
发布于 2024-09-08 12:45:36 字数 1455 浏览 3 评论 0原文

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—━☆沉默づ 2024-09-15 12:45:36


如果这些是完全独立的产品,那么使用 Scrum 我会进行非常短的冲刺(1-2 周)和序列开发工作。因此,两周的项目 A,然后是项目 B,然后是 C,然后又是 A - 也许是两个冲刺,然后是 C,等等。在这种情况下,单个待办事项是没有意义的,应该为 A、B 和 C 保留单独的待办事项。至少认识一个这样工作的团队。

您是否需要更多 PO 很大程度上取决于对产品的了解。也许你的每个项目都需要一个人,也许你有一个对 A、B 和 C 足够了解的人来担任 PO。

如果产品不同,那么当您尝试通过从每个冲刺的不同待办事项中获取不同的故事来做到这一点时,您最终会得到分裂的团队。当然,人们会专注于给定的项目,而且很难对完成有一个好的定义(如果我们可以在这个冲刺中为 A 和 B 提供新的增量,但不能为 C 提供新的增量,我们就完成了吗?)。如果您无法通过短冲刺对项目进行排序,那么我会寻求看板来尝试对此进行一些组织。

如果这是一个产品/一个代码库 - 那么事情就容易多了。即使团队由于不同的项目而必须接触代码库的不同区域,他们仍然会开发相同的产品,因此 Scrum 的所有机制都将很好地应用。一份积压订单,一份采购订单。

需要注意的一个缺点是团队中的人员会进行上下文切换,无论您使用什么流程,这样做都会受到惩罚。无论您选择什么流程,都应该尽可能长时间地尽量减少这种情况(只要业务能够维持下去)。 Scrum 的优点在于它与 PO 一致,即上下文切换只能在 sprint 边界发生——换句话说,团队在切换到另一个项目之前将有 1-2 周的时间来集中精力。


One missing bit is whether this is technically one product (like one codebase, even if large) or not.

If those are completely separate products then using Scrum I'd go in very short sprints (1-2 wks) and sequence development work. So two weeks project A, then project B, then C, then again A - maybe for two sprints, then C etc. In such a situation a single backlog makes no sense, separate backlogs should be kept for A, B and C. I know at least one team that works like this.

Whether you need more POs is rather a function of knowledge about products. Maybe you need someone for each project, maybe you have someone who knows well enough A, B and C to be the PO.

If different products then when you try to do it by taking different stories from different backlogs every sprint what you will end up with is split team. Naturally people will specialize in given project, also it will be very hard to have a good definition of done (are we done if we can ship new increments for A and B but not C this sprint?). If you can't sequence projects with short sprints, then I would look towards Kanban for trying to put some organization into this.

If this is one product/one codebase - then things are much easier. Even if the team will have to touch different areas of the codebase because of different projects they will be still working on the same products so all mechanics of Scrum will apply nicely. One backlog, one PO.

One downside of this to be noted is that people on the team will context-switch and there is a penalty from doing this no matter what process you use. Whatever process you pick should try to minimize this as long as possible (as long as business will be able to hold). Nice thing about Scrum is that it has this built in agreement with the PO that context switches can occur only at sprints border - in other words team will get 1-2 wks to concentrate before having to switch to another project.

Also, don't forget about all technical practices of agile. Unit tests. Automatic builds & tests. Code reviews. Clever use of repos. High standards re. quality. All those are a must in such a challenging environment.

日久见人心 2024-09-15 12:45:36


  1. 发布一个项目,完成后,再发布下一个
  2. 拆分你的开发团队


敏捷/Scrum 是很好的流行词,但似乎与你的问题不太相关。


I guess you can do two things:

  1. Do one release of one project, when done, do the next
  2. Split up your development team

Or a combination of both :)

Agile/Scrum are nice buzzwords, but don't seem very related to your question.
Since they apply to the scope of a project, not to a bunch of projects.

I have experience with the second option, up to a level where there are more projects then developers, which isn't what you want. But with decent code review sessions it does seem to work.

好久不见√ 2024-09-15 12:45:36

这是一个大型制作团队,他们之间共享很多项目吗?这是一个有很多项目的小团队(5 人左右)吗?



我们有一个大约 15 人的部门,同时运行 3-4 个项目。人们通常在任何时候都属于一个项目,但随着项目经历不同的阶段并且需要不同的技能,他们可以在不同的项目之间移动。特别是测试似乎经常切换项目。


A little more detail might help.
Is it one big production team, that is sharing lots of projects between them? Is it a small team (5 ish) with lots of projects?

Why do you have lots of projects? Are they working on different time frames, with some being the 'real work' and others being the 'if your not busy do this as a background task'.

I suppose the key here might be the project to developer ratio.

We have a single department of about 15, which runs 3-4 projects at any one time. People generally belong to a project at any one time, but can move between them as projects go through different phases, and as different skills are needed. Test in particular seem to switch projects a lot.

As for a strict process...make the process fit your needs. If we have a better idea of your needs we might be able to make better suggestions.

烈酒灼喉 2024-09-15 12:45:36




(顺便说一句,我有一个针对此类事情的 51 区提案:http://area51.stackexchange .com/proposals/9543/development-methodologies

One critical piece is that the multiple product owners need to be aware of each other and be able to work together outside of the scope of the development. If they're segregated out into their own fiefdoms and each one trying to be louder than the others to get the attention "their product" deserves, then you're going to have problems.

By the time any development work is put before the team, these things should already be straightened out. The developers shouldn't care (or, in some cases, even bother to know) what tasks are for what owners or what projects, etc. They can care and know these things, sure, but it shouldn't be critical.

The product owners and various other high-level roles need to start each sprint with a plan of which stories should be done during that sprint. It doesn't matter how many stories from any given project are included, sorting that out is a scheduling concern for those stakeholders. Working with the architect or senior developer or such, they should simply decide what stories get implemented in the current/next sprint.

(On a side note, I have an Area 51 proposal for just this sort of thing: http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/9543/development-methodologies)

苍景流年 2024-09-15 12:45:36

恕我直言,当您的团队由 4 到 6 名开发人员组成的团队在两周内进行至少 3 到 4 次迭代时,Scrum 会更有效。因此,对于每天 +- 400 人的项目,




IMHO, Scrum is more effective when you have at least 3 to 4 iterations of two weeks with a team of 4 to 6 developers. So for projects of +- 400 man/day

I think it's a bad idea to do multiple projects at a time.

Please also check this previously answered question:

How does Scrum work when you have multiple projects?

迷爱 2024-09-15 12:45:36




It's seems you mix product and project concepts.

I suggest to manage one product development with one team and one product backlog. Don't create separate projects for feature requests of one project. Instead have one team working on different requests from different customers by prioritizing the user stories.

Though, if those are completely separate products you develop, try to split up the team so each teams can concentrate on one product at a time.

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