我是 TBT 流程的新手。如果我想测试特定设备的 TBT 构建,我必须付费,好吧……但是如果想测试其他设备型号,我是否需要再次付费?通过 TBT 流程后,我如何出售该版本,他们会提供单个文件或带有 MIF 的 MOD 吗?我必须经历什么结果构建?有什么帮助吗?
I am new To TBT Process. If i want to test my build in TBT for a particular device, I have to pay, OK... but If want to test for another device model, do I have to pay again? After passing TBT process, how can I sell that build, will they provide single file or MOD with MIF, like that? What I have to go through result build? Any help please?
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使用 TBT,您每次提交构建时都要付费。如果您将设备添加到现有的申请提交中,您支付的费用会更少。
一旦应用程序通过,它就会列在您的 Qualcomm Extranet 站点中。不,您没有获得构建。 Qualcommm 持有经过认证的版本,然后您联系愿意将您的应用程序与内容 ID 一起列出的运营商。
With TBT, you pay each time you submit a build. You pay less if you are adding a device to your existing application submission.
Once the app passes, it is listed in your Qualcomm extranet site. No, you do not get a build. Qualcommm holds the certified build with them and then you contact the operator willing to have your application listed with the content id.
Its a completely locked down system so my advice is not to get into the platform unless you have a operator willing to take on your application.