I understand that they work in some way distinct from making a thread per user. How exactly does that work?
(Does 'non-blocking' have something to do with it?)
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另请参阅 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_loop
非阻塞 涉及到,如果您想在单个线程中处理多个套接字上的事件(或者更一般地,来自两个以上任何类型的事件源),则不能使用阻塞< /em> 操作来处理这些事件。如果您在第一个套接字上执行阻塞读取,那么您将无法从第二个套接字读取数据,直到某些字节到达第一个套接字。这不太有效,因为您无法真正知道哪个套接字将首先读取字节。相反,您使用类似
From the Twisted documentation:
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_loop
Non-blocking relates in that if you want to handle events on more than one socket (or, more generally, from more than two of any kind of event source) in a single thread, you can't use blocking operations to handle those events. If you do a blocking read on the first socket, then you won't be able to read from the second socket until some bytes arrive on the first one. This doesn't work very well, since you can't really know which socket is going to have bytes to read first. Instead you use something like
(described in more detail on the Wikipedia page linked above) to tell you which socket has bytes and then read them from that socket without blocking.This all means that you can service events from any number of event sources, one after another, giving the appearance of handling them all simultaneously.