我有一堆 shapefile 需要转换为 kml。
理想情况下,我很想找到一个网站、一个图书馆、一个脚本、一个神谕、一个章鱼或任何可以告诉我这些数据所在投影的东西,知道它们应该大致映射到北纬 52°,东经 4.7°
I have a bunch of shapefiles to convert to kml.
I can open them, but I don't understand the coordinate systems they are in (nor was it provided by the creators).
For instance, this should be a point on the border of the city of Amsterdam: 'x': 106980.0, 'y': 491810.0.
Ideally I'd love to find a website, a library, a script, an oracle, an octopus or anything that tells me what projection these data are in, knowing that the should roughly map to 52° N, 4.7° E.
Does anything like this exist? My curernt need is to find this specific projection system, but if possible I'd prefer a method to guess it for ll those cases where you have a couple of coordinates in an unknown format but you know where they should map to. Readers of this question would benefit from that too, and would not benefit from the answer to my really specific question.
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("Amersfoort “,
"Rijksdriehoeksnet", "RD"), EPSG:28992
Just try some informed guesses.
"Rijksdriehoeksnet", "RD"), EPSG:28992
对于 shapefile,您可以运行开源工具链接来查看有关投影等的详细信息。
替代文本 http://geographika.co.uk/images/ogr.png
您可以下载一整套来自 http://fwtools.maptools.org/ 的工具
这包括 链接 工具,您可以使用该工具将 shapefile 转换为 KML,因为两者都是 OGR(开放地理空间联盟矢量)格式 - 链接
如果您没有投影文件或元数据,则可以查看 http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28992/ 列出了几乎所有投影并提供投影参数,以便您可以将它们添加到 GIS 中。
如果您没有 GIS,您可以设置 http://www.proj4js.org/测试几个点并转换为经纬度。最好使用 GIS 程序来可视化它们 - QGIS 是一个开源选项。
For shapefiles you can run the opensource tool Link to see details on projection etc.
alt text http://geographika.co.uk/images/ogr.png
You can download a whole suite of tools from http://fwtools.maptools.org/
This includes the Link tool which you could use to convert from shapefile to KML as both are OGR (Open Geospatial Consortium vector) formats - Link
If you don't have a projection file or metadata then you can take a look at http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/28992/ which lists nearly all projections and provides projection parameters so you can add them into a GIS.
If you don't have a GIS you could set up http://www.proj4js.org/ to test a few points and convert into lat lon. It is probably best to get a GIS program though to visualise them - QGIS is an opensource option.
我真的很喜欢这个网络工具: http://projfinder.com/ 。检查您的文件并查找一些坐标。放大到地球上大致相同的位置并让它猜测。
另请参阅 GIS.stackexchange.com 上的其他答案:
I really love this web tool: http://projfinder.com/ . Check your file and look up some coordinates. Zoom to approximately the same place on the globe and let it guess.
See also the other answers at GIS.stackexchange.com: