如何在 Rails 中设置 jquery-ui 自动完成

发布于 2024-09-08 05:53:19 字数 411 浏览 1 评论 0原文

我需要一些有关如何在 Rails 应用程序中实现 jquery-ui 自动完成 的帮助。


我无法理解的要点是如何向自动完成文本框提供建议值。我已经阅读了 jquery-ui 文档,但我似乎对这个问题有点了解。

所以我真正想要的是如何让它在 Rails 应用程序中工作的示例,而不一定是如何构建 javascript 的完整描述(这就是 jquery-ui 团队为我所做的 =) )。


I need some help on how to implement a jquery-ui autocomplete in my Rails app.

I want to add autocompletion to a text field where the user can enter in a customer name. As there can be hundreds of customers, I will need to pull the suggested auto-completion values 'remotely', as in, from a table (at least this is what I understand).

The main point I am failing to understand is how to provide the suggested values to the autocompletion textbox. I have read the jquery-ui docs, but I seem to be a bit dense on this matter.

So what I am really after is an example of how I can get this to work in a Rails app, not necessarily a full description of how the javascript is built (that's what the jquery-ui team has done for me =) ).

For example, how do I prepare the data for the autocompletion, and how do I attach the autocompletion functionality to a textbox.

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飘过的浮云 2024-09-15 05:53:19


您应该知道的第一件事是,这是我第一次使用 javascript,而且我刚刚掌握 Rails 的窍门。因此,无论如何,请随意编辑,评论任何您认为我错了的地方。无论对与错,至少我知道它按照我想要的方式运行。



下载 [jQuery UI][ui] 的副本并将 jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js 放入 /public/javascript 目录中。还要确保您有 jQuery 本身的副本,并且它也在同一文件夹中。

将 jQuery UI 文件和 jQuery 文件包含在您的 application.html.erb 文件中,如下所示。

<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.min', 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js' %>

在您下载的 jQuery 中UI,您将拥有一个包含所有 CSS 数据的文件夹。该名称将根据您选择的主题而有所不同,例如我选择了主题“cupertino”。将包含 CSS 数据的整个文件夹放入“/public/stylesheets/”中。然后将 CSS 文件包含在 application.html.erb 中,如下所示。

<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'cupertino/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom' %>


现在,获取以下代码块并将其放置在您的“”视图之一中。您可以在任何视图中使用它,但要意识到我实际上是从属于名为“links_controller”的控制器的现有视图中获取它的,并且它正在从“people_controller”中提取数据。希望您对 Rails 有足够的了解,能够弄清楚需要更改哪些内容,这样这对您有用。

-- 开始大块代码 --

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

 // Below is the name of the textfield that will be autocomplete    
 // This shows the min length of charcters that must be typed before the autocomplete looks for a match.
            minLength: 2,
 // This is the source of the auocomplete suggestions. In this case a list of names from the people controller, in JSON format.
            source: '<%= people_path(:json) %>',
  // This updates the textfield when you move the updown the suggestions list, with your keyboard. In our case it will reflect the same value that you see in the suggestions which is the person.given_name.
            focus: function(event, ui) {
                return false;
 // Once a value in the drop down list is selected, do the following:
            select: function(event, ui) {
 // place the person.given_name value into the textfield called 'select_origin'...
 // and place the person.id into the hidden textfield called 'link_origin_id'. 
                return false;
 // The below code is straight from the jQuery example. It formats what data is displayed in the dropdown box, and can be customized.
        .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
            return $( "<li></li>" )
                .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
 // For now which just want to show the person.given_name in the list.
                .append( "<a>" + item.person.given_name + "</a>" )
                .appendTo( ul );

<h1>New link</h1>

<% form_for(@link) do |f| %>
  <%= f.error_messages %>

<!-- Place the following text fields in your form, the names are not important. What is important is that they match the names in your javascript above -->
        Select which person you want to link:<br /> 
<!-- This is the textfield that will autocomplete. What is displayed here is for the user to see but the data will not go anywhere -->
        <input id="select_origin"/>
<!-- This is the hidden textfield that will be given the Persons ID based on who is selected. This value will be sent as a parameter -->
      <input id="link_origin_id" name="link[origin_id]" type="hidden"/>
<!-- end of notes -->
    <%= f.label :rcvd_id %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :rcvd_id %>
    <%= f.label :link_type %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :link_type %>
    <%= f.label :summary %><br />
    <%= f.text_area :summary %>
    <%= f.label :active %><br />
    <%= f.check_box :active %>
    <%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>

-- 结束大块代码 --



让我们首先连接自动完成文本字段可以在下拉建议中显示的一些数据。我们将使用的格式是 JSON,但如果您不熟悉它,请不要担心……我也不熟悉 =)。知道它是一种格式化文本的方法就足够了,以便您的其他部分/其他应用程序可以使用它。

文本字段自动完成所需的数据在“来源:”选项中指定。因为我们想要将人员姓名及其 ID 的列表发送到自动完成功能,所以我们将以下内容作为源。

source: '<%= people_path(:json) %>'  

上面的 Rails 助手将转换为字符串“/people.json”。您不需要在“/people.json”处创建页面。您需要做的就是告诉您的 people_controller 当收到 .json 格式的 /people 请求时要做什么。将以下内容放入您的 people_controller 中:

def index  
# I will explain this part in a moment.
  if params[:term]
    @people = Person.find(:all,:conditions => ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])
    @people = Person.all
  respond_to do |format|  
    format.html # index.html.erb  
# Here is where you can specify how to handle the request for "/people.json"
    format.json { render :json => @people.to_json }

现在,@people 中的所有人员都被发送到自动完成文本字段。这就引出了下一点。






# If the autocomplete is used, it will send a parameter 'term', so we catch that here
    if params[:term]
# Then we limit the number of records assigned to @people, by using the term value as a filter.
      @people = Person.find(:all,:conditions => ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])
# In my example, I still need to access all records when I first render the page, so for normal use I assign all. This has nothing to do with the autocomplete, just showing you how I used it in my situation.
      @people = Person.all

现在我们已经根据输入的内容限制了分配给 @people 的记录数量自动完成文本字段,我们现在可以将其转换为 JSON 格式以用于自动完成建议。

respond_to do |format|  
      format.html # index.html.erb  
      format.json { render :json => @people.to_json }


最后,您的页面上应该有一个充当自动完成功能的文本字段和一个隐藏字段,该隐藏字段会将参数中的 ID 发送到您的控制器。


一旦您理解了上述内容并且想要修改它以供使用,您应该知道从控制器返回的 JSON 格式如下所示:


在这种情况下,从 javascript 中的 JSON 字符串访问不同值的方法是:


漂亮,简单。很像访问 Rails 中的 ActiveRecord 属性。

最后一点。我花了很多时间寻找一种不同的方式来提供隐藏值,因为我认为这个函数应该内置到 jquery 小部件中。然而,事实并非如此。官方 jQuery 示例清楚地表明,发送不同值然后选择作为参数的方法是使用隐藏字段。


Well I never got an answer to my question above so I ended up having to figure it out for myself. I thought I should post the solution I came up with in case there are any other guys out there who are wondering the same thing.

First thing you should know is that this is my first experience with javascript, and I am just getting the hang of Rails. So by all means, feel free to edit, comment anywhere you feel I have gone wrong with this. Right or wrong at least I know that it functions the way I wanted it to.

I think the best way to show this is by example. So the following is how I got the autocomplete widget to work in my app. You can go ahead and put the following code in your app even if you don't understand what is happening, then we can go over how each part is working by example. After this you should have a grasp on how to modify it for your use or refractor it.


Download a copy of the [jQuery UI][ui] and place jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js inside your /public/javascript directory. Also make sure you have a copy of jQuery itself and that this is also in the same folder.

Include the jQuery UI file and the jQuery file in your application.html.erb file like this.
(you can name the files as you please as long as they match)

<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.min', 'jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom.min.js' %>

In your download of jQuery UI, you will have a folder that contains all of your CSS data. The name will vary based on the theme you chose, for example I chose the theme 'cupertino'. Place the entire folder containing your CSS data into '/public/stylesheets/'. Then include the CSS file in your application.html.erb like this.

<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'cupertino/jquery-ui-1.8.2.custom' %>


Now take the following chunk of code and place it in one of your 'new' views. You can use this in any view, but realize that I have literally taken it from an existing view belonging to a controller called 'links_controller', and it is pulling data from a 'people_controller'. Hopefully you know enough about Rails to work out what you need to change so this works for you.

-- Begin big chunk of code --

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {

 // Below is the name of the textfield that will be autocomplete    
 // This shows the min length of charcters that must be typed before the autocomplete looks for a match.
            minLength: 2,
 // This is the source of the auocomplete suggestions. In this case a list of names from the people controller, in JSON format.
            source: '<%= people_path(:json) %>',
  // This updates the textfield when you move the updown the suggestions list, with your keyboard. In our case it will reflect the same value that you see in the suggestions which is the person.given_name.
            focus: function(event, ui) {
                return false;
 // Once a value in the drop down list is selected, do the following:
            select: function(event, ui) {
 // place the person.given_name value into the textfield called 'select_origin'...
 // and place the person.id into the hidden textfield called 'link_origin_id'. 
                return false;
 // The below code is straight from the jQuery example. It formats what data is displayed in the dropdown box, and can be customized.
        .data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
            return $( "<li></li>" )
                .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
 // For now which just want to show the person.given_name in the list.
                .append( "<a>" + item.person.given_name + "</a>" )
                .appendTo( ul );

<h1>New link</h1>

<% form_for(@link) do |f| %>
  <%= f.error_messages %>

<!-- Place the following text fields in your form, the names are not important. What is important is that they match the names in your javascript above -->
        Select which person you want to link:<br /> 
<!-- This is the textfield that will autocomplete. What is displayed here is for the user to see but the data will not go anywhere -->
        <input id="select_origin"/>
<!-- This is the hidden textfield that will be given the Persons ID based on who is selected. This value will be sent as a parameter -->
      <input id="link_origin_id" name="link[origin_id]" type="hidden"/>
<!-- end of notes -->
    <%= f.label :rcvd_id %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :rcvd_id %>
    <%= f.label :link_type %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :link_type %>
    <%= f.label :summary %><br />
    <%= f.text_area :summary %>
    <%= f.label :active %><br />
    <%= f.check_box :active %>
    <%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>

-- End Big Chunk of Code --

Okay now to connect the dots.


Lets start by connecting up some data that the autocomplete textfield can display in the drop down suggestions. The format we will be using is JSON, but don't worry if you are not familiar with it ... neither am I =). It is good enough to know that it is a way to format text so that other parts of yours/other applications can use it.

The data the textfield will need for the autocomplete is specified in the 'source:' option. Because we want to send a list of peoples names and their ID to the autocomplete we will put the following as the source.

source: '<%= people_path(:json) %>'  

The rails helper above will translate to a string "/people.json". You do not need to create a page at "/people.json". What you do need to do is tell your people_controller what to do when it receives a request for /people with the .json format. Put the following into your people_controller:

def index  
# I will explain this part in a moment.
  if params[:term]
    @people = Person.find(:all,:conditions => ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])
    @people = Person.all
  respond_to do |format|  
    format.html # index.html.erb  
# Here is where you can specify how to handle the request for "/people.json"
    format.json { render :json => @people.to_json }

Now we have all the people in @people being sent to the autocomplete textfield. This brings up the very next point.


How does the autocomplete textfield know how to filter the results based on what you type?

The autocomplete widget assigned to the textfield will send whatever you type into the textfield as a parameter to your source:. The parameter being sent is "term". So if you were to type "Joe" into the textfield, we would be doing the following:


That is why we have the following in the controller:

# If the autocomplete is used, it will send a parameter 'term', so we catch that here
    if params[:term]
# Then we limit the number of records assigned to @people, by using the term value as a filter.
      @people = Person.find(:all,:conditions => ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])
# In my example, I still need to access all records when I first render the page, so for normal use I assign all. This has nothing to do with the autocomplete, just showing you how I used it in my situation.
      @people = Person.all

Now that we have limited the number of records assigned to @people based on what is typed into the autocomplete textfield, we can now turn that into JSON format for the autocomplete suggestions.

respond_to do |format|  
      format.html # index.html.erb  
      format.json { render :json => @people.to_json }

Now, just review the comments inside the "Big Chunk of Code" which should explain the rest of how this ties together.

At the end you should have a textfield on your page that acts as the autocomplete and a hidden field that will send the ID in a parameter to your controller.


Once you understand the above and you want to modify it for your use, you should know that the format JSON returned from your controller looks like this:


The way to access the different values from the JSON string in your javascript in this case would be:


Pretty, simple. A lot like accessing an ActiveRecord attribute in Rails.

One last note. I spent a lot of time looking for a different way to supply the hidden value, as I thought this function should have been built into the jquery widget. However, this is not the case. It is clearly shown in the official jQuery example that the way to send a different value then selected as a parameter, is to use a hidden field.


a√萤火虫的光℡ 2024-09-15 05:53:19

jQuery 1.9/1.10 删除了关键的自动完成并添加了 uiAutocomplete

.data("uiAutocomplete") instead of .data("autocomplete")


jQuery 1.9/1.10 removed the key autocomplete and added uiAutocomplete

.data("uiAutocomplete") instead of .data("autocomplete")

After modifying to above,it worked for me.

无语# 2024-09-15 05:53:19


@people = Person.find(:all,:conditions =>
    ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])

@people = Person.find(:all,:conditions =>
    ['given_name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:term]}%"])

:(在查询中添加额外的 %

Dale's Answer is quite the tutorial. One thing to note is that using your first query, the datasource will only return matches beginning with the string you type. If you want search anywhere in the word, you need to change:

@people = Person.find(:all,:conditions =>
    ['given_name LIKE ?', "#{params[:term]}%"])


@people = Person.find(:all,:conditions =>
    ['given_name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:term]}%"])

(added an extra % to the query)

洛阳烟雨空心柳 2024-09-15 05:53:19

我基本上遵循了下面 Dale 的建议,但我的控制器和 js 文件略有不同 - 他的版本由于某种原因给我带来了问题(可能是 jquery 更新的 bc)

上下文:我正在尝试自动完成用户输入的 DJ 名称 - 也是一个newb

DJ 控制器

 class DjsController < ApplicationController
    def index
     if params[:term]
       @djs = Dj.is_dj.where('lower(name) LIKE ?', "%#{params[:term].downcase}%")
       respond_to do |format|  
          format.json { render :json => @djs.map(&:name) }

html.erb 文件

  <script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {  
        source: '<%= djs_path(:json) %>'

      var dj_name = $('#select_origin').val();



I basically followed Dale's advice below but my controller and js files were slightly diff- his version was giving me issues for some reason (maybe bc of jquery updates)

Context: I'm trying to autocomplete names of DJs typed in by users - also a newb

DJs Controller

 class DjsController < ApplicationController
    def index
     if params[:term]
       @djs = Dj.is_dj.where('lower(name) LIKE ?', "%#{params[:term].downcase}%")
       respond_to do |format|  
          format.json { render :json => @djs.map(&:name) }

html.erb file

  <script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {  
        source: '<%= djs_path(:json) %>'

      var dj_name = $('#select_origin').val();


靖瑶 2024-09-15 05:53:19


除此之外,如果您需要获取用户图像的 url,则使用 to_json 可能无法实现。为此,在模型中添加以下代码。

def avatar_url

然后在控制器中使用 as_json 而不是 to_json

respond_to do |format|
    format.json {render :json => @users.as_json(:only => [:id,:name,:username], :methods => [:avatar_url]) }

This is a great help.

In addition to it in case if you need to fetch url of image of user, it might not be possible with to_json. For that add the following code in model.

def avatar_url

And then in controller instead of to_json use as_json

respond_to do |format|
    format.json {render :json => @users.as_json(:only => [:id,:name,:username], :methods => [:avatar_url]) }
ゃ懵逼小萝莉 2024-09-15 05:53:19

需要注意的是,如果您的“源”相对较小,例如 50 个元素,则实现应该有所不同(并且要简单得多)。官方文档第四段提到:



function filterByTags(tags) {
     source: tags,
     autoFocus: true

$("#stories-filter").click(function() {
    dataType: 'json',
    method: 'GET',
    url: 'tags/index',
    data: $(this).data('project-id'),
    success: function (response) {
      if(response.success) {
        var tags = response.data.tags;
    error: function (response) {
      if(response.status === 422) {
        var $errors = 'There are no tags in this project',
            $errorsContainer = $('.error-container');

It's important to note that if your 'source' is relatively small, for example 50 elements, the implementation should be different (and a lot simpler). It is mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the official doc:


When using local data all you need to do is obtain the data and pass it to the autocomplete method, and it will do the filtering for you. You don't need to go back and forth to the server every time a term es entered.

function filterByTags(tags) {
     source: tags,
     autoFocus: true

$("#stories-filter").click(function() {
    dataType: 'json',
    method: 'GET',
    url: 'tags/index',
    data: $(this).data('project-id'),
    success: function (response) {
      if(response.success) {
        var tags = response.data.tags;
    error: function (response) {
      if(response.status === 422) {
        var $errors = 'There are no tags in this project',
            $errorsContainer = $('.error-container');
っ左 2024-09-15 05:53:19


  • 查看关于 jquery 已将 .data("uiAutocomplete") 更改为 .data( "autocomplete")

  • 此外,我会建议在仅处理 json 的资源集合上使用单独的路由

  • 使用 rabl 来创建较小的 json (或为较大的模型 pluck )
  • ilike ,不喜欢,对于不区分大小写的
  • 前面的 % ,因此搜索不仅仅是 start_with 。
  • 方法中的有效遍历,例如 item.person.name 只是 item.name (因此删除 .person)
  • 使用咖啡(在 haml 中)
  • 使用限制,其中: Person.where('given_name ilike ?', " %#{params[:term]}%").limit(20)

Since this is old, but google still comes here, a small note about the main answer, which is essentially good, but some things have changed:

  • see answer about jquery having changed .data("uiAutocomplete") to .data("autocomplete")

  • Also i would recommend a separate route on the resource collection that just handles json

  • use rabl to create smaller json (or pluck for larger models)
  • ilike , not like, for case insensitive
  • the % in front, so the search is not just start_with.
  • valiable traversal in the methods, like item.person.name are just item.name (so drop the .person)
  • use coffee (in haml)
  • use a limit, and where as in: Person.where('given_name ilike ?', "%#{params[:term]}%").limit(20)
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