如果我们使用 display:none; 隐藏了一些东西例如:图片,渲染引擎还会下载吗?如果是,这是否意味着在移动设备中打开同一网页时,将不需要下载不必要的额外重量?
If we have hidden some stuff using display:none; for example: images , will it still be downloaded by rendering engine? If yes, does that mean while opening the same web page in mobile, it's going to be unnecessary extra weight to download?
This can further mean that modifying the same webpage for mobile can be a bad idea. Please advice. Thanks.
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是的,整个页面都会被下载(隐藏元素和所有元素)。在页面被浏览器的 CSS 引擎处理之前,
毫无意义。Yes, the entire page is downloaded (hidden elements and all). The
is meaningless until the page has been processed by the browser's CSS Engine.有多种方法可以停止下载图像,无论图像是内联的还是 CSS 样式中的背景图像,或者是否是通过媒体查询引入的。它适用于几乎所有移动设备(除了“Fennec 10.0+”是唯一仍然下载图像的设备。-参见 Tim Kadle 的测试结果
http://timkadlec.com/ 2012/04/media-query-asset-downloading-results/
There are several ways to stop an image being downloaded, wether the image is inline or is a background image within a CSS style, or wether it is being brought in through a media query. It works for nearly all mobile devices (except 'Fennec 10.0+' being the only device that still downloaded the image.- see Tim Kadle's test results)
Tim Kadlec's 'Media Query & Asset Downloading Test Results' research at:
It says, for a background image, hide the parent element. If you can’t do that, then use a media query to set the background-image to only download when screen or device size is at certain size. Just define what you want hidden / to not download by putting inside media queries. Isn't it marvellous.
Also another brilliant test to use, so simple, at:
On this test you just resize your browser window to mimic wether 'desktop' or 'mobile' to see wether it is downloading images related to the media queries. You simply click the links for each scenario you want to test.