是否存在类型“ChartColorPalette”的现有 PropertyGrid UITypeEditor?

发布于 2024-09-09 03:06:58 字数 316 浏览 9 评论 0原文


现在,我可以编写一个 UITypeEditor 派生类,并让“PaintValue”绘制一些资源位图,这些资源位图是我使用“Paint”或类似方法从屏幕上挑选出来的,但这看起来相当乏味。


I'm trying to write a simple property grid to allow the users to modify the colours of a Chart. By default, a Chart has a "Palette" property, which is of the enumeration type "ChartColorPalette". If the object which underlies my property grid also has a "Palette" property of the same type, I get the drop-down list of possible values. What I don't get however, is the little stripey images to the left of the value names.

Now, I can write a UITypeEditor derived class and have the "PaintValue" draw little resource bitmaps which I have culled from the screen using "Paint" or somesuch, but this seems rather tedious.

Does anyone know if there is already a type editor for the "ChartColorPalette" enumeration which I can use to get the little bitmaps ?

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奢望 2024-09-16 03:06:58

事实上,编写 UITypeEditor 并不那么棘手,也不需要那么多代码。

private class ChartColorPaletteEditor : UITypeEditor
    public override bool GetPaintValueSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
        return true;

    public override void PaintValue(PaintValueEventArgs e)
        String paletteName = e.Value.ToString();
        String baseName = this.GetType().Namespace + ".MyChart";
        ResourceManager mgr = new ResourceManager(baseName, this.GetType().Assembly);
        Bitmap bmp = mgr.GetObject(paletteName) as Bitmap;
        if (bmp != null)
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, e.Bounds);


[DefaultValue(typeof(ChartColorPalette), "BrightPastel")]
[Editor(typeof(ChartColorPaletteEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
[Description("The named palette to use when choosing the colour scheme for the chart series lines.")]
public ChartColorPalette Palette { get; set; }

然后,我为每个小调色板图像添加了一个小的 PNG 资源。我有一个派生控件“MyChart”,它继承自“Chart”,并将图像作为资源添加到其中(确保将“Persistance”属性设置为“Embedded in .resx”,以避免保留 PNG 文件) 。 PNG 文件的名称与 ChartColorPalette 枚举中的名称匹配。

唯一的问题是从哪里获取 20 x 14 的小图像。我最初只是使用 Paint.exe 剔除它们,但不喜欢那样,所以我编写了一些代码来为我生成它们。当我找到图表控件使用的颜色值后,这相当简单。一个微妙之处在于,当调色板中有超过 12 种颜色时,小位图会使用所有其他颜色。该代码如下所示:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace ConsoleApplication10
class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)

  static void GeneratePNG(ChartColorPalette palette)
     if (palette == ChartColorPalette.None) return;

     Color[] colours = palette.GetColors();

     if (colours.Length >= 12)
        colours = new Color[] { colours[0], colours[2], colours[4], colours[6], colours[8], colours[10] };
        colours = new Color[] { colours[0], colours[1], colours[2], colours[3], colours[4], colours[5] };

     using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(20, 14))
        using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
           using (SolidBrush b1 = new SolidBrush(colours[0]),
                             b2 = new SolidBrush(colours[1]),
                             b3 = new SolidBrush(colours[2]),
                             b4 = new SolidBrush(colours[3]),
                             b5 = new SolidBrush(colours[4]),
                             b6 = new SolidBrush(colours[5]))
              int height = bmp.Height - 2;
              gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height - 1);
              gr.FillRectangle(b1, new Rectangle(1, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b2, new Rectangle(4, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b3, new Rectangle(7, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b4, new Rectangle(10, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b5, new Rectangle(13, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b6, new Rectangle(16, 1, 3, height));

        String path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
        path = Path.Combine(path, @"Visual Studio 2010\Projects\DataVisualization.Charting\Palette Bitmaps");

        String filename = palette.ToString() + ".png";
        bmp.Save(Path.Combine(path, filename), ImageFormat.Png);

public static class Extensions
  public static Color[] GetColors(this ChartColorPalette value)
     switch (value)
        case ChartColorPalette.Berry:
           return GetColors(0x8a2be2, 0xba55d3, 0x4169e1, 0xc71585, 0x0000ff, 0x8a2be2, 0xda70d6, 0x7b68ee, 0xc000c0, 0x0000cd, 0x800080);
        case ChartColorPalette.Bright:
           return GetColors(0x008000, 0x0000ff, 0x800080, 0x00ff00, 0xff00ff, 0x008080, 0xffff00, 0x808080, 0x00ffff, 0x000080, 0x800000, 0xff0000, 0x808000, 0xc0c0c0, 0xff6347, 0xffe4b5);
        case ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel:
           return GetColors(0x418cf0, 0xfcb441, 0xe0400a, 0x056492, 0xbfbfbf, 0x1a3b69, 0xffe382, 0x129cdd, 0xca6b4b, 0x005cdb, 0xf3d288, 0x506381, 0xf1b9a8, 0xe0830a, 0x7893be);
        case ChartColorPalette.Chocolate:
           return GetColors(0xa0522d, 0xd2691e, 0x8b0000, 0xcd853f, 0xa52a2a, 0xf4a460, 0x8b4513, 0xc04000, 0xb22222, 0xb65c3a);
        case ChartColorPalette.EarthTones:
           return GetColors(0xff8000, 0xb8860b, 0xc04000, 0x6b8e23, 0xcd853f, 0xc0c000, 0x228b22, 0xd2691e, 0x808000, 0x20b2aa, 0xf4a460, 0x00c000, 0x8fbc8b, 0xb22222, 0x8b4513, 0xc00000);
        case ChartColorPalette.Excel:
           return GetColors(0x9999ff, 0x993366, 0xffffcc, 0xccffff, 0x660066, 0xff8080, 0x0066cc, 0xccccff, 0x000080, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0x00ffff, 0x800080, 0x800000, 0x008080, 0x0000ff);
        case ChartColorPalette.Fire:
           return GetColors(0xffd700, 0xff0000, 0xff1493, 0xdc143c, 0xff8c00, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0xff4500, 0xc71585, 0xdde221);
        case ChartColorPalette.Grayscale:
           return GetColors(0xc8c8c8, 0xbdbdbd, 0xb2b2b2, 0xa7a7a7, 0x9c9c9c, 0x919191, 0x868686, 0x7b7b7b, 0x707070, 0x656565, 0x5a5a5a, 0x4f4f4f, 0x444444, 0x393939, 0x2e2e2e, 0x232323);
        case ChartColorPalette.Light:
           return GetColors(0xe6e6fa, 0xfff0f5, 0xffdab9, 0xfffacd, 0xffe4e1, 0xf0fff0, 0xf0f8ff, 0xf5f5f5, 0xfaebd7, 0xe0ffff);
        case ChartColorPalette.Pastel:
           return GetColors(0x87ceeb, 0x32cd32, 0xba55d3, 0xf08080, 0x4682b4, 0x9acd32, 0x40e0d0, 0xff69b4, 0xf0e68c, 0xd2b48c, 0x8fbc8b, 0x6495ed, 0xdda0dd, 0x5f9ea0, 0xffdab9, 0xffa07a);
        case ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen:
           return GetColors(0x2e8b57, 0x66cdaa, 0x4682b4, 0x008b8b, 0x5f9ea0, 0x3cb371, 0x48d1cc, 0xb0c4de, 0xffffff, 0x87ceeb);
        case ChartColorPalette.SemiTransparent:
           return GetColors(0xff6969, 0x69ff69, 0x6969ff, 0xffff69, 0x69ffff, 0xff69ff, 0xcdb075, 0xffafaf, 0xafffaf, 0xafafff, 0xffffaf, 0xafffff, 0xffafff, 0xe4d5b5, 0xa4b086, 0x819ec1);
        case ChartColorPalette.None:
           return GetColors(0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000);

  private static Color[] GetColors(params Int32[] values)
     return values.Select(value => Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(value))).ToArray(); // alpha channel of 255 for fully opaque


as it happens, writing the UITypeEditor is not that tricky, and not that much code either.
Firstly I created a type editor that looked like this:

private class ChartColorPaletteEditor : UITypeEditor
    public override bool GetPaintValueSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
        return true;

    public override void PaintValue(PaintValueEventArgs e)
        String paletteName = e.Value.ToString();
        String baseName = this.GetType().Namespace + ".MyChart";
        ResourceManager mgr = new ResourceManager(baseName, this.GetType().Assembly);
        Bitmap bmp = mgr.GetObject(paletteName) as Bitmap;
        if (bmp != null)
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, e.Bounds);

I attached this to my control property in the usual way:

[DefaultValue(typeof(ChartColorPalette), "BrightPastel")]
[Editor(typeof(ChartColorPaletteEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
[Description("The named palette to use when choosing the colour scheme for the chart series lines.")]
public ChartColorPalette Palette { get; set; }

Then I added a small PNG resource for each of the little palette images. I had a derived control "MyChart" which inherited from "Chart" and I added the images to that as resources (making sure to set the "Persistance" property to "Embedded in .resx" to save having to keep the PNG files about). The names of the PNG files matched the names in the ChartColorPalette enumeration.

The only issue was where to get the little 20 x 14 images from. I originally just culled them using Paint.exe but didn't like that, so I wrote some code to generate them for me. That was fairly simple, once I had found the colour values that are used by the Charting control. One subtlety is that, where there are more than 12 colours in a palette, the little bitmap uses every other colour. That code looked like this:

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;

namespace ConsoleApplication10
class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)

  static void GeneratePNG(ChartColorPalette palette)
     if (palette == ChartColorPalette.None) return;

     Color[] colours = palette.GetColors();

     if (colours.Length >= 12)
        colours = new Color[] { colours[0], colours[2], colours[4], colours[6], colours[8], colours[10] };
        colours = new Color[] { colours[0], colours[1], colours[2], colours[3], colours[4], colours[5] };

     using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(20, 14))
        using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
           using (SolidBrush b1 = new SolidBrush(colours[0]),
                             b2 = new SolidBrush(colours[1]),
                             b3 = new SolidBrush(colours[2]),
                             b4 = new SolidBrush(colours[3]),
                             b5 = new SolidBrush(colours[4]),
                             b6 = new SolidBrush(colours[5]))
              int height = bmp.Height - 2;
              gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height - 1);
              gr.FillRectangle(b1, new Rectangle(1, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b2, new Rectangle(4, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b3, new Rectangle(7, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b4, new Rectangle(10, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b5, new Rectangle(13, 1, 3, height));
              gr.FillRectangle(b6, new Rectangle(16, 1, 3, height));

        String path = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);
        path = Path.Combine(path, @"Visual Studio 2010\Projects\DataVisualization.Charting\Palette Bitmaps");

        String filename = palette.ToString() + ".png";
        bmp.Save(Path.Combine(path, filename), ImageFormat.Png);

public static class Extensions
  public static Color[] GetColors(this ChartColorPalette value)
     switch (value)
        case ChartColorPalette.Berry:
           return GetColors(0x8a2be2, 0xba55d3, 0x4169e1, 0xc71585, 0x0000ff, 0x8a2be2, 0xda70d6, 0x7b68ee, 0xc000c0, 0x0000cd, 0x800080);
        case ChartColorPalette.Bright:
           return GetColors(0x008000, 0x0000ff, 0x800080, 0x00ff00, 0xff00ff, 0x008080, 0xffff00, 0x808080, 0x00ffff, 0x000080, 0x800000, 0xff0000, 0x808000, 0xc0c0c0, 0xff6347, 0xffe4b5);
        case ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel:
           return GetColors(0x418cf0, 0xfcb441, 0xe0400a, 0x056492, 0xbfbfbf, 0x1a3b69, 0xffe382, 0x129cdd, 0xca6b4b, 0x005cdb, 0xf3d288, 0x506381, 0xf1b9a8, 0xe0830a, 0x7893be);
        case ChartColorPalette.Chocolate:
           return GetColors(0xa0522d, 0xd2691e, 0x8b0000, 0xcd853f, 0xa52a2a, 0xf4a460, 0x8b4513, 0xc04000, 0xb22222, 0xb65c3a);
        case ChartColorPalette.EarthTones:
           return GetColors(0xff8000, 0xb8860b, 0xc04000, 0x6b8e23, 0xcd853f, 0xc0c000, 0x228b22, 0xd2691e, 0x808000, 0x20b2aa, 0xf4a460, 0x00c000, 0x8fbc8b, 0xb22222, 0x8b4513, 0xc00000);
        case ChartColorPalette.Excel:
           return GetColors(0x9999ff, 0x993366, 0xffffcc, 0xccffff, 0x660066, 0xff8080, 0x0066cc, 0xccccff, 0x000080, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0x00ffff, 0x800080, 0x800000, 0x008080, 0x0000ff);
        case ChartColorPalette.Fire:
           return GetColors(0xffd700, 0xff0000, 0xff1493, 0xdc143c, 0xff8c00, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0xff4500, 0xc71585, 0xdde221);
        case ChartColorPalette.Grayscale:
           return GetColors(0xc8c8c8, 0xbdbdbd, 0xb2b2b2, 0xa7a7a7, 0x9c9c9c, 0x919191, 0x868686, 0x7b7b7b, 0x707070, 0x656565, 0x5a5a5a, 0x4f4f4f, 0x444444, 0x393939, 0x2e2e2e, 0x232323);
        case ChartColorPalette.Light:
           return GetColors(0xe6e6fa, 0xfff0f5, 0xffdab9, 0xfffacd, 0xffe4e1, 0xf0fff0, 0xf0f8ff, 0xf5f5f5, 0xfaebd7, 0xe0ffff);
        case ChartColorPalette.Pastel:
           return GetColors(0x87ceeb, 0x32cd32, 0xba55d3, 0xf08080, 0x4682b4, 0x9acd32, 0x40e0d0, 0xff69b4, 0xf0e68c, 0xd2b48c, 0x8fbc8b, 0x6495ed, 0xdda0dd, 0x5f9ea0, 0xffdab9, 0xffa07a);
        case ChartColorPalette.SeaGreen:
           return GetColors(0x2e8b57, 0x66cdaa, 0x4682b4, 0x008b8b, 0x5f9ea0, 0x3cb371, 0x48d1cc, 0xb0c4de, 0xffffff, 0x87ceeb);
        case ChartColorPalette.SemiTransparent:
           return GetColors(0xff6969, 0x69ff69, 0x6969ff, 0xffff69, 0x69ffff, 0xff69ff, 0xcdb075, 0xffafaf, 0xafffaf, 0xafafff, 0xffffaf, 0xafffff, 0xffafff, 0xe4d5b5, 0xa4b086, 0x819ec1);
        case ChartColorPalette.None:
           return GetColors(0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000);

  private static Color[] GetColors(params Int32[] values)
     return values.Select(value => Color.FromArgb(255, Color.FromArgb(value))).ToArray(); // alpha channel of 255 for fully opaque

Hope this is useful to someone out there...

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