
发布于 2024-09-08 01:33:41 字数 84 浏览 0 评论 0原文



Why do we use neural networks? It's biologic. Aren't there any more solutions that're more "suitable" for computers?

In other words: Why do we use the human brain as a model for inspiration for artifical intelligence?

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秋风の叶未落 2024-09-15 01:33:41
  1. 神经网络并不是真正的生物网络。在非常普遍的层面上,它们类似于神经元的架构,但说它们“就像大脑一样”工作就太夸张了(唉,一些神经网络倡导者鼓励这种夸张)。
  2. 神经网络主要用于解决传统算法方法无法解决的模糊、困难的问题。 IOW,有更“适合”计算机的解决方案,但有时这些解决方案不起作用,在这种情况下,一种方法是神经网络。
  1. Neural networks aren't really very biological. They resemble, at a very general level, the architecture of neurons, but it's a great exaggeration to say that they work "just like the brain" (an exaggeration that's encouraged by some neural-net advocates, alas).
  2. Neural nets are mostly used for fuzzy, difficult problems that don't yield to traditional algorithmic approaches. IOWs, there are more "suitable" solutions for computers, but sometimes those solutions don't work, and in those cases one approach is a neural network.
十雾 2024-09-15 01:33:41







Why do we use neural networks?

Because they're simple to construct, and often appear to be a good approach to certain classes of problems, such as pattern recognition.

Aren't there any more solutions that're more "suitable" for computers?

Yes, implementations that more closely match a computer's architecture can be more suitable for the computer, but then can be less suitable for an effective solution.

Why do we use the human brain as a model for inspiration for artifical intelligence?

Because our brain is the superior example we have of something intelligent.

燃情 2024-09-15 01:33:41


  1. 对于那些不想深入研究更复杂算法的数学的人来说,它们很容易理解。
  2. 他们有一个非常好的名字。我的意思是,当你进入首席执行官办公室向他推销你的模型时,你更愿意说,神经网络或支持向量机。当他问它是如何工作的时,你可以说“就像你大脑中的神经元一样”,这是大多数人都能理解的。如果你尝试解释支持向量机,CEO 先生将会迷失方向(不是因为他愚蠢,而是因为支持向量机更难理解)。


Neural Networks are still used for two reasons.

  1. They are easy to understand for people who don't want to delve into the math of a more complicated algorithm.
  2. They have a really good name. I mean when you role into a CEO's office to sell him your model which would you rather say, Neural Network or Support Vector Machine. When he asks how it works you can just say "just like the neurons in your brain", which is something most people understand. If you try and explain a support vector machine Mr. CEO is going to be lost (Not because he is dumb but because SVMs are harder to understand).

Sometimes they are still useful however I think that the training time is often just too long.

执手闯天涯 2024-09-15 01:33:41





I don't understand the question. Neural nets are suitable for certain functions, and not others. The same is true for various other sorts of classes of algorithms, regardless of what they might have been inspired by.

If we have a good many inputs to something, and we want some outputs, and we have a set of example inputs with known desired outputs, and we don't want to calculate a function ourselves, neural nets are excellent. We feed in the example inputs, compare the output to the example outputs, and adjust the inner workings of the NN in an automatic fashion, to make the NN output closer to the desired output.

This sort of function derivation is very useful in various forms of pattern recognition and general classification. It isn't a panacea, of course. It has no explanatory power (in that you can't look at the innards to see why it classifies something in a particular way), it doesn't offer guarantees of correctness within certain limits, validating how well it works is difficult, and gathering enough examples for training and validation can be expensive or even impossible. The trick is to know when to use a NN and what sort to use.

There are, of course, people who oversell the things as some sort of super solution or even an explanation of human thought, and you might be reacting to them.

凉风有信 2024-09-15 01:33:41




Neural network are only "inspired" by the neural structure of our brain, but they are not even close to the complexity of the behaviour of a real neuron (to date there is no neuron model that captures the complexity of a SINGLE neuron, don't even think about a neuronal population...)

Although "neural", machine "learning" and other "pseudo-bio" (like "genetic algorithms") terms are very "cool", that does not mean that they are actually based on real biological processes.
Just that they may very approximatively remind of a biological situation.

NB: of course this does not make them useless! They're very very important in many fields!

无声无音无过去 2024-09-15 01:33:41



Neural networks have been around for a while, and originally were developed to model as close an understanding as we had at the time to the way neurons work in the brain. They represent a network of neurons, hence "neural network." Since computers and brains are very different hardware-wise, implementing anything like a brain with a computer is going to be rather clunky. However, as others have stated so far, neural networks can be useful for some things that are vague such as pattern recognition, facial recognition, and other similar uses. They are also still useful as a basic model of how neurons connect and are often used in Cognitive Science and other fields of artificial intelligence to try to understand how small parts of the complex human brain might make simple decisions. Unfortunately, once a neural network "learns" something, it is very difficult to understand how it actually makes its decisions.

There are, of course, many misuses of neural networks and in most non-research applications, other algorithms have been developed that are much more accurate. If a piece of business software proudly proclaims it uses a neural network, chances are it probably doesn't need it, and might be using it to inefficiently perform a task that could be performed in a much easier way. Unless the software is actually "learning" on the fly, which is very rare, neural networks are pretty much useless. And even when the software is "learning", sometimes neural networks aren't the best way to go.

柠檬色的秋千 2024-09-15 01:33:41


例如,假设您有一个函数 y = f(x) 或更抽象地 y = f(x1, x2, ..., xn-1, xn),神经网络本身充当函数,甚至是一组函数,接收大量输入并产生一些输出[y1, y2, ..., yn-1, yn] = f(x1, x2, .. ., xn-1, xn)

此外,它们不是静态的,而是可以不断适应和学习,并最终推断(预测)有趣的事情。他们的抽象性甚至可以使他们针对尚未想到的问题提出独特的解决方案。例如,TDGammon 程序学会了玩双陆棋并击败了世界冠军。世界冠军表示,该节目打出了他从未见过的独特残局。 (如果你问我考虑神经网络的复杂性,那真是太棒了)



While I admit, I tinker with Neural Networks because of my hopes in creating high level AI, however, you can look at a Neural Network as being more than just just an artificial representation of a human brain, but as a Mathematical construct.

For example Let's say you have a function y = f(x) or more abstractly y = f(x1, x2, ..., xn-1, xn), Neural networks themselves act as functions, or even a set of functions, taking in a large input and producing some output [y1, y2, ..., yn-1, yn] = f(x1, x2, ..., xn-1, xn)

Furthermore, they are not static, but instead can continue adapting and learning and eventually extrapolate(predict) interesting things. Their abstractness can even result in them coming up with unique solutions to problems that haven't haven't been thought up yet. For example the TDGammon program learned to play backgammon and beat the world champion. The world champion stated that the program play a unique end game that he had never seen. (that's pretty awesome if you ask me considering the complexity of NNs)

And then when you look at recurrent neural networks (i.e. can have internal feedback loops, or pipe their output back into their input, while consuming new input) they can solve even more interesting problems, and map even more complex functions.

In a nutshell Neural Networks are like a very very abstract high dimensional function and capable of mapping/learning very interesting things that would be otherwise impossible to program programmatically. For example, the energy needed to calculate the total net Forces of Gravity on a large number of objects is intense (you have to calculate it for each object, and against each object), but once a neural network learns how to map it they can do these complex calculations that would run in exponential or combinatoric? time in polynomial time. Just look at how fast your brain processes physics data, spatial data/ images / sound when you dream. That's the potential computation power of Neural Networks. And to also mention the way they store data is very clever as well (in synaptics patterns, i.e. memories)

冬天的雪花 2024-09-15 01:33:41



Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science devoted to making computers more 'biologic.' This is useful when you want a computer to do human(biologic) things like play chess, or imitate casual conversation.

Human brains are much more efficient and powerful in some ways than the most powerful computers, so it makes sense to try to imitate a biological way of processing information.

A君 2024-09-15 01:33:41


  • 数据分类
  • 一些游戏(现代双陆棋人工智能击败了世界上最好的玩家,评估函数是神经网络)
  • 模式识别(OCR?)


Most neural networks I'm aware of are nothing more than flexible interpolators. Backpropagating of errors is easy and fast, here are some possible uses :

  • Classification of data
  • Some games (modern backgammon AIs beat the best players in the world, the evaluation function is a neural net)
  • Pattern recognition (OCR ?)

There is nothing particularly related to human intelligence. There are other uses of neural nets, I have seen an implementation of associative memory which allowed for degradation without (much) data loss, pretty much like the brain which sees some neurons die with time.

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