

不乱于心 2024-09-19 08:41:25


Express 版本


There's no best approach, but one place to start is here:

Express Editions

They're free and you get lots of choices.

时光清浅 2024-09-19 08:41:25



  • 了解理论 - 很好地掌握编程理论、语言设计理论、编程理论背后的理论您正在编码的架构
  • 了解数学 - 所有编程最终都归结为数学 - 了解谓词逻辑、三角函数、向量、几何、(基本)集合论、图形、基本矩阵理论、一点数值分析也没有什么坏处 - 以及复杂性理论
  • 了解你的语言 - 买一本书,阅读它,做笔记以供参考。 Apress 标题适用于 C# http://www.amazon.com/Pro-2010- NET-Platform-Fifth/dp/1430225491/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1281215548&sr=8-1 很好。然后阅读博客和视频,学习使用 Redgate Reflector 和 MSDN 帮助
  • 了解您的工具 - 对于 C#,这意味着 Visual Studio 2010 - 链接是一种很好的学习方式。还要获得一个像样的重构器 - ReSharper 是我最喜欢的,但还有其他的。
  • 了解您的生态系统 - 了解现有的库,了解如何使用一两个最好的


  • 了解如何定义项目 - 无论你是多么优秀的程序员,如果你构建了错误的东西,你就会彻底失败。
  • 知道如何设计 - 学习面向对象设计的理论 - 四人帮软件模式是经典,每个程序员都应该了解它们。
  • 了解如何记录代码 - 这对于持久的代码和在团队中良好工作至关重要。编写它,记录它,测试它=>重用它
  • 知道如何在团队中工作 - 努力工作,玩得开心,沟通良好。
  • 知道要使用哪种工具 - 尽可能多地了解语言类型、实际语言、技术、库等,以便知道在哪些情况下使用哪个
  • 知道如何 使用学习 - 从你周围的人、从网络、从文档,最重要的是从你自己的错误中学习。


to copy a post i posted here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3430705/3432079#3432079 there are two things to get a handle upon:

Academic Knowledge:

  • Know the Theory - get a great handle on the theory of programming, the theory of language design, the theory behind the architectures you are coding on
  • Know the Math - all programming eventually boils down to math - know predicate logic, trig, vectors, geometry, (basic) set theory, graphs, basic matrix theory, a little numerical analysis doesnt hurt either - as well as complexity theory
  • Know your Language - get a book, read it, make notes for reference. Apress titles work well for C# http://www.amazon.com/Pro-2010-NET-Platform-Fifth/dp/1430225491/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1281215548&sr=8-1 is good. Then read blogs and videos, learn to use the Redgate Reflector and MSDN help
  • Know your Tools - for C# this means Visual Studio 2010 - Link is a great way to learn. Also get a decent refactorer - ReSharper is my favorite but there are others.
  • Know your Ecosysyem - know what libraries are out there, learn how to use one or two of the best


  • Know how to define a projct - no matter how good a programmer you are if you build the wrong thing you will have failed epically.
  • Know how to design - learn the theory on object orientated design - the Gang Of Four software patterns are classics and every coder should be aware of them.
  • Know how to document code - this is critical for long lasting code and for working well in a team. Write it, Document it, Test it => Resuse it
  • Know how to work in a team - work hard, play nice, communicate well.
  • Know which tool to use - get a feel for as many types of languages, actual languages, technologyies, libraries and so on as you can so that you know which to use in which situations
  • Know how to learn - from those around you, from the web, from documentation and most importantly from your own mistakes.

I'm sure others can add to these lists ;)

岁月如刀 2024-09-19 08:41:25

大约半年前,当我开始学习 C++ 时,我个人在编程方面取得了很大的进步。我自己也十三岁左右了。 C# 很像 C++(尽管存在差异),所以从经验来看,我想说,是的,这是一种很好的入门语言。

至于参考资料,只需在当地的书店买一些书并开始阅读即可。我就是这么做的。如果您想从 C++ 开始,我确信有一本很棒的参考书,名为“C++ for Dummies”。这就是我开始的地方。

I personally got a great headstart on programming when I started on C++ about half a year ago. I'm about thirteen myself as well. C# is a lot like C++ (there are differences, though), so speaking from experience, I'd say yeah, that's a good language to start out with.

As for references, just grab some books at your local bookstore and start working your way through them. That's what I did. If you want to start with C++, I know for sure that there's an excellent reference called 'C++ for Dummies'. That's where I started.

暖树树初阳… 2024-09-19 08:41:25

无论您决定选择哪种语言(C# 都没有问题)。挑选一本好书或资源,这里提到了一些。完成此操作后,请确保手动操作示例,然后在计算机上将它们具体化到您的瓜中。


Whichever language you decide to pick (nothing wrong with C#). Pickup a good book or resource, a few are mentioned here. Once you've done that, make sure to work the examples by hand and then at the computer to concrete them into your melon.

It may be totally obvious, but the more examples you can work, modify and make your own and see how they work, the quicker you'll pick up the language. IMHO this is how you really start to learn and have fun because you can start seeing things happen and begin to solve problems and gain context to issues you wouldn't have just reading...

将军与妓 2024-09-19 08:41:25

这是您对编程做出承诺的一项资产。从对您的工作环境的敏锐了解开始通常是有利的。询问一些基本问题,例如有哪些工具可以用来完成您的日常作业?与他们一起享受尽可能多的乐趣;当他们表现异常时,问为什么?尝试在网上寻找解决方案。稍后,也许你可能想享受一下基本的 html;并一直围绕 c-sharp 或任何其他编程语言进行移动;因为最终你自己会弄清楚程序员和编程语言之间的联系。


It is an asset You have made a commitment to prgramming. It is usually advantageous to start from a keen understaning of Your working environment. Ask basic questions like what tools are already available to do Your daily assignments? Have as much fun as You can with them; and when they behave unusual, ask the why? Try finding solution to them on the net. Later on, perhaps You may want to enjoy basic html for sometime; and move all the way around c-sharp or anyother programming language; because at the end You- Yourself will figure out the link between a programmer and programming languages.

Hope it helps

独行侠 2024-09-19 08:41:25

我不会纯粹选择 C#,因为它不是完全免费的,而且完整的视觉工作室非常昂贵。
看看 python,它迫使您以多种方式正确编程,同时省略一些更烦人的编程方面({ 和 ; )。
如果您确实选择学习 Python,那么有一个免费网站提供有关如何制作简单的基于文本的游戏的教程。在开始当前的项目之前,我用它来熟悉这门语言。


I wouldn't pick C# purely as it isn't completely free and the full visual studio is very expensive.
Have a look at python, it forces you program properly in many ways whilst omitting some of the more annoying aspects of programming ({'s and ;'s).
If you do choose to learn python there is a free site with tutorials on how to make simple text based games. I used it to familiarize myself with the language before starting my current project.


恍梦境° 2024-09-19 08:41:25

根据 Tiobe 的说法,最常用的语言是 C 和 Java,所以我几乎会说你应该从那里开始,但 esr 有一些充分的理由推荐 Python 作为第一语言。

The most used languages are C and Java, according to Tiobe, so I'd almost say you should start there but esr has some good reasons for recommending Python as a first language.

∞梦里开花 2024-09-19 08:41:25

C# 是一个很好的起点。我建议的一件事是想一些很酷但不太复杂的东西,你想使用其他人在这个线程中建议的一些参考书来构建它。计算器对于启动构建程序来说很有趣(免责声明:我是一个数学极客)。

C# is an excellent place to start. One thing I would suggest is think of something cool, but not too complex, that you would like to build the using some of the reference books other people have suggested in this thread go build it. Calculators are fun starting programs to build (Disclaimer: I am a math geek).

新人笑 2024-09-19 08:41:25



  1. 从硬件和软件角度看计算机体系结构。
  2. C#(Deitel 的 C# 书可能是一个不错的选择,因为它有更多详细信息)。

Having an ability to type fast using ten fingers is useful as you can do more and more exercises without causing your muscle tired quickly.
The first time I used computer, I just typed using my right index finger only and got tired fast ---typing become a nightmare !

If you have much time, you can start learning the following topics in order:

  1. Computer architecture from hardware and software perspective.
  2. C# (Deitel's C# book may be a good choice since it has much more details).
扎心 2024-09-19 08:41:25


我建议根据您现在想用它做什么来选择。例如,假设您有兴趣在学习时制作一些简单的游戏(例如《青蛙过河》或《1943》,并保持较小的范围)。您可以使用 Python 或 Ruby 等解释性语言(两者都有免费的游戏库)非常快速地制作 2D 游戏。也许再做一点工作,您就可以用 Java 或 C 语言制作它们,并有空间发展成更强大的游戏功能。或者您可以使用 Objective-C 和 Cocoa 制作它们,这会限制您在 Mac 上进行开发,但开启了在 iPhone 上分发游戏的可能性。

如果你想做商业或金融应用程序,你可以找到很多基于C#、Visual Basic、Java、C和.NET框架(不是一种语言,但一般适用于企业软件)等语言的支持。练习使用 SQL 与数据库交互也是一个好主意(其中可能存储销售、客户姓名或员工记录等业务数据)。

快速学习最重要的是你喜欢你正在从事的项目,并且非常感兴趣。如果你真的不想用一门语言做任何事情,那么学习一门语言似乎是不可能的。另一方面,如果您快速开始从事感兴趣的项目,并且热衷于解决您为自己设定的问题,那么您可以在 6 个月内成为一名出色的程序员。此外,你已经 14 岁了,所以你可以选择将你的生活和事业推向既能给你带来收入,又能从你所做的工作中获得乐趣的方向。

Any widely used language is a good place to start. Once you have done some useful projects in one language, it will be easier to pick up others because the logic is similar.

I suggest choosing based on what you want to do with it now. For example, let's say you are interested in making a few simple games while you learn (think frogger or maybe 1943 and keep the scope small). You can make 2D games pretty rapidly using an interpreted language like Python or Ruby (both have free game libraries available). With perhaps a little more work you can make them in Java or C, and have room to grow into heftier game features. Or you could make them in Objective-C and Cocoa, which would limit you to developing on a Mac, but open the possibility of distributing your games on the iPhone.

If you want to do business or finance applications, you can find a lot of support based on languages like C#, Visual Basic, Java, C, and the .NET framework (not a language, but applicable to enterprise software generally). It would also be a good idea to practice with SQL for interacting with databases (where business data like sales, customer names, or employee records are likely to be stored).

The most important thing to learning quickly is that you enjoy the projects you are working on, and are extremely interested. It will seem impossible to learn a language if you don't really want to do anything with it. On the other hand, you can be an amazingly good programmer in 6 months if you quickly start working on projects of interest, and are fanatical about solving the problems you set for yourself. Besides, you're 14 so you have the option of pushing your life and career in a direction that will give you both income and enjoyment in the work you do.

酒浓于脸红 2024-09-19 08:41:25


首先,那就是汇编(即 ARM SOC)和 C,这需要您熟悉硬件编程。
对于第二点,我会说 C++/JAVA。我不会推荐一种仅受一个操作系统支持的语言(如 C#)...

OK, is it just me or no one asked him the main question.
What do you exactly want to do ?
Do you want to play with hardware (ie have some board connected to a serial / parallel / USB port and have some LEDs flashing, have some sound coming out a speaker etc) or do you want to develop applications that have a nice user interface connecting to a database or even a game ?

Well, for number one, that will be assembly (ie for ARM SOCs) and C and that would require you to get familiar with hardware programming.
For number 2, I'd say C++/JAVA. I wouldn't recommand a language that is only supported by one OS (like C#) ...

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