我想知道有什么方法可以知道 FoxPro 应用程序使用哪种字体进行打印。这个 Foxpro 应用程序已有大约 8-10 年的历史。当我打印账单时,它会在(XP、Win7 操作系统)中生成相同的字体样式。我想要这种字体,因为它比我在 Win 7 操作系统上尝试的不同字体产生更好的结果。
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如果我记得以前,FoxPro 正在渲染它自己的“字体”(它不使用系统字体)。
根据您所讨论的 FoxPro 版本,可能可以在某些 FoxPro 安装目录中找到它们,但我怀疑您是否可以直接将它们用作系统字体,因为我几乎确定它们不是真的键入字体。
然而,如果您非常需要这些字体,那么您可以通过一些工作将它们重新创建为 TrueTypeFonts:
- 形成 FoxPro 做一些报告,以更大的尺寸打印所有字母和符号(但也多种多样 - 查看比例范围)
- 将所有内容打印在纸上并将其扫描回来(或使用打印驱动程序捕获图像)
- 使用高级字体编辑器创建它们,并将这些扫描的字体图像作为背景底衬,以便根据 FoxPro 字体的轮廓轻松快速地制作它们。
If I recall the old days, FoxPro is rendering it's own "fonts" (it's not using system fonts).
Depending on what version of FoxPro are you talking about, it might be possible to find them in some of the FoxPro installation directories, but I doubt that you could use them directly as a system font since I'm almost sure they're not true type fonts.
If you need these fonts badly however, than you could re-create them as TrueTypeFonts with a little work:
- form FoxPro do some reports to print all letters and symbols at bigger sizes (but various too - to see the scale ranges)
- print all of them on the paper and scan them back (or use a print driver to capture the images)
- Use an advanced Font Editor to create them, and put those scanned font images as an background underlay to easily and quickly made them based on the contour of the FoxPro fonts.
This is basically how most Font creators do their font too: they draw by hand the some sketches, than use them as background/under-layer in a Font Editor.
如果您有包含报告定义的报告文件(它将是一个 .frx 文件),那么您可以在 DBF 查看器中打开该文件并查看所使用的字体 - 或者截取 看看是否可以识别。
If you have the report file containing the report definition (it will be a .frx file) then you can open that in a DBF viewer and see the font used - alternatively take a screenshot to to see if it can identify it.
如果字体输出与操作系统无关,并且无需安装字体,那么它可能是 Microsoft 核心字体之一。如果是等宽的,则可能是 Courier New。
If the font output is the same independent of OS, and without you having to install a font, then it's probably one of the core Microsoft fonts. If it's monospaced it's probably Courier New.