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Closed 9 years ago.
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有 SomeBodyMakeThis reddit。此外,像 SourceForge 这样的项目网站允许您创建处于“规划”阶段的项目。通常,这是由那些认为自己有好主意并希望其他人为他们实现的人使用的。
There is the SomeBodyMakeThis reddit. Also, project sites like SourceForge allow you to create a project which is in the "planning" stage. Often, this is used by people who think they have a good idea and want somebody else to make it for them.
有点像 Kickstarter(用于资助)、SourceForge(用于托管)或 IdeaStorm(用于头脑风暴和社区反馈)? Apache 基金会,还是 Horde 项目(用于孵化大量相关项目)?这实际上取决于您的想法的相关性。尝试加入现有的相关开源社区之一并提出您的想法。
Kind of like Kickstarter (for funding), SourceForge (for hosting), or an IdeaStorm (for brainstorming and community feedback)? The Apache Foundation, or the Horde project (for incubating a plethora of related projects)? It really depends on to what your idea relates. Try joining one of the relevant extant open-source communities and sounding off on your idea.