在一项新的研究工作中,我将参与清理相当广泛的 Java 代码库(7 年多的开发)的长期工作。它目前驻留在 SVN 上,但我正在考虑使用 Mercurial。
可能有两种类型的人在该项目上进行合作。第一类:将开发大量代码和编写文档的人。类型 2:代码的用户,对文档和可用性有很好的建议。
- 开发人员审查一段代码并(重新)编写文档(代码内 Javadoc/Doxygen 样式)
- 开发人员提交代码
- 版本控制服务器更新 HTML 文档
- 类型 2 用户可以审查文档并对文档发表评论页面本身(维基风格?)。合作者可以在这里进行讨论。
- 开发人员查看评论并转到步骤 1。
At a new research job, I will be part of a long-term effort to clean up a pretty extensive Java codebase (7+ years of development). It currently resides on SVN, but I am considering Mercurial.
There are perhaps two types of people collaborating on the project. Type 1: people who will be developing a lot of code and writing documentation. Type 2: people who are users of the code and have very good suggestions about documentation and usability.
I imagine a workflow like so:
- A developer reviews a section of code and (re)writes documentation (in-code Javadoc/Doxygen style)
- Developer commits code
- Versioning server updates HTML documentation
- Type 2 users can review the documentation and make comments on the documentation page itself (wiki style?). Collaborators can have a discussion here.
- Developers look at the comments and go to step 1.
I am looking for any suggestions about the proposed workflow and ideas about tools which will help accomplish it. Thanks!
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I strongly suggest a commits mail list: by making the changes easily visible to everyone, as they happened, our code review was significantly better: errors were caught earlier, suggestions were made while the code was still fresh in the developer's mind, and everyone felt more aware of what everyone else in the team was working on.
我建议您让第 2 类(客户?)人员直接成为团队的一部分,这样他们就可以立即帮助开发人员,而不必编写文档。
I suggest that you make the type 2 (customers?) people part of the team directly so they can help the developers right away, instead of having to write documents.
That should make this much quicker since it increases communication and shortens the feedback loop immensely.