对于 Rails 应用程序来说,哪个是最好的 0auth gem?
我将向我的 Rails 网络应用 添加 Oauth 身份验证。既然我不想重新发明轮子,你有一些红宝石宝石建议添加这种功能吗?
TIA 保罗
I'm going to add Oauth autenthication to my rails web app. Since I don't want to reinvent the wheel, have you got some ruby gem to suggest to add this kind of feature?
我想说这个建议现在已经被取代了。我建议您使用 OmniAuth,如果您还需要普通身份验证,则可以使用 Devise。
有 2 个 OmniAuth 特定 RailsCast 可引导您完成所需内容:OmniAuth 第 1 部分和 OmniAuth 第 2 部分
I would say that this advice is now superseded. I'd suggest you use OmniAuth instead, possibly with Devise if you need normal auth as well.
There are 2 OmniAuth specific RailsCasts that walk you through exactly what's needed: OmniAuth Part 1 and OmniAuth Part 2