I wonder if it is possible to run performance testing based on xUnit?
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)] public class TraceAttribute : BeforeAfterTestAttribute { public override void Before(MethodInfo methodUnderTest) { //Start timer } public override void After(MethodInfo methodUnderTest) { //End timer } }
然后用 this 属性装饰你的单元测试。还要确保写入输出;)
Not sure what exactly you asking, but you can easily write your own custom attribute to do that. For an example..
Then decorate your Unit Test with the this attribute. Also make sure you write to an output ;)
对于 JUnit,您可以查看 JUnitPerf。
如果您使用不同的语言和不同的 xUnit,JunitPerf 设计概念(装饰正常的 JUnit 测试)和代码可能会提供如何在您的语言中执行相同操作的想法。
For JUnit, you might look at JUnitPerf.
If you're working in a different language and a different xUnit, the JunitPerf design concept (decorating normal JUnit tests) and code might give ideas of how to do the same in your language.
现在Github上有一个项目: https://github.com/Microsoft/xunit-performance
它提供了 xUnit 的扩展来编写性能测试(基准测试)。
Now there is a project on Github : https://github.com/Microsoft/xunit-performance
It provides extensions over xUnit to author performance tests (benchmark).
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然后用 this 属性装饰你的单元测试。还要确保写入输出;)
Not sure what exactly you asking, but you can easily write your own custom attribute to do that. For an example..
Then decorate your Unit Test with the this attribute. Also make sure you write to an output ;)
对于 JUnit,您可以查看 JUnitPerf。
如果您使用不同的语言和不同的 xUnit,JunitPerf 设计概念(装饰正常的 JUnit 测试)和代码可能会提供如何在您的语言中执行相同操作的想法。
For JUnit, you might look at JUnitPerf.
If you're working in a different language and a different xUnit, the JunitPerf design concept (decorating normal JUnit tests) and code might give ideas of how to do the same in your language.
现在Github上有一个项目: https://github.com/Microsoft/xunit-performance
它提供了 xUnit 的扩展来编写性能测试(基准测试)。
Now there is a project on Github : https://github.com/Microsoft/xunit-performance
It provides extensions over xUnit to author performance tests (benchmark).