我有一个 MDI 应用程序,我想在其中使用模式对话框...是的,我知道这有点违反 MDI 的原则...无论如何,我的主窗口更像是一个“工作区”然后还有其他的事情。
回到主题,如何等待 MDI-Child 关闭?一些示例代码:
public void DoSomething() {
String searchterm = this.TextBox1.Text;
MyItem result = MySearchForm.GetItem(searchterm);
if(MyItem != MyItem.Empty) {
// do something
MySearchForm 是主窗口的 MDI 子级,因此我无法使用 ShowDialog(),但我仍然想使用阻塞方法来等待窗口关闭并返回结果。我想过在另一个线程上调用它并等待该线程退出,但这也不适用于 MDI。
I've got a MDI-Application in which I'd like to use modal dialogs...yes, I know that this is a little against the principles if MDI...anyway, my main window is more of a 'workspace' then anything else.
Back to topic, how can I wait for an MDI-Child to close? Some example code:
public void DoSomething() {
String searchterm = this.TextBox1.Text;
MyItem result = MySearchForm.GetItem(searchterm);
if(MyItem != MyItem.Empty) {
// do something
MySearchForm is a MDI-Child of the main window, so I can't use ShowDialog(), but I'd still like to use a blocking method to wait for the window to close and return the result. I thought about calling it on another thread and wait for that one to exit, but that also doesn't work with MDI.
Does somebody have an idea?
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在 MDI 应用程序中使用对话框是很正常的,它并不违反 MDI 约定。只是不要将其设为 MDI 子窗口。这很糟糕,因为你无法使其成为模态。如果您将其设置为非模态,那么当用户最小化窗口时会发生令人困惑的事情。
只需使用 ShowDialog(owner) 或 Show(owner) 方法(分别为模式和非模式)并将 MDI 父级作为所有者传递。该对话框将始终位于子窗口的顶部。您通常确实需要 StartPosition = Manual 并设置 Location,以便可以确保它在父框架内的适当位置启动。
Using dialogs in an MDI application is quite normal, it doesn't violate MDI conventions. Just don't make it a MDI child window. That's bad because you cannot make it modal. And if you make it non-modal then confuzzling things happen when the user minimizes the window.
Just use the ShowDialog(owner) or Show(owner) method (respectively modal and non-modal) and pass the MDI parent as the owner. The dialog will always be on top of the child windows. You typically do want StartPosition = Manual and set Location so you can be sure it starts up at an appropriate position within the parent frame.
Try disabling the main form, then re-enabling it when the child form closes. It would be a bit like this:
Overload the FormClosing event of the main window:
如果 MDI 子项丢失,只需将焦点移回该子项即可。在 MDI 子窗口中挂钩 LostFocus 事件并使用 this.SetFocus();
Simply move focus back to the MDI child if it loses it. Hook the LostFocus event in the MDI child window and use this.SetFocus();