我如何将 mobicents 部署到 glassfish v3
有人使用 Mobicents 和 Glassfish 来代替 JBoss 吗?如何将 mobicents 部署到 glassfish v3?
is anyone using Mobicents with Glassfish in place of JBoss? how do i deploy mobicents to glassfish v3?
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Mobicents 由多个容器/项目组成:Sip Servlet、JAIN SLEE、媒体服务器、Diameter、SIP Presence Service,您想在 Glassfish 之上使用什么?
如果您想将 Sip Servlet 部署到 Glassfish,目前不可能,但应该不难。需要进行一些重构,但这可以完成,但不会得到红帽的商业支持,仅由社区提供支持。
在此处提出问题 http://code.google.com/p/mobicents/issues/条目(如果您对此感兴趣)并尽可能详细地说明您想要的内容
Mobicents is composed of multiple containers/projects Sip Servlets, JAIN SLEE, Media Server, Diameter, SIP Presence Service, what do you want to use exactly on top of Glassfish ?
If you want to deploy Sip Servlets to Glassfish this is not currently possible but it shouldn't be hard. Some refactoring will be needed but this can be done but won't be supported with commercial support from Red Hat, just by the community.
Open an issue here http://code.google.com/p/mobicents/issues/entry if you are interested in it and give as much details on what you want as possible