您将不得不接受 Visual Studio 2008。我使用 512MB 和 Windows XP SP2 运行它,而且如果您尝试使用 Visual Studio 2010,您的 PC 也不会爆炸。
You'll have to settle with Visual Studio 2008. I run it with 512MB and with Windows XP SP2, also if you try to use Visual Studio 2010 your PC isn't going to explode.
我在一台 2003 年左右的 P4 2.0ghz 笔记本电脑上运行 VS2010 Express,该笔记本电脑的 DVD 驱动器和 512 RAM 已损坏,并且基本运行良好...尽管我的集成显卡甚至不支持着色器。我的操作系统是 Windows XP,但我不会同时运行其他任何东西。总体来说还不错。
I am running VS2010 Express on a circa 2003 - P4 2.0ghz Laptop with a broken DVD drive and 512 RAM and it works fine for the basics... though my integrated graphics card does not even support shaders. My OS is Windows XP and I don't run anything else simultaneously though. Overall not bad though.
Being realistic this is going to be fairly unpleasant, if indeed possible. (Any modern MS operating system won't like 512MB, irrespective of what you want to run on it.)
VS 开发人员告诉我,他们的目标是 2Gb 的机器。 512Mb 在任何情况下都不够用。我的 4 Gb 机器速度不够快,无法轻松开发。
The VS developers told me that they are targeting to a machine with 2Gb. 512Mb is not enough in any scenario. My machine with 4 Gb is not enough fast to develop comfortably.
您将不得不接受 Visual Studio 2008。我使用 512MB 和 Windows XP SP2 运行它,而且如果您尝试使用 Visual Studio 2010,您的 PC 也不会爆炸。
You'll have to settle with Visual Studio 2008. I run it with 512MB and with Windows XP SP2, also if you try to use Visual Studio 2010 your PC isn't going to explode.
[编辑] -产品最小RAM:1 GB(32位)或2 GB(64位)RAM(如果运行在则添加512 MB)虚拟机)
i doubt if you'll run windows never mind vs2010... in a word 'no'
[edit] -product minimum ram: 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit) RAM (Add 512 MB if running in a virtual machine)
http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en- us/products/2010-editions/professional
Hardware Requirements
来自 http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en -us/products/2010-editions/professional,
就我个人而言,我不会在小于 2Gb 的设备上运行它。另请参阅 Visual Studio 2010 的系统要求
from http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/professional,
Personally I wouldn't run it on anything less than 2Gb. See also system requirements for Visual Studio 2010
我在一台 2003 年左右的 P4 2.0ghz 笔记本电脑上运行 VS2010 Express,该笔记本电脑的 DVD 驱动器和 512 RAM 已损坏,并且基本运行良好...尽管我的集成显卡甚至不支持着色器。我的操作系统是 Windows XP,但我不会同时运行其他任何东西。总体来说还不错。
I am running VS2010 Express on a circa 2003 - P4 2.0ghz Laptop with a broken DVD drive and 512 RAM and it works fine for the basics... though my integrated graphics card does not even support shaders. My OS is Windows XP and I don't run anything else simultaneously though. Overall not bad though.
现实地说,如果确实有可能的话,这将是相当令人不愉快的。 (任何现代 MS 操作系统都不会喜欢 512MB,无论您想在其上运行什么。)
也就是说,您可以在以下位置下载试用版(有效期为 90 天): http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/download 所以你不妨吸一下看看。
Being realistic this is going to be fairly unpleasant, if indeed possible. (Any modern MS operating system won't like 512MB, irrespective of what you want to run on it.)
That said, you can download the trial version (good for 90 days) at: http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/download so you might as well suck it and see.
VS 开发人员告诉我,他们的目标是 2Gb 的机器。 512Mb 在任何情况下都不够用。我的 4 Gb 机器速度不够快,无法轻松开发。
The VS developers told me that they are targeting to a machine with 2Gb. 512Mb is not enough in any scenario. My machine with 4 Gb is not enough fast to develop comfortably.