正确放置具有 http-equiv 属性的 META 标记?
我正在页面上实现 Bing 地图(我更喜欢 Google 地图,但这不是我的选择)。我正在遵循 MS 在这里提供的教程:http://msdn.microsoft。 com/en-us/library/bb412551.aspx
使用 MS 的代码,一切正常。用我自己的一些 jQuery 代码充实它,我发现每次运行 $.get(); 时都会收到“权限被拒绝”错误。我认为这是某种“同源”冲突,但经过多次检查,我确定我没有向任何其他主机请求任何内容(甚至不是 www.example.com 与 example.com - 一切都在相同的主机上)主持人)。
经过一番挫败之后,我最终将原因归结为 MS 代码中的 META 标签:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
这位于我的 HEAD 部分的底部。在阅读规范时。对于 META 标签(我不太熟悉),我发现有些服务器可能会将 http-equiv 标签直接翻译成 HTTP 标头,而其他服务器可能只是按原样发送它们。由于我相信标头必须在任何内容之前发送,因此我将 META 标记移至 HEAD 部分的开头,一切正常。
另一个细节:我只在 IE7 中遇到问题。我在FF测试的时候完全没有问题。
所以这是我的问题:带有 http-equiv 属性的 META 标签是否应该位于 HEAD 部分的开头? IE 是不是很奇怪?还是FF只是特别宽容?
I'm implementing Bing Maps on a page (I'd prefer Google Maps, but it's not my choice). I'm following the tutorial MS provides here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb412551.aspx
Using MS's code, everything worked just fine. Fleshing it out with some of my own jQuery code, I found that I was getting a "Permission Denied" error every time I ran $.get(); I assumed this was some sort of "Same Origin" conflict, but after much checking, I determined that I wasn't requesting anything from any other host (not even www.example.com vs. example.com - everything was on the SAME host).
After much frustration, I finally whittled the cause down to the META tag in MS's code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
This was towards the bottom of my HEAD section. In reading the spec. for the META tag (which I wasn't very familiar with), I found that some servers may translate http-equiv tags directly into HTTP headers, while others may just send them as-is. Since I believe headers must be sent before any content, I moved the META tag to the BEGINING of the HEAD section, and everything worked fine.
Another detail: I only had problems in IE7. When I tested in FF, I had no problems at all.
So here's my question: Are META tags with the http-equiv attribute SUPPOSED to be at the begining of the HEAD section? Was IE just being weird? Or was FF just being particularly forgiving?
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来自 HTML5 草案规范 (http://dev.w3.org/html5/规范/semantics.html#charset):
注意第四个要点。我相信 512 字节规则是传统浏览器之间的妥协,这些浏览器过去选择了不同的限制,但我认为所有浏览器都有一定长度的字节限制。这可能是原因,但我不知道为什么它会导致“权限被拒绝”错误。
From the HTML5 draft spec (http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/semantics.html#charset):
Note the fourth bullet point. I believe that the 512 byte rule was a compromise between the legacy browsers which have in the past chosen different limits, but all, I think, had a byte limit of some length. This may be the reason, though why it should cause a "Permission Denied" error, I've no idea.