我想在我的 pdf 书籍或网站中创建链接。当用户单击链接时,它将使用流量跟踪器访问目标站点。
我有兴趣通过操纵我的链接来利用此跟踪器,以便跟踪器将看到传入请求来自某个实际上不会发起请求的 URL。
换句话说,是否可以将被动 url 附加到指向目标 url 的超链接,以便目标跟踪器将被动 url 视为引用 url?
I want to create a link in my pdf book or my site. When the user click the link, it will visit to a target site using a traffic tracker.
I am interested to take advantage of this tracker by manipulating my link so that the tracker will see the incoming request comes from a certain url which actually does not initiate the request.
In other words, is it possible to attach a passive url to a hyperlink pointing to a target url such that the passive url is regarded as a refferar url by the target tracker?
Thank you in advance.
您必须运行 PDF 链接到的您自己的转发器。然后,这将链接/JS 重定向到跟踪器,并将其自身作为引用者。
更容易进行跟踪的方法是向目标 URL 添加一个不执行任何操作的参数,例如
You would have to run a forwarder of your own that the PDF linked to. This would then link/JS-redirect to the tracker with itself as the referrer.
Easier for tracking purposes would be to add a do-nothing parameter like
to the target URL.