
发布于 2024-09-10 23:40:07 字数 228 浏览 2 评论 0原文


我确信每种算法有它的优点和缺点,那么冒泡排序与其他排序算法相比怎么样呢? (当然我希望答案不是“容易学”)

Possible Duplicate:
What is a bubble sort good for?

I'am sure every algorithm has its advantage and disadvantage, so how about buble sort compared to other sorting algorithm? (ofcourse I hope the answer is other than "easy to learn")

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ㄖ落Θ余辉 2024-09-17 23:40:07
  1. 链表很容易实现,因为在重复从左到右遍历时总是交换相邻节点。
  2. 冒泡排序是一种稳定排序。
  1. It is easy to implement for linked lists, since you always swap adjacent nodes while traversing left to right repeatedly.
  2. Bubble sort is a stable sort.
盛夏已如深秋| 2024-09-17 23:40:07


  • 冒泡排序非常容易正确编写(如果您正在做一些快速而肮脏的事情,那么使用冒泡排序可能会更容易)。

  • 内存消耗非常低(因为它是就地排序,与数组的合并排序不同)

Performance-wise, Bubble Sort is not very good (O(n^2)). Here are some of it's advantages:

  • Bubble Sort is very easy to write correctly (if you're doing something quick and dirty then it might be easier just to use bubble sort).

  • Memory consumption is very low (because it is an in-place sort, unlike Merge Sort for arrays)

半透明的墙 2024-09-17 23:40:07


It's simple enough to play it out in school without it ending in a total mess:
"If your left neighbor is taller than you, please switch places."

心欲静而疯不止 2024-09-17 23:40:07

编程更容易。即使是经验丰富的程序员也会犯错误,例如快速排序、堆排序和合并排序。而且它不会消耗额外的 log(n) 到 O(n) 的堆栈空间。尽管您可以非递归地实现堆排序。




  • 插入O(n^2)但在已经排序的列表上执行O(n)
  • 冒泡排序:类似但并不总是编程为允许提前退出。一般来说,这似乎是面试中更受欢迎的讨论和丢弃
  • 选择排序:通常没有提前退出,所以这总是需要 O(n^2)

O(n * lg(n))


  • 快速排序:通常是更快的高速算法,但是选择主元的错误可能会使其退化为 O(n^2),然后它比 Bubble/Insertion/Selection 更糟糕,因为它也消耗堆栈空间。它更多地利用了缓存局部性,因此通常比其他一些替代方案性能更好。它需要 LG(n) 空间到 O(n) 空间来进行调用,具体取决于它的旋转程度。
  • 合并排序:O(n*log(n)) 性能,但需要 O(n) 额外空间。通常不如快速排序快。通常还需要 lg(n) 额外空间来进行调用...
    堆排序:不需要额外的空间,可以非递归地实现,但会在数组周围反弹,因此它在缓存上的性能不如其他排序。如果递归实现需要 lg(n) 额外的空间用于调用。

O(n) 次排序
如果您对输入有所了解,您通常可以比 O(n*lg(n)) 更好地进行排序。基本上查一下基数排序、桶排序、计数排序等等。方案有很多。一般来说,如果可以使用其中之一进行排序,您应该......


但无论如何,在现实中,更快的算法通常更难实现。如果有人告诉我在 20 分钟内对这些数字进行排序,而无需使用库,我可能会编写选择排序。越复杂的越容易出错。并且经常需要额外的空间。您必须权衡复杂性、空间和时间。许多编程语言都内置了排序库。

另一件需要注意的事情是排序是否稳定。基本上,如果您有 A、C、D、C、G、C,则每个 C 都会按顺序出现,或者最后一个 C 会出现在其他 C 之一之前。如果您要对多个字段进行排序,这一点很重要。即,如果您按名字排序,然后按姓氏排序(亚历克斯·罗德里格斯、简·罗德里格斯、贝蒂·罗德里格斯)……您会得到第一个排序(亚历克斯·R、贝蒂·R、简·R)。第二类,如果稳定,你会得到 Alex R,Betty R,Jane R。如果不稳定,你可以得到任何订单。一般来说,气泡法和插入法容易实现且稳定。堆排序和快速排序通常不稳定。归并排序很容易实现并且稳定。这也会影响选择......

此外,如果您不知道 O(n) 表示法,基本上它是所需计算次数的上限。为了给您一个想法,要对 20 个项目进行排序,您需要 O(n^2) 大约 400 次操作,而使用 O(n * lg(n)) 您需要查看 20 * 大约 4.3,因此大约 86 次操作。对于 lg(n),您正在查看 4.3 左右。无论如何,数字越大,这种差异就越大。 10000 个项目对于 n*lg(n) 来说是 133000 次操作,对于 n^2 来说是 100000000 次操作。对于大型列表,使用较慢的排序开始变得不切实际。当然,O(n) 只是 10,000。运营数量并不完全是这些数字,但它们说明了其增长速度。即,仅使用 lg(n),你从 4.3 增长到 20 到 133000。使用 n,你从 20 增长到 10000,使用 n * lgn,你从 86 增长到 133000,使用 n^2,你从 400 增长到 100000000。所以基本上就像你的列表变大,较慢的列表将达到无法执行的程度,但较快的列表可以。


  1. 易于实现且正确。
  2. 不会为数组或过程调用消耗额外的空间(假设您不递归地实现它)...非常适合低内存环境
  3. 它按顺序读取数组,因此这对内存缓存有好处
  4. 其他人提到这很容易使用它对链表进行排序
  5. 很容易使其稳定
  6. 一些面试官无疑会在某些时候提到这一点


It's easier to program. Even seasoned programmers get quick sort, heap sort, and merge sort wrong. Also it does not consume an extra log(n) to O(n) in stack space. Although you can implement heap sort non recursively.

Basically the algorithms are this

O(n^2) worst case performance

Basically this is slower....

  • Insertion O(n^2) but performs O(n) on already sorted lists
  • Bubble sort: similar but not always programmed with the early exit to allow for this. Generally this one seems to be the more popular one to discuss and throw out in interviews
  • Selection Sort: there is generally no early exit so this always takes O(n^2)

O(n * lg(n))

Generally the fastest sorting algorithms for general sorting when you don't know anything about the input (this has actually been proven to be a lower bound on sorting without knowing anything about the input):

  • Quick Sort: It is usually the faster of the high speed algorithms, but mistakes in picking the pivot can make it degenerate to O(n^2), and then it is worse than say Bubble/Insertion/Selection because it also consumes stack space. It takes more advantage of cache locality so generally performs better than some of the other alternatives. It needs LG(n) space to O(n) space for calls depending upon how well it pivots.
  • Merge Sort: O(n*log(n)) performance, but requires O(n) extra space in. Generally not as fast as quick sort. Generally requires lg(n) extra space as well for calls...
    Heap Sort: Requires no extra space, can be implemented non recursively, but sort of bounces around the array so it is not as good on the cache as the others. If implemented recursively requires lg(n) extra space for calls.

O(n) sorts
If you know something about your inputs you can often sort better than O(n*lg(n)). Basically look up Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, Counting Sort, etc.. There are many schemes. Generally if it is possible to sort using one of these you should....

**Other Sorts: **
There are many other sorts available. Things like shell sort, etc... the ones above are the more common.

But anyway in reality the faster algorithms are often harder to implement. If someone told me to sort these numbers in 20 minutes without a library, I'd probably write selection sort. The more complex ones are easier to get wrong. And often require additional space. You have to evaluate the complexity, space, and time tradeoffs. Many programming languages have built in sorting libraries.

Also one other thing to be careful of is whether a sort is stable or not. Basically if you have A, C, D, C, G, C will each C appear in order, or will the last C appear before one of the other C's. This is important if you are sorting on multiple fields. Ie if you sort by First Name and then last name (Alex Rodriguez, Jane Rodriguez, Betty Rodriguez)...first sort you'd get (Alex R, Betty R, Jane R). Second sort if it is stable you will get Alex R, Betty R, Jane R. If it is not stable, you could get any order. Generally Bubble and Insertion are easy to implement to be stable. Heap Sort and Quick Sort usually aren't stable. Merge sort is easy to implement as stable. This also factors into choices....

Also if you don't know O(n) notation, basically it is an upper bound on how many computations it takes. To give you an idea, to sort 20 items you are looking at around 400 operations with O(n^2) while with O(n * lg(n)) you are looking at 20 * approx 4.3 so around 86 operations. And for lg(n) you are looking at around 4.3. Anyway the larger the number gets the bigger this difference is. 10000 items is 133000 operations for n*lg(n) and 100000000 for n^2. For large lists using the slower sorts starts to become impractical. And of course O(n) is just 10,000. The number of operations is not exactly those numbers, but they speak to how fast it grows. Ie with just lg(n) you grow from 4.3 for 20 to 133000. With n you grow from 20 to 10000 with n * lgn you grow from 86 to 133000 and with n^2 you grow from 400 to 100000000. So basically as your lists get bigger the slower ones will reach a point where they can't do them but the faster ones can.

Anyway having put it all in context I see the following advantages to bubble sort:

  1. Easy to implement and get right.
  2. Doesn't consume extra space for array or procedure calls (assuming you don't implement it recursively)...so good for low memory environments
  3. It reads the array sequentially so this is good for the memory cache
  4. Someone else mentioned it is easy to use this to sort linked lists
  5. It is easy to make this stable
  6. Some interviewer will no doubt mention this at some point

Anyway in libraries Quick Sort and Stable Merge sort seem to be the most popular.

提赋 2024-09-17 23:40:07


Bubble sort is the fastest way to sort a list of three items. With very few exceptions, all sorts degenerate into a form of bubble sort for lists of three.

罗罗贝儿 2024-09-17 23:40:07


QuickSort最佳情况性能为 O(N log N),冒泡排序的时间复杂度为 O(N)!

除了这种异国情调之外,我必须同意 Donald Knuth 的观点,计算机编程的艺术,卷。 3:排序和搜索


BubbleSort is faster than QuickSort (and almost every other sort) on already sorted lists ;-)

QuickSort's best-case performance is O(N log N), BubbleSort's is O(N) !

Other than this exotic, I'd have to agree with Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3: Sorting and Searching:

In short, the bubble sort seems to have nothing to recommend it, except a catchy name and the fact that it leads to some interesting theoretical problems

落花随流水 2024-09-17 23:40:07


Realistically you would never use it for anything other than very small lists. For a sufficiently small list the low overhead can make it superior to the fancier sorts. I'd never use it for more than a dozen items.

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