是否可以在 Google Maps API 中检索特定区域内的所有地址列表?
如何在 Google Maps API 或任何其他网络服务中以编程方式实现此目的?我不需要地址的实际位置,只需要地址名称的列表。
Say I want to retrieve a list of all addresses of Rome.
How do I achieve this programmatically in Google Maps API, or any other web service? I don't want the actual location of the addresses, just a list of the names of the addresses.
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您无法使用 Google Maps API 来做到这一点。
您可以进行反向地理编码(无论是在服务器端还是在客户端),但通过反向地理编码,您传递一个坐标,并且仅返回该点的地址。 Google 地图 API 不会返回特定区域的所有地址。
You cannot do that with the Google Maps API.
You can do reverse geocoding (both on the server-side or on the client-side), but with reverse geocoding you pass one coordinate and you are returned the address of that point only. The Google Maps API does not return all the addresses of a particular area.