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Closed 14 years ago.
主题网站(例如这个)。维基站点。具有投票/评论功能的社交网站,例如 Digg / Slashdot
Topic sites (such as this one). Wiki sites. Social sites with voting/commenting such as Digg / Slashdot
你只是落后于“场景”伙计,我也讨厌它,但如今 Facebook 对大多数孩子来说就是“计算机”或“互联网”。
You're just behind on the "scene" man, I hate it too, but Facebook IS "the computer" or "the internet" to most kids these days.
文章 0 评论 0
主题网站(例如这个)。维基站点。具有投票/评论功能的社交网站,例如 Digg / Slashdot
Topic sites (such as this one). Wiki sites. Social sites with voting/commenting such as Digg / Slashdot
你只是落后于“场景”伙计,我也讨厌它,但如今 Facebook 对大多数孩子来说就是“计算机”或“互联网”。
You're just behind on the "scene" man, I hate it too, but Facebook IS "the computer" or "the internet" to most kids these days.