Flash 视频流 - 让我的脚趾湿透
我想使用 Flowplayer,并且我想将视频编码为 H264。我很喜欢 Flowplayer 的慢动作功能,如果我理解正确的话,该功能只能在 Wowza 服务器上使用。
我想知道:建议使用某种交付网络吗? (Flowplayer 似乎与 HDDN 有合作关系,并推荐他们。http://www.hddn.com/) 或者我最好购买 Wowza 并将其安装在我们自己的服务器上? (乍一看,似乎注册像 HDDN 这样的网络要简单得多,但也许会出现一些问题......?)
I'm working on a project that will involve having a couple thousand short videos online. I haven't done anything with online video before and this is all a bit new to me, so I am looking for some general advice...
I would like to use Flowplayer, and I would like to encode the videos as H264s. I am enamoured with Flowplayer's slow motion feature, which if I understand correctly, is only available using a Wowza server.
I'm wondering: Is it advisable to use a delivery network of some sort? (Flowplayer seems to have a partnership with HDDN, and recommends them. http://www.hddn.com/) Or would I be better off purchasing Wowza and installing it on our own server? (At first glance, it looks as though signing up with a network like HDDN is much simpler, but perhaps there are problems that come along with this...?)
Any tips / warnings of imminent peril would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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如果您不需要慢动作功能,您可以使用名为 Red5 的免费媒体服务器http://wiki .red5.org/
If you dont require the slow-mo feature you can get your feet wet with a free media server named Red5 http://wiki.red5.org/