单一开发人员完成所有 SDLC 活动 -- 我应该如何进一步进行?

发布于 2024-09-09 01:23:11 字数 266 浏览 0 评论 0原文

作为 .net 程序员(单独)在客户端(非 IT)工作,并要求开发 Windows 应用程序。没有项目经理,没有SRS,没有技术人员来领导......等等。


现在它变成了由单个开发人员完成所有 SDLC 活动。我该如何应对这种工作环境?

Working at client (non-IT) place as a .net programmer (alone) and asked to develope a windows application. No project manager, no SRS, no technical people to lead..., etc.

Directly getting requirement from customer on-their-need basis. It keep changes and has lot of ambguity. As the client is not understaning need of freezing requirement, it becomes huge headache to deal with. Has to do self document of requirement, coding, testing, bug-fixing and delivering build, educating users for application use by myself only. Reporing to a Boss, who is non-technical guy and always not understanding these problems.

Now it becomes, single developer-to-do-all SDLC activities. How should I proceed with this work environment?

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凉风有信 2024-09-16 01:23:11



Robert L. Lead 在他的如何成为一名程序员:简短、全面和个人总结:在识别何时回家下,他只是状态:



Start by making demands on your environment, and on what is asked of you:
Demand that requirements and deadlines are fixed and agreed upon, in writing, before you write a single line of code.
Demand that you are given enough time for testing and bugfixing in the development cycle.
Demand that you are given time to setup source control, automatic builds etc (whatever you feel like you need for your development environment to promote effective work).
Demand that you are given time to write documentation, so that you can spend more time writing code and less time doing application demos.

Continue with backing it up:
Document and show your boss some statistics on how you use your time. If it turns out you use much less on actually writing code, maybe he'll consider giving some of the less programming-related tasks to some other member of the department.

And finally, remember that this this is not the only company in the world:
Robert L. Lead has a very good point in his How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive and Personal Summary: under Recognizing when to go home, he simply states:

Quit if you have to.

This might not be a very compelling option, but should it come to it, leave the company for the greener grass on the other side. Even telling your boss you're ready to quit if your working conditions don't improve might help you actually get what you want. I doubt that your company want to be left with a software product that suddenly can't be supported or updated, because their only developer quit.

无需解释 2024-09-16 01:23:11


我认为采用一些敏捷工具来组织自己是一个好主意,例如 Scrum 白板,并定义冲刺周期/迭代。这将允许管理你的老板和用户的期望,并仍然让他们控制应该优先考虑的事情。不要忘记安排 SDLC 任务,以便您的老板可以看到它们。您应该随意将敏捷工具视为超市:选择您认为有用的东西,并记住其余的以供以后考虑。


Count your blessings, I'd say. Usually all the people standing between the developers and the users are just getting in the way of making successful software.

I think it is a good idea to adopt some agile tooling to organize yourself, like a scrum whiteboard, and by defining sprint periods/iterations. That will allow to manage your boss's and users' expectations, and still give them control over what should get priority. Don't forget to schedule for SDLC tasks, so you can make them visible to your boss. You should feel free to consider agile tooling as a supermarket: take what you think is useful and keep the rest in mind for later consideration.

As far as requirements documentation is concerned, I'd keep it very high level. I would not mind skipping it altogether but I can imagine that it feels sloppy, and it is perhaps also a way to document your achievements.

阿楠 2024-09-16 01:23:11

教育你的客户和老板的结合; 敏捷方法在这里可能会有所帮助。这取决于该项目如何向客户计费。



如果您正在进行按小时计费的项目,那么您的麻烦就更大了。你的老板可能没有任何动力让客户提出合理的要求,他可能只是关心你有效地外包给客户并带来收入。在这种情况下,通过与客户商定敏捷方法来负责项目,这样您至少可以交付一些可以满足某些客户需求的东西。随意负责,似乎您是事实上的经理 - 只需确保您了解该项目的合同条款并在这些范围内工作即可。如果合同是一笔糟糕的交易,请提醒你的老板,但你的公司将需要安然度过或重新谈判。

以两周的冲刺为单位进行工作,向您的老板和客户展示交付的功能/特性与开销(返工)与其他工​​作(培训等)的比率。这可能会变得非常清楚很快就会发现您的项目资源不足,或者对商定的价格要求很高。 则在电子表格中进行跟踪,或使用轻量级敏捷项目管理工具,例如 TargetProcess

如果客户无法工作并且您的老板无法工作, 只看到你在某人拉皮条,重新考虑你是否想在这样的地方工作,以及是否有任何特殊原因导致你在当前的公司而不是另一家公司度过你的职业时间。

请记住,您可能处于相当有利的位置,可以推动一些改变以改善情况。如果您是非 IT 商店中唯一的开发人员,并且您辞职了,那么您的公司将很难履行其对客户的义务 - 您的老板,免得他是个傻瓜,会注意到这一点。当然,威胁退出是核选择,不要轻易打这张牌。

A combination of educating both your customer and boss; and an agile approach could be helpful here. It depends on how this project is billed to the customer.

If the customer is getting a fixed price deal, yet is allowed to change the specs, then educate your boss (or whoever is accountable for the financial results of the project) about the implications of this project. It means that the customer gets to ask for whatever they want, without needing to pay more. If the project isn't time boxed, your boss is giving away unlimited developer time at a fixed price. Make that clear. If the project is time boxed, explain that changing means redoing and that there's only so much redoing before you run out of time. If he doesn't see this is a problem, document your time use.

It's the equivalent of going to a car-repair shop, agreeing a price and then pushing the mechanic to not only fix your airconditioning (the original scope), but also replace your oil, uprate your suspension and do a full engine overhaul. In the long run, expect the customer to be demanding that the car flies, solve world hunger and bring world peace.

If you're on a billable hours project, then you're in more trouble. Your boss may not have any incentive for the customer to make reasonable demands, he may just care about you being effectively contracted out to a customer and bringing in revenue. In that case take charge of the project by agreeing an agile methodology with the customer, so you can at least deliver something that will address some customer needs. Feel free to take charge, it seems you're the de-facto manager - just make sure you understand what the terms of the contract for this project and work within those boundaries. If the contract is a bad deal, alert your boss, but your company will need to ride it out or renegotiate.

Work in two week sprints, and show to both your boss and client the ratio of functionality/features delivered vs. overhead (rework) vs other work (training,...). It may become clear quite quickly that your project is under resourced, or the demands to high for the price agreed. Track in spreadsheet, or use a lightweight agile project management tool something like TargetProcess

If the customer is unworkable and your boss only sees you at somebody to pimp out, reconsider if you want to work in such a place and if there is any particular reason why you're spending your professional time at your current company over another company.

Keep in mind that you could be in a reasonably strong position to push for some change to improve the situation. If you're the only developer in a non-IT shop, and you quit, your company will struggle to fulfill its obligations to its customer - your boss, lest he's a halfwit, will be mindful of that. Of course, threating to quit, is the nuclear option, don't play that card lightly.

未蓝澄海的烟 2024-09-16 01:23:11



这意味着:您列出了您需要的东西的简短清单。保持简单。保持它——几乎——免费。不要带着各种手续来。使用简单的错误跟踪系统,您也可以将其用于规划、报告、功能跟踪和新开发(我想到的是 Jira)。你的老板和你的客户都应该被教导如何使用它。对于您自己来说,如果您还没有源代码管理,您可能想添加它。




What I usually do in such situations — and these situations I come across much more than I'd like — is to demand a certain minimum. You can only demand something if you have something you can use to pressure your "Boss". In a single-developer-does-all-and-can-do-all situation, your means of pressure is yourself.

There are some countries in the world where employees are badly protected and you have to be careful. For any other country, this almost becomes a no-brainer: simply demand minimum working conditions.

This means: you make a short-list of things you need. Keep it simple. Keep it — almost — free. Don't come with all kinds of procedures. Use a simple bug-tracking system you can also use for planning, report, feature-tracking and new-development (Jira comes to mind). Both your Boss and your Client should be taught to use it. For yourself you probably want to add source control if you don't have it already.

Now comes the tricky part: for a short while, become very strict. Use the comment threads of your tracking system for communication. Your client will continue to call you or e-mail you. Let him. But copy everything to the comment threads and write your answer there. Send the guy a link to the thread as an answer.

You Boss may not like this because he things it will slow things down. Tell him it will become clearer what can and will be done. It will also become clearer where his money (i.e.: your time) went. Tell him that you want to keep an overview yourself, but that it's good for him too. If he's not convinced, tell him to give me a call and then propose to him to do it 100% your way for two months. He'll make it one month and then you have a deal.

It's a tough game out there. But it's doable. Propose a few simple steps towards bettering your environment, communication and tracking. If he refuses, you refuse to do anything more and he'll be stuck with an even worse situation.

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