长话短说,您使用的资源越多,您使用共享服务提供商来满足您的需求的可能性就越小。如果您运行 Google 搜索,您会发现很多:) 但是,如果您计划使用 SQL Server,在某些时候您将需要获得一些专用资源。
To make a long story short, the more resources you use, the less likely you will be able to use a shared service provider to meet your needs. If you run a Google search, you will find numerous :) However, at some point you will need to get some dedicated resources if you plan on using SQL Server.
It sounds like you are trying to save costs, which is totally understandable, but as the old saying goes "you pay cheap, you pay twice".
DiscountASP.NET looks like a good option for a problem I'm working on at the moment which has similar requirements. They start you off with 500MB of space (+1GB TLog), and you can sign up for more.
Disclaimer: I haven't signed up with them yet, but I've been looking at some of the alternatives, and I keep heading back...
长话短说,您使用的资源越多,您使用共享服务提供商来满足您的需求的可能性就越小。如果您运行 Google 搜索,您会发现很多:) 但是,如果您计划使用 SQL Server,在某些时候您将需要获得一些专用资源。
To make a long story short, the more resources you use, the less likely you will be able to use a shared service provider to meet your needs. If you run a Google search, you will find numerous :) However, at some point you will need to get some dedicated resources if you plan on using SQL Server.
It sounds like you are trying to save costs, which is totally understandable, but as the old saying goes "you pay cheap, you pay twice".
对于我目前正在解决的具有类似要求的问题,DiscountASP.NET 看起来是一个不错的选择。他们首先为您提供 500MB 空间(+1GB TLog),您可以注册更多空间。
DiscountASP.NET looks like a good option for a problem I'm working on at the moment which has similar requirements. They start you off with 500MB of space (+1GB TLog), and you can sign up for more.
Disclaimer: I haven't signed up with them yet, but I've been looking at some of the alternatives, and I keep heading back...