Windows 家长控制 API 的 C# 示例
谁能给我提供一些 Windows 家长控制 API 的 C# 示例。我想添加一些功能,允许用户设置他们的孩子一天内可以登录的持续时间。我想将其作为 F/OSS 应用程序来实现,以便其他人也可以从中受益。
Can anyone point me to some C# samples for the Windows Parental Controls API. I want to add some functionality that will allow a user to set the duration their child can be logged on in a day. I want to do this as a F/OSS app so that others can benefit from this too.
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您还可以使用 限制用户登录时间 (在 C# 中这很简单) 。
家长控制 WMI 提供程序 API + ManagementClass 类
编辑:注销用户:ExitWindowsEx 或命令(shutdown、PsShutdown,...)。
An application like that already exists: LimitLogin.
Also you could use Limit User Logon Time (would be trivial in C#).
Parental Controls WMI Provider API + ManagementClass Class
Edit: To logout a user: ExitWindowsEx or commands (shutdown, PsShutdown, ...).
似乎没有办法使用 MS Windows SDK 提供的 API 来实现这一点,也没有 C# 示例可供参考。我在 Windows 7 上尝试过此操作,实现此操作的唯一方法是在有人每天第一次登录计算机时设置阻止时间。
It seems like there is no way to achieve this using the MS Windows SDK provided API and no c# samples to use as a reference. I tried this for Windows 7 and the only way to make this work is to set the blocked hours the first time someone logs in to the machine each day.