
发布于 2024-09-10 06:43:31 字数 64 浏览 2 评论 0原文

我知道 C++ 编译器为类创建一个复制构造函数。在什么情况下我们必须编写用户定义的复制构造函数?你能举一些例子吗?

I know that C++ compiler creates a copy constructor for a class. In which case do we have to write a user-defined copy constructor? Can you give some examples?

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等风也等你 2024-09-17 06:43:31


class Class {
    Class( const char* str );
    char* stored;

Class::Class( const char* str )
    stored = new char[srtlen( str ) + 1 ];
    strcpy( stored, str );

    delete[] stored;

在这种情况下,按成员方式复制 stored 成员不会复制缓冲区(只会复制指针),因此第一个被销毁的共享缓冲区的副本将调用 delete [] 成功,第二个将遇到未定义的行为。您需要深度复制复制构造函数(以及赋值运算符)。

Class::Class( const Class& another )
    stored = new char[strlen(another.stored) + 1];
    strcpy( stored, another.stored );

void Class::operator = ( const Class& another )
    char* temp = new char[strlen(another.stored) + 1];
    strcpy( temp, another.stored);
    delete[] stored;
    stored = temp;

The copy constructor generated by the compiler does member-wise copying. Sometimes that is not sufficient. For example:

class Class {
    Class( const char* str );
    char* stored;

Class::Class( const char* str )
    stored = new char[srtlen( str ) + 1 ];
    strcpy( stored, str );

    delete[] stored;

in this case member-wise copying of stored member will not duplicate the buffer (only the pointer will be copied), so the first to be destroyed copy sharing the buffer will call delete[] successfully and the second will run into undefined behavior. You need deep copying copy constructor (and assignment operator as well).

Class::Class( const Class& another )
    stored = new char[strlen(another.stored) + 1];
    strcpy( stored, another.stored );

void Class::operator = ( const Class& another )
    char* temp = new char[strlen(another.stored) + 1];
    strcpy( temp, another.stored);
    delete[] stored;
    stored = temp;
找回味觉 2024-09-17 06:43:31







class Erroneous
  // ... others
  Foo* mFoo;
  Bar* mBar;

Erroneous::Erroneous(): mFoo(new Foo()), mBar(new Bar()) {}

如果 new Bar 抛出异常,会发生什么?如何删除 mFoo 指向的对象?有一些解决方案(功能级别的 try/catch ...),但它们只是无法扩展。


class Righteous
  std::unique_ptr<Foo> mFoo;
  std::unique_ptr<Bar> mBar;

使用相同的构造函数实现(或者实际上使用 make_unique),我现在可以免费获得异常安全!!!是不是很刺激呢?最重要的是,我不再需要担心合适的析构函数!我确实需要编写自己的复制构造函数赋值运算符,因为unique_ptr没有定义这些操作......但它没有这里很重要;)


class Class
  Class(char const* str): mData(str) {}
  std::string mData;


I am a bit peeved that the rule of the Rule of Five wasn't cited.

This rule is very simple:

The Rule of Five:
Whenever you are writing either one of Destructor, Copy Constructor, Copy Assignment Operator, Move Constructor or Move Assignment Operator you probably need to write the other four.

But there is a more general guideline that you should follow, which derives from the need to write exception-safe code:

Each resource should be managed by a dedicated object

Here @sharptooth's code is still (mostly) fine, however if he were to add a second attribute to his class it would not be. Consider the following class:

class Erroneous
  // ... others
  Foo* mFoo;
  Bar* mBar;

Erroneous::Erroneous(): mFoo(new Foo()), mBar(new Bar()) {}

What happens if new Bar throws ? How do you delete the object pointed to by mFoo ? There are solutions (function level try/catch ...), they just don't scale.

The proper way to deal with the situation is to use proper classes instead of raw pointers.

class Righteous
  std::unique_ptr<Foo> mFoo;
  std::unique_ptr<Bar> mBar;

With the same constructor implementation (or actually, using make_unique), I now have exception safety for free!!! Isn't it exciting ? And best of all, I no longer need to worry about a proper destructor! I do need to write my own Copy Constructor and Assignment Operator though, because unique_ptr does not define these operations... but it doesn't matter here ;)

And therefore, sharptooth's class revisited:

class Class
  Class(char const* str): mData(str) {}
  std::string mData;

I don't know about you, but I find mine easier ;)

榆西 2024-09-17 06:43:31


  • 正确性/语义 - 如果您不提供用户定义的复制构造函数,使用该类型的程序可能无法编译,或者可能无法正常工作。
  • 优化 - 为编译器生成的复制构造函数提供一个很好的替代方案,可以使程序更快。



读完本节后,您将了解允许编译器自行生成复制构造函数的几个陷阱。因此,正如 seand 在他的 回答,关闭新类的可复制性并在稍后真正需要时故意启用它总是安全的。

如何在 C++03 中使类不可复制


如何在 C++11 或更新版本中使类不可复制

在最后声明复制构造函数 =delete


这是最好理解的情况,实际上也是其他答案中唯一提到的情况。 shaprtooth覆盖 非常好。我只想补充一点,深度复制本应由对象独占的资源可以适用于任何类型的资源,动态分配的内存只是其中一种。如果需要,深度复制对象可能还需要

  • 复制磁盘上的临时文件
  • ,打开单独的网络连接,
  • 创建单独的工作线程
  • ,分配单独的 OpenGL 帧缓冲区


考虑一个类,其中所有对象 -无论它们是如何构建的 - 都必须以某种方式进行注册。一些示例:

  • 最简单的示例:维护当前存在对象的总数。对象注册只是增加静态计数器。

  • 一个更复杂的示例是拥有一个单例注册表,其中存储对该类型的所有现有对象的引用(以便可以将通知传递给所有这些对象)。

  • 引用计数智能指针可以被视为此类别的特殊情况:新指针将自身“注册”到共享资源而不是全局注册表中。





struct MarriedMan;
struct MarriedWoman;

struct MarriedMan {
    // ...
    MarriedWoman* wife;   // association

struct MarriedWoman {
    // ...
    MarriedMan* husband;  // association

struct MarriedCouple {
    MarriedWoman wife;    // aggregation
    MarriedMan   husband; // aggregation

    MarriedCouple() {
        wife.husband = &husband;
        husband.wife = &wife;

MarriedCouple couple1; // couple1.wife and couple1.husband are spouses

MarriedCouple couple2(couple1);
// Are couple2.wife and couple2.husband indeed spouses?
// Why does couple2.wife say that she is married to couple1.husband?
// Why does couple2.husband say that he is married to couple1.wife?


可能存在这样的类,其中对象在某种状态(例如默认构造状态)下可以安全复制,而在其他情况下则安全复制。如果我们想要允许复制安全复制对象,那么 - 如果进行防御性编程 - 我们需要在用户定义的复制构造函数中进行运行时检查。







然后,最终决定权留给该类型的用户 - 复制对象时,他们必须明确指定(通过附加参数)预期的复制方法。





  • 对象的 UID(但这也属于上面的“自注册”情况,因为 id 必须通过自注册行为获得)。


  • 在新对象不得继承源对象的历史记录,而是以单个历史记录项“复制于




现在,如果子对象类型的“变异”复制构造函数实际上并未改变源对象(而只是由不了解 const 关键字的程序员编写的),该怎么办? ?如果我们无法通过添加缺少的 const 来修复该代码,那么另一个选择是使用正确的签名声明我们自己的用户定义的复制构造函数,并犯下转向 的错误。 >const_cast

写时复制 (COW)

已放弃对其内部数据的直接引用的 COW 容器必须在构造时进行深度复制,否则它可能会充当引用计数句柄。










C++ 允许通过声明复制构造函数显式 来禁用隐式复制。那么该类的对象就不能传递到函数中和/或按值从函数返回。此技巧可用于看似轻量级但复制成本确实非常昂贵的类型(尽管使其准可复制可能是更好的选择)。

在 C++03 中声明复制构造函数也需要定义它(当然,如果

C++11 和更新的标准允许声明特殊成员函数(
(只需以 =default 结束声明即可)。



  • 添加更多示例代码
  • 说明“具有内部交叉引用的对象”案例
  • 添加一些链接

I can recall from my practice and think of the following cases when one has to deal with explicitly declaring/defining the copy constructor. I have grouped the cases into two categories

  • Correctness/Semantics - if you don't provide a user-defined copy-constructor, programs using that type may fail to compile, or may work incorrectly.
  • Optimization - providing a good alternative to the compiler-generated copy constructor allows to make the program faster.


I place in this section the cases where declaring/defining the copy constructor is necessary for the correct operation of the programs using that type.

After reading through this section, you will learn about several pitfalls of allowing the compiler to generate the copy constructor on its own. Therefore, as seand noted in his answer, it is always safe to turn off copyability for a new class and deliberately enable it later when really needed.

How to make a class non-copyable in C++03

Declare a private copy-constructor and don't provide an implementation for it (so that the build fails at linking stage even if the objects of that type are copied in the class' own scope or by its friends).

How to make a class non-copyable in C++11 or newer

Declare the copy-constructor with =delete at end.

Shallow vs Deep Copy

This is the best understood case and actually the only one mentioned in the other answers. shaprtooth has covered it pretty well. I only want to add that deeply copying resources that should be exclusively owned by the object can apply to any type of resources, of which dynamically allocated memory is just one kind. If needed, deeply copying an object may also require

  • copying temporary files on the disk
  • opening a separate network connection
  • creating a separate worker thread
  • allocating a separate OpenGL framebuffer
  • etc

Self-registering objects

Consider a class where all objects - no matter how they have been constructed - MUST be somehow registered. Some examples:

  • The simplest example: maintaining the total count of currently existing objects. Object registration is just about incrementing the static counter.

  • A more complex example is having a singleton registry, where references to all existing objects of that type are stored (so that notifications can be delivered to all of them).

  • Reference counted smart-pointers can be considered just a special case in this category: the new pointer "registers" itself with the shared resource rather than in a global registry.

Such a self-registration operation must be performed by ANY constructor of the type and the copy constructor is no exception.

Objects with internal cross-references

Some objects may have non-trivial internal structure with direct cross-references between their different sub-objects (in fact, just one such internal cross-reference is enough to trigger this case). The compiler-provided copy constructor will break the internal intra-object associations, converting them to inter-object associations.

An example:

struct MarriedMan;
struct MarriedWoman;

struct MarriedMan {
    // ...
    MarriedWoman* wife;   // association

struct MarriedWoman {
    // ...
    MarriedMan* husband;  // association

struct MarriedCouple {
    MarriedWoman wife;    // aggregation
    MarriedMan   husband; // aggregation

    MarriedCouple() {
        wife.husband = &husband;
        husband.wife = &wife;

MarriedCouple couple1; // couple1.wife and couple1.husband are spouses

MarriedCouple couple2(couple1);
// Are couple2.wife and couple2.husband indeed spouses?
// Why does couple2.wife say that she is married to couple1.husband?
// Why does couple2.husband say that he is married to couple1.wife?

Only objects meeting certain criteria are allowed to be copied

There may be classes where objects are safe to copy while in some state (e.g. default-constructed-state) and not safe to copy otherwise. If we want to allow copying safe-to-copy objects, then - if programming defensively - we need a run-time check in the user-defined copy constructor.

Non-copyable sub-objects

Sometimes, a class that should be copyable aggregates non-copyable sub-objects.
Usually, this happens for objects with non-observable state (that case is discussed in more detail in the "Optimization" section below). The compiler merely helps to recognize that case.

Quasi-copyable sub-objects

A class, that should be copyable, may aggregate a sub-object of a quasi-copyable type. A quasi-copyable type doesn't provide a copy constructor in the strict sense, but has another constructor that allows to create a conceptual copy of the object. The reason for making a type quasi-copyable is when there is no full agreement about the copy semantics of the type.

For example, revisiting the object self-registration case, we can argue that
there may be situations where an object must be registered with the global
object manager only if it is a complete standalone object. If it is a
sub-object of another object, then the responsibility of managing it is with
its containing object.

Or, both shallow and deep copying must be supported (none of them being the default).

Then the final decision is left to the users of that type - when copying objects, they must explicitly specify (through additional arguments) the intended method of copying.

In case of a non-defensive approach to programming, it is also possible that both a regular copy-constructor and a quasi-copy-constructor are present. This can be justified when in the vast majority of cases a single copying method should be applied, while in rare but well understood situations alternative copying methods should be used. Then the compiler won't complain that it is unable to implicitly define the copy constructor; it will be the users' sole responsibility to remember and check whether a sub-object of that type should be copied via a quasi-copy-constructor.

Don't copy state that is strongly associated with the object's identity

In rare cases a subset of the object's observable state may constitute (or be considered) an inseparable part of the object's identity and should not be transferable to other objects (though this can be somewhat controversial).


  • The UID of the object (but this one also belongs to the "self-registration" case from above, since the id must be obtained in an act of self-registration).

  • History of the object (e.g. the Undo/Redo stack) in the case when the new object must not inherit the history of the source object, but instead start with a single history item "Copied at <TIME> from <OTHER_OBJECT_ID>".

In such cases the copy constructor must skip copying the corresponding sub-objects.

Enforcing correct signature of the copy constructor

The signature of the compiler-provided copy constructor depends on what copy constructors are available for the sub-objects. If at least one sub-object doesn't have a real copy constructor (taking the source object by constant reference) but instead has a mutating copy-constructor (taking the source object by non-constant reference) then the compiler will have no choice but to implicitly declare and then define a mutating copy-constructor.

Now, what if the "mutating" copy-constructor of the sub-object's type doesn't actually mutate the source object (and was simply written by a programmer who doesn't know about the const keyword)? If we can't have that code fixed by adding the missing const, then the other option is to declare our own user-defined copy constructor with a correct signature and commit the sin of turning to a const_cast.

Copy-on-write (COW)

A COW container that has given away direct references to its internal data MUST be deep-copied at the time of construction, otherwise it may behave as a reference counting handle.

Though COW is an optimization technique, this logic in the copy constructor
is crucial for its correct implementation. That is why I placed this case here
rather than in the "Optimization" section, where we go next.


In the following cases you may want/need to define your own copy constructor out of optimization concerns:

Structure optimization during copy

Consider a container that supports element removal operations, but may do so by simply marking the removed element as deleted, and recycle its slot later. When a copy of such a container is made, it may make sense to compact the surviving data rather than preserve the "deleted" slots as is.

Skip copying non-observable state

An object may contain data that is not part of its observable state. Usually, this is cached/memoized data accumulated over the object's lifetime in order to speed-up certain slow query operations performed by the object. It is safe to skip copying that data since it will be recalculated when (and if!) the relevant operations are performed. Copying this data may be unjustified, as it may be quickly invalidated if the object's observable state (from which the cached data is derived) is modified by mutating operations (and if we are not going to modify the object, why are we creating a deep copy then?)

This optimization is justified only if the auxiliary data is large compared to the data representing the observable state.

Disable implicit copying

C++ allows to disable implicit copying by declaring the copy constructor explicit. Then objects of that class cannot be passed into functions and/or returned from functions by value. This trick can be used for a type that appears to be lightweight but is indeed very expensive to copy (though, making it quasi-copyable might be a better choice).

In C++03 declaring a copy constructor required defining it too (of course, if
you intended to use it). Hence, going for such a copy constructor merely out
of the concern being discussed meant that you had to write the same code that
the compiler would automatically generate for you.

C++11 and newer standards allow declaring special member functions (the
default and copy constructors, the copy-assignment operator, and the
destructor) with an explicit request to use the default implementation
(just end the declaration with =default).


This answer can be improved as follows:

  • Add more example code
  • Illustrate the "Objects with internal cross-references" case
  • Add some links
我最亲爱的 2024-09-17 06:43:31

如果您有一个具有动态分配内容的类。例如,您将一本书的标题存储为 char * 并将标题设置为 new,复制将不起作用。

您必须编写一个复制构造函数,先执行title = new char[length+1],然后执行strcpy(title, titleIn)。复制构造函数只会执行“浅”复制。

If you have a class that has dynamically allocated content. For example you store the title of a book as a char * and set the title with new, copy will not work.

You would have to write a copy constructor that does title = new char[length+1] and then strcpy(title, titleIn). The copy constructor would just do a "shallow" copy.

生生漫 2024-09-17 06:43:31

当对象按值传递、按值返回或显式复制时,将调用复制构造函数。如果没有复制构造函数,C++ 将创建一个默认的复制构造函数来进行浅复制。如果对象没有指向动态分配内存的指针,则可以使用浅复制。

Copy Constructor is called when an object is either passed by value, returned by value, or explicitly copied. If there is no copy constructor, c++ creates a default copy constructor which makes a shallow copy. If the object has no pointers to dynamically allocated memory then shallow copy will do.

酒废 2024-09-17 06:43:31

除非类特别需要它,否则禁用复制构造函数和运算符=通常是个好主意。这可以防止效率低下,例如在需要引用时按值传递 arg。编译器生成的方法也可能无效。

It's often a good idea to disable copy ctor, and operator= unless the class specifically needs it. This may prevent inefficiencies such as passing an arg by value when reference is intended. Also the compiler generated methods may be invalid.

听不够的曲调 2024-09-17 06:43:31


class base{
    int a, *p;
        p = new int;
    void SetData(int, int);
    void ShowData();
    base(const base& old_ref){
        //No coding present.
void base :: ShowData(){
    cout<<this->a<<" "<<*(this->p)<<endl;
void base :: SetData(int a, int b){
    this->a = a;
    *(this->p) = b;
int main(void)
    base b1;
    b1.SetData(2, 3);
    base b2 = b1; //!! Copy constructor called.
    return 0;

2 3 //b1.ShowData();
1996774332 1205913761 //b2.ShowData();

b2.ShowData(); 给出垃圾输出,因为创建了一个用户定义的复制构造函数,而没有编写显式复制数据的代码。所以编译器不会创建相同的。



Let's consider below code snippet:

class base{
    int a, *p;
        p = new int;
    void SetData(int, int);
    void ShowData();
    base(const base& old_ref){
        //No coding present.
void base :: ShowData(){
    cout<<this->a<<" "<<*(this->p)<<endl;
void base :: SetData(int a, int b){
    this->a = a;
    *(this->p) = b;
int main(void)
    base b1;
    b1.SetData(2, 3);
    base b2 = b1; //!! Copy constructor called.
    return 0;

2 3 //b1.ShowData();
1996774332 1205913761 //b2.ShowData();

b2.ShowData(); gives junk output because there is a user-defined copy-constructor created with no code written to copy data explicitly. So compiler does not create the same.

Just thought of sharing this knowledge with you all, although most of you know it already.

Happy coding!!!

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