保护已部署的 Roo/GWT 应用程序
我最近成功在 Google App Engine 上上传了 Roo/GWT 项目。 但是,我如何才能从 Google App Engine 应用程序仪表板保护它呢? 有没有办法告诉 GAE 在开头放置一个 Google 登录框并设置授权帐户列表?
I recently succeded in uploading a Roo/GWT project on Google App Engine.
But, how can I secure it from the Google App Engine application dashboard?
Is there a way to tell to GAE to put a Google Login Box at the start and set a list of authorized accounts?
Thank you very much,
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刚刚回答〜相同的问题。此处 在已部署的环境中添加身份验证系统Roo/Gwt 项目
该项目正在进行中,将为 GWT 2.1/Roo 1.1.0 实施。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此https://jira.springsource.org/browse/ROO-1003
如果您等不及了,请查看 Google App Engine 中的 Spring Security 文章,网址为 http://blog.springsource.com/2010/08/02/spring-security-in-google-app-engine/ Roo 不支持该方法虽然(所以一旦你改变了生成的代码,继续使用 Roo 会更困难,但仍然是可能的)
Just answered ~same q. here Adding an authentification system in a deployed Roo/Gwt project
This is in progress to be implemented for GWT 2.1/Roo 1.1.0. See this for more details https://jira.springsource.org/browse/ROO-1003
If you can't wait, check the Spring Security in Google App Engine article, at http://blog.springsource.com/2010/08/02/spring-security-in-google-app-engine/ That approach is not supported by Roo though (so once you change the generated code, it will be harder, but still possible, to continue using Roo)